
Chapter 20

Both Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee finished their meal and drinks, their evening gradually transitioning into a new phase. Seok-Woo had indulged in a few bottles, feeling the pleasant haze of tipsiness settling over him, while Sung-Hee remained sober, sticking to her earlier declaration of only having a single glass.

As they strolled towards the Love Hotel, a place Seok-Woo had recently visited, he harbored a curiosity to experience it from a different perspective, that of a paying customer. He opted not to call ahead for a reservation, anticipating the simplicity of securing an ordinary room for their rendezvous. Questions lingered in his mind about the booking process, wondering if it would entail a manual interaction with the staff or if it differed somehow.

Despite his slightly intoxicated state, Seok-Woo maintained the façade of sobriety, a skill he gained through discipline. Sung-Hee, initially concerned by his condition, soon relaxed, reassured by Seok-Woo's apparent control. She stole glances at him, a myriad of thoughts swirling in her mind, yet she hesitated to voice them, opting instead to keep them buried for the moment. Seok-Woo, observant as ever, noted her silent contemplation but chose to respect her silence, patiently waiting for her to share her thoughts in due time.

Meanwhile, Sung-Hee's mind was preoccupied with anticipation for what lay ahead, fueled by Seok-Woo's earlier words. She eagerly anticipated the intimacy that awaited them later in the evening. Unbeknownst to Seok-Woo, today happened to be Sung-Hee's safe day, adding an undercurrent of urgency to her desires.

In the recesses of her mind, Sung-Hee harbored a secret longing, a desire to experience the sensation of being fully embraced and filled. However, the thought of vocalizing such desires to Seok-Woo filled her with embarrassment, causing her to keep her fantasies hidden.

Seok-Woo, meanwhile, clutched a small bag containing hangover remedies he had procured earlier, a precautionary measure for the morning after. The two continued their journey on foot, the Love Hotel gradually coming into view in the distance, its neon lights casting a beckoning glow against the night sky.

As they approached the entrance of the Love Hotel, Sung-Hee felt a surge of anticipation mingled with nervousness. It was time for that moment again, a moment fraught with a myriad of emotions. However, Seok-Woo remained unaware of her internal turmoil as he proceeded to enter the establishment.

Standing before the array of available rooms, Sung-Hee couldn't help but marvel at the variety of themes on offer. She found herself particularly intrigued by themes such as the classroom and bondage rooms, though she secretly hoped Seok-Woo wouldn't choose one of these more adventurous options, at least not yet. Despite her curiosity, she felt a sense of unpreparedness lingering within her.

Nevertheless, Sung-Hee was willing to go along with whatever Seok-Woo decided. She yearned to explore this new experience, even as conflicting thoughts about the themed rooms swirled in her mind. Observing Seok-Woo's decisive demeanor, she watched as he confidently selected an ordinary room with a simple press of his finger, claiming it as their own.

As the machine dispensed the room keys, Seok-Woo retrieved them and turned to face Sung-Hee with a sense of expectation in his eyes. "Let's go," he urged, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Sung-Hee couldn't shake the feeling that Seok-Woo was plotting something, though whether it was for better or for worse remained a mystery to her. With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, she followed him, knowing that the answers would only reveal themselves once they stepped inside their chosen room.

As they reached the door of their room, Seok-Woo smoothly inserted the key, his movements practiced and precise. With a deft twist, he unlocked the door and pushed it open, revealing the inviting space within.

Stepping in first, Sung-Hee took in the room's interior, finding it akin to a typical hotel room with its cozy bed and adjoining bathroom door.

Seok-Woo closed the door behind them, his actions deliberate as he secured the lock. When he turned back to face Sung-Hee, she didn't notice a change in him, a shift from his usual demeanor to something more primal, his desire simmering beneath the surface.

Without warning, Seok-Woo enveloped Sung-Hee in a firm embrace from behind, catching her off guard. Before she could utter a word of protest, his hands deftly lifted her shirt and bra, exposing her chest, while his lips found hers in a hungry kiss.

