
Let's Go To College

I took over this man's body. From now on my name will be Seok-Woo. Currently, I am enlisting for my mandatory military service. Saying Goodbyes to my Father and... Stepmother. I don't know why but I think I've seen her somewhere but who cares at this moment. After this, I'll be going to College.

inverted · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Chapter 10

Sung-Hee cheeks flushed at his words, and in a moment of anger and frustration, she raised her clenched fist and swung it towards Seok-Woo's chest with all her might. The impact landed hard, and Seok-Woo was taken aback by force behind it. He winced slightly but was more surprised by Sung-Hee's sudden outburst.

Breathing heavily, Sung-Hee stood up from the bed, her fists still clenched. "Who do you think you are?" she seethed at him, trying to control her anger. "You pervert." Her voice was low, thankfully quiet enough so that Chae-Yoon downstairs wouldn't hear their argument.

Seok-Woo rubbed his chest where Sung-Hee had hit him, his expression now serious as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you want to pay in cash then?" he asked, a hint of amusement still present in his tone. "It would take years for you to repay me."

Sung-Hee felt uncomfortable under Seok-Woo's advances, and he quickly realized this and backed off. "I'm sorry," he said with a small smile, trying to defuse the tension between them. "I was only joking."

Sung-Hee took a deep breath, attempting to slow her pounding heart. Her eyes met Seok-Woo's, and she could see the mixture of curiosity and longing in his dark irises. She couldn't help but think about their earlier conversation when he had jokingly asked for a kiss as payment for all the time he had spent on her over the years. "In your dreams!" she had scoffed in her mind. But now, as she thought about it more carefully, she realized that maybe it wasn't such a bad deal after all.

With a twist in her thoughts, Sung-Hee weighed the pros and cons of kissing Seok-Woo. It would be her first kiss, but then again, it was just one measly kiss compared to all the money he had spent on her. "But it's my first kiss," she reminded herself bitterly. "And it would be wasted on that loser." The idea of giving her first kiss to someone like Seok-Woo made her cringe.

Sung-Hee tried to convince herself, saying out loud, "It's probably his first kiss too." The truth was, she really wanted to experience a kiss for herself. So, she made up her mind to pretend that she had already kissed someone before. With determination in her heart, Sung-Hee turned back to face Seok-Woo once more.

"Fine," she said confidently, meeting his surprised gaze head-on. "I'll give you a kiss. You can have a taste of my lips." Seok-Woo's jaw dropped in shock at her sudden change of heart.

He scratched his head, baffled by Sung-Hee's sudden change in behavior. "What could have caused this?" he thought, trying to make sense of her refusal after agreeing with him just moments ago. "Is she really Sung-Hee?" The unexpected turn of events from Sung-Hee puzzled him.

Seok-Woo stood up, his tall frame looming over Sung-Hee. A glint of determination flashed in his eyes as he spoke, "Then don't regret what you just agreed to." He took a step closer, his hand resting on the small of her back as he pulled her towards him.

Their faces were now inches apart, and Sung-Hee could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She tried to maintain her composure, but she couldn't help the blush that crept onto her face. "What are you waiting for? Want me to make the first move?" she teased, trying to hide her nerves.

But Seok-Woo saw right through her facade. He looked into her eyes and sensed the subtle trembling in them. Her words may have sounded confident, but he could tell she was feeling unsure. So he posed the question, "Is this your first time kissing someone?"

Sung-Hee's breath caught in her throat at his blunt question. She wasn't expecting it, and she stumbled over her response. "First time? That was a long time ago," she replied evasively, refusing to meet his gaze.

Seok-Woo knew then that it was indeed her first time. If not, she wouldn't be avoiding eye contact. But he didn't want to embarrass her further by pointing it out. Instead, he simply smiled and said nothing more on the matter.

Seok-Woo gently placed his hand on Sung-Hee's face, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath his fingertips. "Here I go," he whispered to her, his heart racing with anticipation and nerves.

Sung-Hee closed her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for Seok-Woo's lips to meet hers. Slowly, they moved closer to each other, their breath mingling in the small space between them. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, their lips met in a soft and tender kiss.

For a few moments, they stayed locked in this position, moving their lips together in perfect harmony. It was a moment filled with emotion and longing, one that neither of them wanted to end.

After an eternity, they finally parted lips and gazed into each other's eyes. The tension was palpable, both shy and unsure. Sung-Hee's voice trembled as she asked, "H-How was it for your first kiss?" Trying to hide her nervousness behind a thin veil of nonchalance. Her cheeks were flushed with a rosy hue, mirroring the heat that spread through her body at the touch of their soft lips.

Seok-Woo hesitated for a moment before responding, "I don't know." But then he locked his gaze on hers and added, "But let me try again, so I can give you a real answer."

With a swift movement, he leaned in once more and captured Sung-Hee's lips in another kiss. Her heart raced as Seok-Woo's lips pressed against hers, sending electric tingles down her spine. She was shocked by his sudden boldness, but after a few seconds, she closed her eyes and surrendered to the intoxicating feeling of their kiss.

As they kissed, Seok-Woo's hands began to wander, from her waist to the curve of her backside. Sung-Hee's body tensed in response. She pulled away from the kiss, her voice laced with a mixture of surprise and anger.

"What are you doing? You're taking it too far," she said to Seok-Woo, not angry but clearly uncomfortable with his actions.

Seok-Woo immediately backed off, realizing he had crossed a boundary. "I'm sorry, I just got carried away in the moment," he apologized, feeling embarrassed by his own behavior. But as he shifted positions, he felt an uncomfortable tightness in his pants.

His member had become erect from their passionate kissing.

