
The Shadow

I was very little,to understand the meaning of shadow.

One day I asked my Grandma "Amma,Why this pitch black person with no face and emotions always used to follow me?" She said, "This is the proof that you are alive. He will be with you until your last breath." I was surprised by the change in shape and size of the shadow. I even given him a name, "Mr. S", Because there was alot to discover about him. Mr. S never played with me,never saved from the street dog,never feed me a single piece of chocolate still was attached to me,I again asked my Grandma "Why he is so rude,not even talking to me,not even like a bodyguard. How can I get rid of him?" Amma closed the door and switched of the light. I was complete dark. I was scared. Amma said"How are you feeling now? Are you afraid?" I said"NO, because I know you are here with me". She replied very firmly,"What if I wasn't there? Will that make you a little afraid? I said "yes" very quietly. Amma Said"Your Mr. S is not much talkative,nor he is strong enough to protect you from the danger outside there but nevertheless,he can always be by your side,supporting you in every difficult situation. She continued,"If you'll loose him,No one will be by your side and you will feel lonely. Try never to loose your Shadow."

The day Grandma left us,remind me of those golden words. That Day I felt how lonely she was, lying on the white sheet, surrounded by hundreds of people weeping around,and then my Grandma was imitating Mr.S without any mistake.