Their lips locked in a fervent embrace as Seok-Woo's hands explored the curves of Sung-Hee's breasts with an urgency that left her breathless. Though swept up in the intensity of the moment, Sung-Hee couldn't ignore the sudden shift in Seok-Woo's demeanor.

She pulled away from Seok-Woo, her breath catching as she gazed at him with a mixture of confusion and desire. "What's gotten into you? I thought you said to keep things normal as we did before," she questioned, her voice laced with uncertainty as she tried to make sense of his sudden aggression.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Seok-Woo casually discarded his top, revealing the chiseled lines of his chest beneath. A playful smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he closed the distance between himself and Sung-Hee, his fingers tracing a tantalizing path along her curves before firmly cupping her breasts.

"I take back what I said," he declared with a husky whisper, his gaze locking with Sung-Hee's as he indulged in the delicious tension between them. "Didn't I promise to devour you today?" His words dripped with desire, each syllable laden with the promise of carnal pleasure as he teased her sensitive flesh with a knowing touch.

Sung-Hee couldn't suppress a shiver of pleasure as Seok-Woo's touch ignited a fire within her, her breath hitching in anticipation of what was to come. With a soft moan escaping her lips, she leaned into his touch, her body responding instinctively to his commanding presence.

"Hmm, let me... take a shower first," Sung-Hee gasped, her voice heavy with need as she struggled to articulate her desires amidst the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body. Seok-Woo's touch left her craving more, her skin tingling with anticipation as she yearned for his next move.

Seok-Woo halted in his tracks, casting a playful glance at Sung-Hee before releasing her. "Alright, but let's do it together," he proposed, his smile betraying a hint of mischief. Sung-Hee sensed there was more to his suggestion than met the eye, but she brushed off any lingering suspicions as they made their way to the bathroom.

Stepping into the bathroom, they began shedding their clothes, Sung-Hee stealing occasional glances at Seok-Woo as he undressed. With a subtle smirk, Seok-Woo took the lead, stepping into the shower and turning on the water, letting it cascade over his form. Meanwhile, Sung-Hee wrapped herself in a towel, maintaining a modest facade amidst the steamy atmosphere. Seok-Woo couldn't help but chuckle at her coy demeanor, finding her bashfulness endearing

"Come on, take my hand," Seok-Woo urged, extending his hand towards Sung-Hee as she approached the shower. Without hesitation, Sung-Hee reached out, feeling Seok-Woo's firm grasp as he pulled her towards him. Caught off guard by his sudden action, Sung-Hee found herself pressed against Seok-Woo's muscular frame.

In one swift motion, Seok-Woo removed the towel draped around Sung-Hee's body, tossing it aside carelessly. "Why are you still covering up? It's not like it's the first time I've seen it," he remarked casually, prompting Sung-Hee to retort, "I still have some decency, unlike you." But Seok-Woo's playful demeanor persisted as he countered, "Let's see how long that lasts," before turning his attention back to the shower.

As Seok-Woo reached for the scrub soap, Sung-Hee interjected boldly, "Wait, let me do it for you." Surprised by her sudden assertion, Seok-Woo turned to her with a grin, nodding in agreement. "Sure," he replied, handing her the soap with a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Taking the soap in her hands, Sung-Hee began to lather it onto Seok-Woo's back, her fingers working diligently against his skin. As she scrubbed, she couldn't help but marvel at the firmness of his muscles beneath her touch, likening it to scrubbing against a sturdy brick wall. With meticulous care, she ensured every crevice and curve of his back was thoroughly cleaned, embracing the task with dedication like a dutiful wife.

Feeling Sung-Hee's hands at his back, Seok-Woo appreciated her efforts but couldn't resist a playful request. "Sung-Hee, would you mind using your own body to scrub mine?" he inquired, turning to look at her with a mischievous grin. Though initially taken aback by his suggestion, Sung-Hee paused her movements, meeting Seok-Woo's gaze with a hint of displeasure before wordlessly complying.

With a determined resolve, Sung-Hee applied the soap to her own body, focusing mainly on her chest area until a generous lather had formed. Setting the soap aside, she pressed her body against Seok-Woo's back, feeling a rush of warmth and intimacy as their bodies met.

