
Let's Imagine: A dynasty that was lost forgotten!

A large patch of red grass rustled about as Momoko breaks from a wide forest and looks down at a huge clearing. 

A circular-granite arena with large glistening waterfalls surrounding the inner walls presents itself. Momoko takes a deep breath and jumps down into the gorge, making the shallow water ripple at her reaching the bottom. 

The lake reflects her moving steel skirt, along with the tinted moonlight as she starts walking toward the other end of the gap. Momoko stops advancing as the water around her starts to levitate in droplets. The waterfall in front of her parts ways, revealing a large stone door covered in white and yellow inscriptions. 

"... Momoko!" A voice exclaims in the distance. 

Momoko turns around and looks to a nearby red bush rustle until a girl with bronze armor and auburn hair appear from the greenery. 

"Taro?" Momoko questions while taking a step forward.