
Leon's Odyssey

" Leon's Odyssey: In a world besieged by monstrous gates, Leon Blackwood, a fallen scion from a wealthy lineage, hungers for a shot at rewriting his life. Upon becoming a 'Player' in humanity's last stand, he's neither hero nor savior, but a man seeking personal redemption. Unexpectedly thrust back 30 years with newfound powers from a phoenix and an ancient dragon, Leon battles his inner demons and the brutal present. Armed with a future's worth of knowledge, he navigates a perilous journey to reshape destiny, facing deadly dungeons and dangerous decisions along the way."

Diori · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

Prologue- Prelude to Regret

The neon lights of the upscale club painted the night with vibrant hues, casting a surreal glow upon the scene within. The VIP section buzzed with an air of privilege, occupied by the young elite who seemed to thrive on the chaos they had carved out for themselves. At the center of this hedonistic reverie stood Leon Blackwood, a seventeen-year-old heir to a fortune that had bestowed upon him a life of luxury and recklessness.

Dressed in attire that spoke of extravagance, Leon leaned against the polished marble bar with a half-empty glass of expensive whiskey in his hand. Laughter and the thumping bass of the music reverberated through the air as he exchanged boisterous banter with his companions—equally spoiled scions of affluence. The night was his playground, and he reveled in the freedoms his family's wealth afforded him.

His tousled dark hair, illuminated by the club's colorful lights, framed his handsome face. His eyes, glinting with a mix of mischief and indifference, surveyed the dance floor where bodies moved in a synchronized chaos. There was an unspoken understanding among the VIPs that the world was theirs to command, and this night was merely another conquest.

"Another round, Leon?" a sharply dressed server inquired, glancing at him expectantly.

Leon grinned, raising his glass in agreement. "You know it. Keep 'em coming."

As the server scurried off, Leon's attention shifted back to the dance floor. His friends clinked glasses, their laughter drowning in the din of the crowd. The night was young, and the allure of the lights, music, and the palpable sense of rebellion coursed through his veins like a potent elixir. Yet, beneath the veneer of revelry, a subtle restlessness tugged at his thoughts—an inexplicable sense that something more awaited him beyond this intoxicating bubble of privilege.

In that moment, however fleeting, Leon's gaze wandered toward a glittering chandelier hanging overhead. Its countless crystals refracted the colors of the club, casting scattered rainbows that danced across his surroundings. It was as if the universe itself conspired to remind him that even the most brilliant moments could be fleeting.

But the night was relentless, and Leon quickly shook off the vague sense of unease, downing his drink and diving headlong into the extravagant chaos surrounding him. The music surged, the laughter crescendoed, and the night welcomed them all—fleeting yet eternal.

Unbeknownst to Leon, the night's recklessness would set the stage for a journey of redemption he could scarcely imagine.

The neon lights of the upscale club painted the night with vibrant hues, casting a surreal glow upon the scene within. The VIP section buzzed with an air of privilege, occupied by the young elite who seemed to thrive on the chaos they had carved out for themselves. At the center of this hedonistic reverie stood Leon Blackwood, a seventeen-year-old heir to a fortune that had bestowed upon him a life of luxury and recklessness.

Dressed in attire that spoke of extravagance, Leon leaned against the polished marble bar with a half-empty glass of expensive whiskey in his hand. Laughter and the thumping bass of the music reverberated through the air as he exchanged boisterous banter with his companions—equally spoiled scions of affluence. The night was his playground, and he reveled in the freedoms his family's wealth afforded him.

His tousled dark hair, illuminated by the club's colorful lights, framed his handsome face. His eyes, glinting with a mix of mischief and indifference, surveyed the dance floor where bodies moved in a synchronized chaos. There was an unspoken understanding among the VIPs that the world was theirs to command, and this night was merely another conquest.

"Another round, Leon?" a sharply dressed server inquired, glancing at him expectantly.