Despite her embarrassment, Sung-Hee moved her body slowly against his, her cheeks flushed with color as she traced patterns from top to bottom, left to right. "How does this feel?" she inquired softly, her movements deliberate as she sought to please him.

Seok-Woo's response was immediate and heartfelt. "It feels heavenly, especially with you," he confessed, relishing in the sensation. His words caused a shy blush to creep onto Sung-Hee's cheeks, but she quickly composed herself, extending her hand toward Seok-Woo's erect member. As her fingers wrapped around his shaft, she marveled at its sturdiness and girth, knowing exactly how to pleasure him.

Continuing to press her body against his back, Sung-Hee synchronized her hand movements with her rhythmic motions, eliciting groans of pleasure from Seok-Woo. With each stroke, she intensified the pleasure coursing through him, her movements growing faster as she drove him closer to climax.

Just as Seok-Woo was on the brink of release, he halted Sung-Hee's hand with a firm grip. Confusion flashed across Sung-Hee's face until Seok-Woo turned to her, his eyes filled with desire. "Keep going," he urged, guiding her hand back to his throbbing member.

This time, Sung-Hee employed both hands, working in perfect harmony to bring Seok-Woo to the brink of ecstasy. His moans of pleasure filled the air as she skillfully stimulated him, each movement bringing him closer to the edge.

As the intensity of pleasure peaked, Seok-Woo finally reached his climax, releasing his essence onto Sung-Hee's body. Undeterred, Sung-Hee continued her movements, determined to coax every last drop from him, her body becoming stained with his release as she skillfully brought him to completion.

Seok-Woo's release didn't diminish his arousal; his member remained erect, pulsating with anticipation. With a gentle touch, he caressed Sung-Hee's face, his lips claiming hers in a kiss that ignited a primal desire within them both. The kiss was more than just a meeting of lips; it was an exploration of passion, with Seok-Woo's tongue boldly delving into Sung-Hee's mouth, drawing forth a reciprocal response from her.

Their tongues danced in a lewd embrace, emitting audible sounds of desire as they lost themselves in the intensity of the moment. Seok-Woo's hands roamed freely, seizing hold of Sung-Hee's buttocks with a firm grip, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her lips. But she welcomed his touch, surrendering herself to his desires without hesitation.

As Seok-Woo reaffirmed his earlier words, Sung-Hee made a vow to yield herself entirely to him as she said in the car, no matter the extent of his desires or the distance he wished to traverse. She was his to command tonight, to pleasure in whatever manner he saw fit.

Their lips parted reluctantly, and Seok-Woo issued his next directive to Sung-Hee with an air of authority. "Place your hands on the wall and bend forward," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for disobedience. Sung-Hee obeyed without question, her breath quickening with anticipation as she pressed her palms against the wall and lowered herself, her body quivering with arousal. As she glanced back at Seok-Woo, she found him unchanged, his gaze fixed upon her with a stoic intensity that only fueled her desire further.

In the silence that followed, Seok-Woo's voice pierced the air once more. "Sung-Hee spread your legs apart slightly," he instructed, his words carrying a weight of expectation as Sung-Hee complied without complaint. 

As Sung-Hee did what he said, he asked her stoicly. "Sung-Hee, how does it feel to be submissive?". He asked seriously, wanting her true opinion.

Sung-Hee looked at him again, thinking that he was making fun of her, but when she saw his face. She knew that he was seriously asking. Her mouth moved, trying to pull out the answer he wanted to hear. After thinking about it for a second. She gave her answer.

"It's humiliating, especially coming from you," Sung-Hee confessed to Seok-Woo, her words laced with a mix of vulnerability and defiance. "I won't allow you to repeat this." Her tone dripped with resentment, a hint of regret lingering from her earlier confession in the car.

Stepping closer behind Sung-Hee, Seok-Woo's voice was low but filled with a determined resolve. "If this is my final time to do this to you," he murmured as his fingers delved into her, exploring the depths of her wetness, "then I'll make the most of tonight." With deliberate intent, he withdrew his fingers, aligning his throbbing member with Sung-Hee's entrance.

In one swift motion, he plunged deep inside her, his presence filling her completely as they became entwined.

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