
Chapter 13

Lena took a quick glance at the group dancing with each partner on the dance floor. Alex with Sam and Kara with Monel. She turns her head away when she felt the familiar sting in her chest. She took a swig from the glass of whiskey. It burns her throat but it was the only way to forget.

Suddenly there it was, the instinct that somebody was watching her. She looks around and stops when she met her eyes. It was Villanelle who was partially hidden among the crowd. The blue spotlight shines on her perfect face wearing that signature smile plastered on her lips.

Villanelle crossed the distance between them.

"Found you." the girl smirked, her eyes glowing with delight.

Lena couldn't form a word. She couldn't explain the connections she felt with her. Looking at Villanelle with her hair down, wearing that low cut black dress was enough to shut her up.

"Are you here with someone? You know, like a date or so? I mean if you are, that will be a bummer."

Lena cocked her head to the side. Feeling the confidence flowing in. "Really? And why is that?"

"Have you forgotten? The other day in the library when I asked you for a date and you quickly rejected me?"

"What?! I didn't reject you."

"Yeah right, tell me honestly, Am I that repulsive?" Villanelle pouts which made her laugh.

"You're so cute." she shakes her head and drank down the rest of her drinks.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I'm with my friends." she gestured at Kara who was now without any discreet staring at them, but Lena was too enticed with Villanelle that she didn't notice.

"Hmm, friends, I like that. So does it mean you're not seeing anyone?"

"Why would you like to know?"

"Lena, how many times do I have to ask you out for a date just so you'll get that I'm interested in you?" Villanelle raised her eyebrow.

"You know, I'm also wondering why. Why are you interested in me? Is it because I'm a Luthor?"

Villanelle made a faint shock noise followed by a crooked grin at the side of her mouth."I'm curious about Lena. Seeing you in person for the first time in the library was a revelation. It finally made me believe that there are angels walking amongst us. You're beautiful, and you just didn't seem like the type of girl who has nothing in mind but taking a selfie and posting stuff. You know a lot about books, good books I can tell. But mainly, you have the most beautiful green eyes that can make any man fall to his knees, even a woman like me."

Lena's mouth twisted in wry amusement, "Bullshit."

But Villanelle set her glass on the counter and faces her. But it was so dark she could only see her face when the light flickers.

"But you know what makes me wonder?" she murmured, leaning closer. Her warm breath tickled her ear.

"What..." her voice was shaking.

She felt her shoulder stiffen. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was her wanting to forget. But when Villanelle tips her head up and brushes her lips on her cheek, for that moment at least, she wished to be nowhere else.

"What it would be like to kiss you..."

At last, she takes her upper lip between her own. She was so tender and sweet. Yet when she tried to back away, Villanelle secured her arms around her.

At that moment, Villanelle was the mistake she was willing to take. And with a groan, she kissed her back. Exploring the corner of her mouth.

Villanelle suddenly pulled away. "Wait...." she breathes "so is it a yes?"

Lena felt the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes deeply.

"Yes what?" she leans back and looks at her quizzically.

"A date with me?" Villanelle asked, giving her a puppy dog eyes which she finds so adorable.

Lena grins and shakes her head. She ordered another glass of liquor, Villanelle finally let her go.

"We literally just made out." she scoffed.

"If you're trying to sell your product, sometimes you just have to give some free taste  yes?"

"Is that how you ask girls for a date? I'm appalled."

"I want you to know, this was not my plan."

"Don't tell me there was a plan?"

Villanelle laughs, a genuine resonant laugh. "I'll be creeping, stalking, sneaking. You just don't know it, yet baby I already got your heart."

Lena was mesmerized by her witty remarks. "You're a work of art."

"But you're a masterpiece." Villanelle winked.

"Lena!" it was Kara. Alex and Sam were behind her. The two girls were grinning from ear to ear. But Kara was something else, she was staring at Villanelle.

"Hey, I thought you forgot about me."

"Songs getting boring, and I'm famished. Hi." Kara speaking directly at Villanelle.

"Bonjour belle." the other girl playfully replied. Lena rolled her eyes at her.

"Oh boy, French, might I say, the sexiest language." Alex buts in, clearly long gone from being sober.

"Je Vous remercie."

"Seriously stop it, or I'm gonna jump on yah." Sam closing in.

"Guys, this is Villanelle. This is Kara, Sam, and Alex." Lena introduced the trio.

"Always a pleasure to meet Lena's friends."

"Fuck! That accent!" Alex brought the bottle to her lips and grimace when she discovered it was already empty.

Villanelle chuckled. "Thank you, Alex, what's your poison?"

"Just beer for us," Sam replied.

Villanelle excused herself and went towards the bartender.

"Oh my god, Lena! Who is she! You never told us you were dating! I am hurt, and jealous, cause damn that's a 10." Sam rambled excitedly.

"A 10? Huh." Kara nods with a tight-lipped smile.

Before Lena can decipher Kara's action she felt Villanelle tangles her finger with hers. Placing the drinks on the table.

Kara stared at their hands before quickly turning her gaze away. A look of something she couldn't define in her expression.

"I want to go home, Alex."

"But its too early!" even she was surprised at how slurred her words sounded.

Kara took away her beer and placed it on the table. "I think you've had enough Alex."

Monel came back from the washroom. He places his arm over Kara's shoulder.

"But it's your birthday, we should celebrate.. and we haven't got a chance to get to know Lena's girlfriend yet....." Alex pouted, trying to reach for the bottle but Sam was not letting her.

Lena looked down at her arm and slowly pulled her hand away. She wanted to say she's not her girlfriend, but there was a giggle and it was coming from Villanelle. "Don't worry Alex, you'll be seeing more of me."

Kara sighs loudly. "Can we go now, please."

"Come on Alex, Ill drive you home," Monel said, helping Sam with Alex who can barely stand up on her own.

"I guess that's our cue. Lena, are you coming?" Sam asked.

"I'll take her home."

Kara did not show her amusement. She took a deep breath, peering at the other girl, frowning. "Call me when you get home."

She then left with obvious reluctance.

"That was fun, is she your ex?" Villanelle's lips quirked in a playful smile as they went to the parking lot.



"What? She's just a friend." shaking her head in amusement.

"Well, what better cause for jealousy?"

"She was not jealous, she's just a bit protective."

Villanelle nods, nibbling her lips again.

"What?" she crosses her arms on her chest.

But Villanelle took a step closer. Her eyes hungrily sought her hair, her eyes, her cheeks and settled briefly on her lips. Lena pressed her lips together and looked down.

She felt hands on her waist, pulling her closer, "Are you hungry?" she murmured as she kissed the top of her head.

Lena looked up and a smile flickered on her lips. "What?"

"The night is still young and I know this best pizza place in town."

"A pizza date? Really?"

"Oh wow, a date Lena, really? Is it okay if you give me some time to think about it? You're great really, but, let me think about it." Villanelle made a silly face and she looked outrageously adorable which made Lena laughed.

"Shut up."

Villanelle grabbed her hand firmly and led the way towards her car. She was the warm hug she needed.