Leon grinned, raising his glass in agreement. "You know it. Keep 'em coming."

As the server scurried off, Leon's attention shifted back to the dance floor. His friends clinked glasses, their laughter drowning in the din of the crowd. The night was young, and the allure of the lights, music, and the palpable sense of rebellion coursed through his veins like a potent elixir. Yet, beneath the veneer of revelry, a subtle restlessness tugged at his thoughts—an inexplicable sense that something more awaited him beyond this intoxicating bubble of privilege.

In that moment, however fleeting, Leon's gaze wandered toward a glittering chandelier hanging overhead. Its countless crystals refracted the colors of the club, casting scattered rainbows that danced across his surroundings. It was as if the universe itself conspired to remind him that even the most brilliant moments could be fleeting.

But the night was relentless, and Leon quickly shook off the vague sense of unease, downing his drink and diving headlong into the extravagant chaos surrounding him. The music surged, the laughter crescendoed, and the night welcomed them all—fleeting yet eternal.

Unbeknownst to Leon, the night's recklessness would set the stage for a journey of redemption he could scarcely imagine.

Leon's laughter mixed with the music as he clinked his glass against his friends'. The club's energy was infectious, a wild symphony of flashing lights and pounding beats.

"Leon, you're on fire tonight!" Lucas, a fellow scion of wealth, exclaimed over the music, his smile wide as he took a sip of his drink.

"Damn right, Lucas!" Leon replied, raising his glass in a toast. "This is the life, isn't it? No rules, no limits!"

"Cheers to that!" Claire chimed in, her fiery red hair matching her fiery spirit. "And to us, the rebels of the upper echelons!"

The trio laughed, their camaraderie forged in shared decadence. They had always found kinship in their defiance of societal expectations, fueled by the unspoken agreement that the world was theirs to conquer.

"Speaking of conquering," Adrian interjected with a mischievous grin, "have you heard about the underground race next weekend? Word is, it's going to be wild."

Leon's eyes gleamed with interest. "Underground race, you say? Count me in!"

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "You're sure about that? Those races are no joke, man."

Leon waved off the concern. "Come on, Lucas, where's your sense of adventure? Life's too short not to live it on the edge."

"Leon's right," Claire chimed in, her eyes sparkling. "I've heard the winner gets a vintage luxury car. It's a chance we can't miss."

As the music pulsed around them, their excitement for the upcoming race forged a bond between them that went beyond wealth and status. In the world they inhabited, where material comforts were taken for granted, it was the pursuit of thrill that truly set them apart.

"Alright, count me in," Lucas conceded with a grin, raising his glass. "But you better not get us all killed, Leon."

Leon clinked his glass against Lucas'. "Don't worry, my friend. We'll ride the wind and come out on top."

The night continued to unfold, a tapestry woven with the threads of their laughter and shared recklessness. They danced, they laughed, and they lived without restraint.

The pulsating energy of the club followed Leon as he emerged into the cool night air, the neon lights casting an otherworldly glow on the streets. He staggered slightly, his mind dancing with the remnants of alcohol-induced euphoria. His friends bid their farewells, Lucas clapping him on the shoulder, and Claire blowing a kiss as they each headed to their waiting cars.

Leon's steps were unsteady as he made his way to the sleek black sports car parked at the curb. The engine purred to life at his touch, and he slipped into the driver's seat with a self-satisfied grin. Seated beside him was a girl, her features softened by the neon glow—a vision of beauty that seemed to match the surreal night.

"Where are we headed, handsome?" she purred, her voice laced with flirtation.

Leon leaned back, a confident smirk on his lips. "Somewhere you've never been before."

As they drove through the city's winding streets, conversation flowed between them like a dance. She revealed her name—Sophia—and talked about her life, while Leon alternated between laughter and teasing anecdotes of his own privileged existence.