Sung-Hee also felt a slight pressure against her stomach and looked down to see Seok-Woo's bulging manhood pressing against her. She turned her head to him with a look of disapproval.

Seok-Woo could feel himself blushing in embarrassment as he tried to explain. "I'm sorry, it's just a natural reaction for me," he said, expecting her to push him away or scold him for his lack of control. But instead, she simply let the bulge linger against her and gazed at him.

Sung-Hee's hand instinctively went to the bulge on her stomach, feeling its weight and warmth as she took in deep, ragged breaths. The kiss shared between Seok-Woo and herself had stirred something within her, a primal desire that now coursed through her veins. And then there was the bulge, pressing against her abdomen and causing a mixture of confusion and arousal to course through her mind. Her curiosity overpowering any hesitation, Sung-Hee couldn't resist exploring this mysterious presence further.

"Does it hurt?" Sung-Hee suddenly asked Seok-Woo, her voice laced with curiosity. He reacted with wide eyes, caught off guard by her question. "What the… Why is she so curious now?". He took a moment to compose himself before answering. "It's not hurting, but rather uncomfortable," Seok-Woo replied, his tone cautious.

Sung-Hee's gaze shifted down towards the bulge in Seok-Woo's pants, wondering how it must feel and look like. "It will go down on its own," Seok-Woo reassured her.

"Is that so?" She couldn't help but ask, her curiosity getting the better of her. The idea of helping him calm down his arousal crossed her mind.

"Do you want me to calm it down for you?" She blurted out, feeling a rush of boldness. Their eyes locked as Seok-Woo's surprise quickly turned into intrigue.

"Do you know how?" He asked cautiously, his interest piqued.

For a brief moment, Sung-Hee hesitated before responding. "I've seen some videos where if a man ejaculates, it will go down immediately." She admitted shyly, avoiding his gaze. Her cheeks flushed as she recalled watching porn videos and learning about this particular aspect of the male anatomy. 

Seok-Woo was baffled by Sung-Hee's forwardness, but at the same time, he couldn't help wondering how far she was willing to go tonight. "Are you sure about this?", he asked her hesitantly, unsure if he was ready for what might come next.

Sung-Hee didn't say a word in response, but instead just nodded her head, her eyes burning with a fierce determination. Seok-Woo took a deep breath and slowly reached out to grab her hands, feeling the warmth of her skin against his. Together, they sat on the edge of the bed, their hearts racing with anticipation and uncertainty.

Seok-Woo's hands fumbled with the zipper of his pants, the metallic teeth clinking against one another as he worked it down. Sung-Hee watched him intently, her eyes tracing the path of his fingers as they revealed more and more of his body hidden beneath the fabric. Finally, Seok-Woo's gaze met hers, and she felt a flush creep up her neck as she looked down at the bulge in his underwear.

With careful movements, Seok-Woo freed his hardened member from its confines, standing tall and proud before them both. Sung-Hee couldn't help but cover her mouth in shock, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of Seok-Woo's member fully erect. It was something she had only seen flaccid in the morning but now transformed into a powerful force under the night sky.

Sensing her hesitation, Seok-Woo spoke softly to her. "Please calm it down for me." His words were like a command, and though hesitant, Sung-Hee moved her hand towards his member. She could feel the heat radiating from it even before her fingers made contact, and she knew that this simple act would bring both pleasure and release.

Sung-Hee's delicate hand reached for Seok-Woo's groin, her fingers eagerly tracing the outline of his hardened member. As she wrapped her hand around it, she felt the conflicting textures of soft skin and rigid muscle. It was both tender and firm, causing her to marvel in fascination.

In her excitement, Sung-Hee's grip tightened a bit too much, causing Seok-Woo to flinch in discomfort. " Don't too much force," he gasped out, trying to guide her with his words.

As she loosened her hold, Sung-Hee began to move her hand up and down in a slow, steady rhythm. Mimicking what she had seen in porn videos, she experimented with different techniques and movements.

Seok-Woo's breath hitched and quickened as Sung-Hee picked up speed, her touch sending pleasurable sensations throughout his body. She watched his face intently, gauging his reactions and adjusting accordingly.

Feeling confident in her actions, Sung-Hee increased the pace even more at Seok-Woo's request. His warning about ejaculating quickly only spurred her on, eager to please him.

As her hand reached the peak of its speed. Seok-Woo could no longer contain himself. "Sung-Hee, I'm going to cum," he gasped out. And with that declaration, streams of hot semen shot out from him, falling on the ground in a sticky substance. It seemed to never end, as more and more sperm poured out of him onto the floor, splattering against the ground like tiny white raindrops. Sung-Hee couldn't keep moving under the intense sensation, so she stopped and watched in amazement as the semen continued to gush out.

As Sung-Hee observed Seok-Woo's blissful expression, a sense of satisfaction washed over her. It surpassed her expectations, and a swell of pride blossomed within her. Meanwhile, Seok-Woo found himself transported to a state of euphoria, feeling as if he were floating on cloud nine, utterly lost in the moment of ecstasy.

As Seok-Woo caught his breath, he glanced down at his member, expecting it to have softened after the intense release. To his surprise, it remained rigid, defying the usual post-ejaculation calm. Sung-Hee couldn't conceal her astonishment at Seok-Woo's persistent arousal. "Isn't it supposed to go down after ejaculating?" she pondered silently, her gaze fixed on his throbbing length.

"Could you... help me out a bit more?" Seok-Woo's bashful grin met Sung-Hee's eyes, causing her cheeks to flush with a mix of shyness and anticipation. With a subtle nod, she agreed, her response barely audible. Without further ado, Sung-Hee took hold of his member once more, resuming her actions with the same movement as before.