
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

The Duskbringer and the Guardian Star

A new dilemma had arisen in Lian's neighboring empire. Empress Dowager Zhao Xian, engulfed in anger, summoned the chief magician of the magic tower, Jo Naam, and the last two known witches on the continent; Scala Elfman and Ellen Trudy.

The problem itself arose more than two months ago, when Alpha Kramer, the last and oldest oracle, passed away, leaving behind a series of prophecies with apocalyptic overtones. He announced the change of the world in the opposite direction to the established one, the beginning of a war against the greatest known enemy, "Alerón", which would leave an endless desert in its wake, and with the rebirth of the guardian star, the death of the dowager empress would come in the hands of the bringer of dusk.

With their souls in their hands, they tried to figure out what the hell the message meant. They hidden the death of the oracle and, make it known until after a couple of months to avoid panic in the population. Although the first two prophecies could be understood due to the direction that the actions of the reigning governments were taking, the last two did not show any certainty. The high priest of the temple of Yi, trying to appease the fury of the empress, presented him with the hidden files on the star and the Duskbringer

The star will awaken in case Aleron shows the claws and the Duskbringer would be a man who would follow her. Someone of royal and divine blood related to the imperial house. Xian could not believe that someone of her own lineage would dare to murder her, for her it was impossible. She concealed the fact that the late emperor was impotent due to trauma and that the children she and the concubines had were from her lovers, but not from the emperor. The entire haren had conceived women and the long-awaited male never arrived. Xian knew it couldn't be true, unless her daughters turned into men overnight to kill her.

The answer to that question was brought up by the prime minister, brother of the late emperor. When he was a prince, his brother had had an affair many years ago with an unknown woman who disappeared without a trace. The emperor of that time ordered to close the mouth of whatever servant or civilian crossed him due to the rumor that that woman was carrying the prince's son. And as if it were a curse, the future emperor was left powerless and everyone in the imperial family conceived women since then.

If that rumor was true, the worst lay outside. There was someone who would claim Xian's head sooner or later and this fact would not let her live in peace until the day of her death. She sent trackers and hunters to locate the witches and asked for them to solve her problem, but when everything was going smoothly, her frontier was attacked by cannibal creatures that were getting closer and closer.

A blinding, iridescent light shattered the target of destruction, and within minutes, life was presented in all its glory. The injured and sick people were healed, the barren fields and lands that were touched by the light became more fertile. The light was attributed to the goddess Yi, while in the palace, Xian trembled with rage and fear. The prophecies were fulfilled in a chain, after this attack nothing would be the same, Aleron was responsible for starting a hunt against her and the star had awakened, it only remained for the last piece to be presented: The Dusk bringer

The audience in front of the empress took place a month and a half after the attack. Jo had arrived early to report the entry of spies from the Bellafiore kingdom, sent by King Oscar. They came quietly looking for someone and after being interrogated under torture they confessed that they needed the saint to find the star, since she was the only one who could annihilate Aleron and heal the world after the war. Xian found such information useful and set out to find the saint before King Oscar.

After that, in the great hall, hundreds of swallows and crows entered through the windows and unfolded a turbulent flight to finish forming female figures. Among the curtain of swallows, a woman with brown hair and orange eyes dressed in a gray jumpsuit and rain boots, looked with disgust at those present at the meeting. Scala combed her hair with her fingers as she waited for the ravens to finish their show and bring out her partner.

After the show, Ellen wore a black feathered dress and carried a small owl on her shoulders. Scala watched the new member at the reunion and scoffed at Ellen, who was studying her with her gaze. Xian received them and began with the explanations and requests. She was practically asking for the same thing as King Oscar and his unhinged entourage. When Xian brought up the Duskbringer issue, Ellen looked suspiciously at the Empress and ended up smiling mockingly.

Now he understood why the late Jian had asked him to curse the Zhao family and his now widow Xian. She was an ambitious and cruel woman who would go to the last consequences to destroy her enemy, while his family had no scruples to achieve her goals.

Ellen sighed with relief that she had found Albert and Olivia in time, for had she been delayed one more time, the widow of their late grandfather would have murdered them again. Siri, who already controlled her magic, angrily gazed at the dire reunion that pointed to her family on her grandmother's shoulder. She now she will not rest until ending those who want to harm them and would help Albert to advance in his training.


By this point in the party, almost all the leaders of neighboring countries already knew of King Oscar's intentions regarding the search for the saint. Finding the saint is equivalent to finding the star and with it, the beginning of a war with subsequent destruction could be classified as a trifle, since the rebirth of life was possible again with the power granted by the star. Nothing could stop them if they seized such power, even attacking and seizing neighboring lands could be possible.

In the republic of Green Hollow, the land of elves, goblins and orcs. President Ubach Nephil was visited by two masters from the Wei temple, who came to discuss the matter of the star and the saint. They urged Ubach to make an immediate search for the saint. He did not deny that the saint could be found in his country and doubled the budget for raking and, as if copying Oscar's actions, he decided to carry out a national census.

The same was happening in the kingdom of Sweet Flower, Hellyt and the principality of Shallan, who enthusiastically joined the race against time to see who found the saint first. Their respective temples and magical towers were responsible for fueling the fire, causing more than one leader to become paranoid about the issues of a future war that no one had yet formally declared.

Scuti was immersed in her thoughts after mentally communicating with Siri, when Albert called her to eat. Although his cousin had not yet recovered all the memories, he was reluctant to abandon his position as guardian of the saint and escort of the stars. He had an ingrained feeling of responsibility and therefore he always cared for his family.

-Albert, do you think you can use the mjolnir when you wake up? - Scuti was remembering his sister's comment

-I'm sure if. The day will come when I will kill that dog and her offspring. I will not fail- Albert was frustrated remembering bits and pieces of his past.

The children prepare to eat hoping that Ellen will return soon with Siri.