The car's speed increased as Leon's confidence grew, his foot pressing harder on the accelerator. The wind rushed through the open windows, tousling their hair as they navigated the city's labyrinthine roads.

As they approached a bend, Leon's vision blurred momentarily. He blinked, trying to focus, but it was too late. The screech of tires was drowned by a sickening crunch as the car collided with an oncoming vehicle. Time seemed to slow as the world spun in a disorienting whirlwind.

In those agonizing seconds, Leon's mind raced, his senses heightened by adrenaline. He heard Sophia's scream, her voice a piercing note in the chaos. The smell of burning rubber and the metallic tang of fear filled the air. The world became a surreal canvas of shattered glass and twisted metal.

"NO!" Sophia's scream cut through the chaos, and her voice was etched with sheer terror.

The impact was jarring, the sensation of weightlessness and inertia colliding in a disorienting dance. Leon's body jerked against the seatbelt, his hands instinctively reaching out to shield Sophia. Glass shattered, spraying like diamonds in the night.

The car came to a shuddering halt, smoke curling from the crumpled hood. For a moment, all was stillness—a suffocating quiet that followed the tempest of destruction. Leon's heart pounded in his chest, his breaths ragged as he turned to Sophia.

"Sophia, are you—" His voice trailed off, replaced by a hollow silence. The air was thick with despair as he looked at the unmoving form beside him. Sophia's once lively eyes were vacant, her life extinguished in an instant.

A chorus of voices approached—the anguished cries of witnesses and the distant wail of sirens. Faces emerged from the shadows, aghast at the wreckage before them. Leon's hands trembled as he fumbled for his phone, his fingers slick with blood.

As he dialed for help, his voice trembled, barely coherent as he tried to describe the accident to the dispatcher. Every word felt like a weight, a testament to the irreversible consequence of his recklessness.

Minutes later, the wailing sirens grew louder, and the flashing lights painted the scene in hues of red and blue. Paramedics rushed to Sophia's side, their grim expressions mirroring the finality of her fate.

The police arrived, their questioning a blur of confusion and accusation. Leon's words were hollow, his once sharp tongue faltering in the face of tragedy. It was an accident—a word that offered no solace, only a painful reminder of the choices that led them to this moment.

As the ambulance doors closed, and the flashing lights receded into the distance, Leon stood alone among the wreckage. The weight of his actions settled upon him, a burden that would haunt his every step in the years to come.

The flashing lights and wailing sirens had given way to an eerie silence as the second ambulance arrived to the scene. Paramedics gently lifted Leon onto a stretcher, his body aching and his mind in a haze. As they loaded him into the ambulance, one of the paramedics offered a reassuring smile.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. We'll get you checked out at the hospital."

The hospital room felt sterile, the soft hum of machines providing an oddly comforting rhythm. Leon lay on the bed, his body wrapped in bandages, his mind still reeling from the events of the night.

The door swung open, and a doctor entered, his face a mask of concern. "Mr. Blackwood, you're fortunate to have escaped with relatively minor injuries considering the impact. We've run some tests, and it seems you'll need some rest and observation, but you should recover fully."

Leon nodded, his voice hoarse as he responded, "Thank you, doctor."

As the doctor left, Leon's father, Alexander Blackwood, entered the room, his expression a mixture of sternness and disappointment. His gaze swept over his injured son, his disappointment evident.

"Leon," he said tersely, "you've managed to tarnish our family name and reputation with your recklessness."

Leon winced, the weight of his father's words hitting him harder than his physical injuries. "I… I didn't mean for any of this to happen, Father."

"Intentions don't change the consequences," Alexander replied sharply. "You've brought shame upon us. The police, the media—it's a scandal now. Drunk driving, a girl's life lost."

Leon's heart sank, the weight of his actions settling heavily upon him. Before he could respond, his father's personal assistant entered the room, a phone pressed to his ear as he listened intently. After a brief conversation, he turned to Alexander.

