

The novel revolves around a person named Leon who has been persecuted throughout his life, even though he is a member of the richest families. However, he finds himself in an evil organization that aims to create special, supernatural children. What will his life become after he undergoes the dragon experiment? And what will happen to him after he turns into a human monster devoid of purpose, emotions, and will

DaoisthAQvrC · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Change in events

I woke up the next day to the sound of footprints coming from the ceiling like a habit to remind you that I'm in the basement of the rather interesting thing is that this is where I sleep.

Completely isolated from light and sound this creates a terrifying calm that cannot be described and darkness as if you are in a Pandora's box..... You can see that you literally can't see something. There's not a single light point that can penetrate the old walls of this bleak place, but the only place where the sound goes is this ceiling.

Weird isn't that just enough to focus enough to realize that this kind of has a deliberate geometry and a pre-planned... You don't have to be surprised. I didn't find out when I was young, but when I grew up I realized so many things that I regretted knowing them, and I certainly realized that in this world there are things that have to stay mysterious.

I seem to get excited and get out of the subject we're talking about, but talking to you is really fun. And I wish you could bear me and stay with me longer. I want you to convey my story to whoever you can until I feel alive... Hahaha sorry. Here I go out again, obviously from your frowning face you're starting to get bored, but I promise I won't reinstate this. This is the last time this is a promise... Okay, where were we? Uh, yeah.

Like I was telling you a little bit ago, the sound hacks the place on the side of the ceiling, that explains how I wake up every morning like a natural alarm clock.

An alarm clock made by a smart person by calculation of everything

I got out of bed and I felt that stupid cat over my face like a habit, she seemed to have acquired this bad habit. I raised that cat in exchange for my face. I said to her, "Won't you fall for this habit?" Miao and that cat licked my nose, making me laugh at myself from this idiot act.

I put it in one of the boxes so no one could find it, like a maid or one of my brothers. Although it is very rare for anyone to enter here, in slow steps I try to climb that old staircase with difficulty from the severity of hunger.

That door makes a loud squeak because of its rusty old joints that came out of it after I carried my worn bag and my perforated shoes on the left side of the bottom and put a rectangular piece of cork in my shoes.

Because when my feet are in contact with the ground, socks are torn and the skin is eroded, causing me unbearable severe pain.

Obviously, from my looks and clothes, it's impossible for anyone to expect that I'm the son of a family like Martinez.

I mean, this is too much.

I got out of the house and I'm heading to school. It's a little distant, but this has become a routine I'm used to, but hunger makes everything difficult without exception.

It is difficult to walk and focus with the teacher while explaining her lesson and even breathing

After I went three quarters of the way, I met Kiara on the way.

Kiara: "Good morning, has your condition improved?

Leon: "Yes, thank you for your interest.

We walked together to school and it was the first time in my life that I accompanied someone to school because I always went alone and came back alone, too, and I didn't imagine she was going to be a girl because she was supposed to be the most sensitive of looks. More Than Boys

We started talking about many things and Kiara seemed a little surprised that I didn't stutter speech any more like I used to, which made her more easy to talk to me.

But I was a little slow to respond.

Kiara: "Are you okay? If you are sick, you need not come to school. You can take the justification of an absence from the doctor.

I'm not sick, but I saw a nightmare yesterday, which made sleep difficult.

Leon, what's your dream?

Kiara asked me this straightforward question that was unexpected, but it was like a shock because I don't know what made the question harder was to stare at me in this way that sows stress in my heart.


Yeah, what do you want to become in the future or what do you so much want? What do you see in your dream and hope it happens on the ground?

I... Hmm, I dream of living peacefully for the rest of my life away from anything that drains me high up in the mountains in the desert is a human-free place... There are no human beings, far from everything that forces me to occupy my mind to understand it a quiet place where I can see the endless horizon without human beings spoiling on my loneliness.

Far from my parents away from my brothers away from everything... Hundreds of years' walk away

Kiara seemed shocked by this answer, telling me that she expected a different answer ...

Leon, I thought you wanted to be a doctor or an engineer or a lawyer, but an answer like that I never heard before, and I honestly didn't imagine there was someone thinking like that.