"Sir, I've arranged to handle the situation discreetly. We'll pay for Sophia's funeral expenses, offer a scholarship to her younger sister, and provide a settlement for the family."

Alexander's stern gaze softened slightly. "See to it that it's done promptly. Damage control is paramount."

As the assistant left, Alexander turned back to Leon, his eyes weary with disappointment. "You were given every opportunity, every advantage. And this is how you repay it? Our family's reputation is a legacy, and you've besmirched it."

Leon's voice was barely a whisper. "I never meant for any of this to happen, Father. I can't change what's done, but I'll do whatever it takes to make amends."

Alexander's gaze bore into his son's. "You will mend your ways, Leon. This is your chance to redeem yourself, to prove that you're capable of more than recklessness."

As his father left, Leon was left alone with his thoughts, the weight of his actions and the expectations of his family pressing down on him. The hospital room felt suffocating, the walls closing in as he grappled with the magnitude of his mistakes.

The night wore on, the hospital room shrouded in darkness. Leon lay there, bandaged and broken, a reflection of the path he had chosen. In the silence, his thoughts were haunted by Sophia's face, her voice echoing in his ears as a constant reminder of the irreversible tragedy he had caused.

As he lay there, his gaze wandered to the window—a portal to the outside world that felt impossibly distant.

With a sigh, he shifted his position, propping himself up on the pillows. He looked out, his eyes tracing the lights of the city beyond. The bustling streets were a stark contrast to his confined solitude, a world of motion against his static existence.

In the distance, the glow of neon signs painted the night in vivid colors, each light a beacon of life in the darkness. For a moment, he allowed himself to be absorbed in the ebb and flow of the city—a world that seemed both removed and inviting.

As his eyes scanned the cityscape, something changed—a shifting of colors that caught his attention. The sky seemed to part, a luminous curtain drawn back to reveal an otherworldly radiance. It was as if the heavens themselves were in turmoil, caught between a celestial battle of light and darkness.

The city below erupted into chaos. People hurried through the streets, their faces etched with fear and confusion. The once vibrant lights of the city were overshadowed by an eerie glow that bathed everything in an unsettling luminescence. A collective panic spread, a realization that the world was shifting beneath their feet.

And then it happened—the gates, enormous and ominous, materialized in the midst of the chaos. Monstrous creatures burst forth, a nightmarish tide surging into the city. The ground trembled with their presence, and the air was heavy with a foreboding that seemed to defy comprehension.

As the first wave of monsters wreaked havoc, humanity's feeble attempts to resist were met with devastating force. Buildings crumbled, streets became battlegrounds, and the city's proud structures stood as little more than offerings to the ravenous invaders.

Leon watched, a sense of awe mingling with the fear that gripped his heart. The world was unraveling before his eyes, the boundaries between reality and nightmare blurring into an indistinguishable maelstrom. His own troubles paled in comparison to the cataclysm that had befallen the world.

In the midst of the chaos, a realization crystallized—an awakening that resonated deep within his being. A surge of energy coursed through him, an inexplicable power that defied explanation. It was as if the very essence of the world was seeping into his soul, granting him a connection to the unfolding calamity.

As the city descended further into chaos, Leon's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and exhilaration. He was no longer an observer but a witness to a world reshaped by unimaginable forces. The boundaries that had confined him were shattered, and he stood on the precipice of a new reality.

And so, as the sky itself seemed to rend asunder, Leon Blackwood's journey of redemption took an unexpected turn. The shadows of his past were cast aside by a new dawn, one that heralded not only the end of the world as he knew it but also the emergence of a power he could scarcely comprehend.

The world had shifted, its very fabric torn asunder by the emergence of the gates. A cacophony of chaos and despair echoed through the land as humanity grappled with the unimaginable reality that had befallen them. The gates, once unseen, were now unmistakable—twisted thresholds from which a horde of malevolent creatures surged forth.