And even I was surprised by my answer, I simply didn't feel myself talking and I seem to have exaggerated that answer, but I don't see any flaw in it... I was honest about this.

I told her to forget everything she heard shook her head with approval and we completed the way we got to school. I often felt that walking to school every day except the weekend.

It's hard and boring, but for the first time I feel like it was quick and I wished the road was longer so I could talk to her more.

A really weird feeling.

Very strange

We went in to class and I didn't need to describe the atmosphere. It became very boring to describe the looks around me. Staying with Kiara is kind of embarrassing, like I ask for protection indirectly, like I'm a deer hiding behind his mother for fear of lion.

Although the relationship with some of my colleagues has improved, there is still something inside that warns me of something surprising that might happen.

That's what brings me a huge contraction.

I sat in my seat with Kiara and we're waiting while Kiara chats with her friends... The teacher often comes after all the pupils come in because she hates very much that someone comes in behind her, so she creates this delay plan to solve this simple problem that has made her a success habit after all, who comes in late will be punished.

"Good morning, little ones."

I entered that teacher with her ominous smile and that face that causes us depression. I heard that kid sitting in front of me say in a relatively low voice: "Heig, fuck it's worse to wake up every morning to see sickening shapes like her.

Most of the children who were near him and heard his speech are laughing with a faint laugh while putting their hands on their mouths.

That teacher hit her hand on her desk and the uncle of silence in class, but the expressions of these kids' faces around me explain a lot.

You can consider this situation silent, but it speaks things that don't hear the ear.

Well, you seem to have figured it out. You're absolutely right. I can tell there's no kid in this class who likes her.

Because this parameter is rather rough and harsh in dealing with us... I mean, it's normal for kids to move around and talk and try to explore everything new, but what's wrong with this teacher is she kills this instinct in a terrible way. She's like these idiotic teachers who think they're better than students just because they're teaching.

You started reading the list of pupils like every morning.

Lloyd Fren


Echinos Honami


When I got to and I pronounced my name, my voice didn't come out, and I started coughing really hard amid the laughs of these bails and mocking them from me.

Teacher: "It's okay I can see you.

That's what made the other kids laugh the most, each uttering a word of prejudice that gets stuck in the heart like a screw like

What a fool.

He's not even good at talking.

Did you swallow a towel or what?

This was one of the embarrassing situations that made me hate school so badly. Kiara looked at me weirdly. I didn't understand what it was, but amid the mockery of these kids before the teacher clapped her hand to get their attention, I didn't see a reaction from her.

Like she didn't care. She didn't laugh, she didn't care, and she didn't even look at me.

That teacher gave us a few exercises and we started solving them, and apparently I'm constantly improving. It's slow, but it works. I got a 40% mark.

I know it's not even at the middle level, but it's the best I've gotten so far, and you remember that I've often actually got a 0 mark without any exaggeration... My survival and transition for next year is a mystery that all professors are unable to solve.

Kiara was really helping me... And she didn't seem bored or resentful of it was helping me understand most of the lessons I didn't understand.

Although I am heavy-minded and disastrously slow to understand, I forget to speed up like my brain has a 5 MB ram once it saves something that goes out and restarts... And that's how we go back to the fucking zero.

I was often acting on Kiara that I understood what she was explaining... Because I don't want to fatigue her with me, but let's be clear even if I'm developing on the 0.1% day, I'm on the right path.

It's been a week.


Then I started to notice something strange. Kiara started to change her print towards me. Sometimes she treats me so dry and cold, she doesn't look at me when I talk to her, just staring at something unknown, like she sees something I can't see.

She started asking me for many things, for example, to carry her bag or bring books from the library... When her cleaning role comes, she throws all these things at me.

She also asks me to complete her homework on the pretext that she wants to teach me to get better.

I was doing what I could to satisfy her while in me I started to disturb, I was kicking the various ugly thoughts out of my brain in order to keep my intention going, but... Every time, every opportunity and day after day, her requests get harder..... No way. That's a lot too much.


Well here is the end of this chapter, thanks for reading. As usual, if any of you have advice that improves the quality of the chapter and ease of reading, I will be more than happy to read your comment ❤️ Goodbye, see you in the next chapter.