In the aftermath of the world's transformation, humanity found itself teetering on the brink of extinction. Cities lay in ruins, their once vibrant streets now warzones where survival was the only currency that mattered. The monsters that emerged from the gates were unlike anything the world had ever seen—beasts of unimaginable size, strength, and malevolence.

For five years, humanity fought valiantly, its forces united against a relentless tide. But for every victory, countless losses were suffered. It became evident that conventional weapons were futile against these monstrosities. The fate of the world hung in the balance as the very notion of hope began to wane.

Yet, amid the despair, a glimmer of change emerged. Humans, pushed to the brink of their limitations, began to evolve in unprecedented ways. Traits that had long lain dormant within their genetic code awakened, granting them abilities and powers that defied the laws of nature. These individuals, dubbed "Awakened," stood as humanity's last line of defense against the encroaching darkness.

It was amidst this backdrop of chaos and transformation that the Infinity system was born—a symbol of hope and empowerment. Only those who had awakened to their newfound potential could perceive and access the Infinity system. It was a network of information, an interface that granted them insights, skills, and abilities that transcended the limits of the physical world.

As cities burned and humanity battled to survive, the Awakened emerged as warriors of an unparalleled magnitude. They wielded powers that defied explanation—flames that consumed, ice that froze, and lightning that arced with deadly precision. Each Awakened individual possessed a unique skill set, a testament to the boundless potential within the human soul.

Leon Blackwood, once a wayward scion of privilege, found himself standing at the precipice of a new world. His journey had taken an unexpected turn, thrusting him from the depths of his own regrets to a reality reshaped by cataclysmic forces. His memories of the accident with Sophia, the tragedy that stained his conscience, mingled with the urgency of the present.

But Leon was not among the Awakened, his potential lying dormant within him. He watched, a mere observer amidst the chaos, as those around him manifested powers that defied the laws of nature. There was no Infinity system at his disposal, no interface through which he could access newfound abilities.

In the heart of the shattered city, the emblem of Infinity shimmered on the wrists of the Awakened—a testament to their connection to the system. Their purpose was clear—to defend humanity against the forces that sought to consume it. Leon's purpose, however, remained uncertain.

As he stood among the ruins, the Infinity emblem upon his wrist pulsed with a soft light. It was a reminder of his unique position—a witness to the transformation of a world on the precipice of oblivion. His role was not to wield power, but to bear witness, to chronicle the stories of those who defied the chaos.

Across the landscape, figures clad in the emblem of Infinity moved with grace and determination—a symphony of strength and resolve. They were the Awakened, the defenders of humanity in its darkest hour.

The world had become a battleground, a clash between the Awakened and the monstrous horde that emerged from the gates. Flames danced, ice crystallized, and lightning crackled—a symphony of powers that transcended the boundaries of reality. Each Awakened individual had a unique skill set, a testament to the diversity of human potential.

In the midst of this chaos, Leon watched, his heart heavy with the weight of his knowledge. He understood the potential for salvation that the Infinity system offered, but he also comprehended the sacrifices and struggles that came with it.

As the world shifted and twisted around him, Leon knew that his role was to bear witness. To document the tales of heroism and sacrifice, of strength born from adversity. His connection to the Infinity emblem was not a path to power, but a conduit for understanding—a way to make sense of the chaos that had engulfed the world.

In the midst of a world reshaped by cataclysmic events, Leon Blackwood embarked on a journey that would test his limits, challenge his notions of identity, and force him to confront the very essence of his being. The gates, the monsters, and the Infinity emblem were the cornerstones of his odyssey—an odyssey that would lead him from the darkness of his regrets to the blinding light of redemption.

Amidst the chaos of a world forever changed, Leon Blackwood's resolve solidified. No longer a mere observer, he yearned to embrace the mantle of an Awakened. The embers of purpose burned within him, igniting a determination that had long been dormant. The Infinity emblem on his wrist was no longer a symbol of impotence—it was a beacon guiding him toward a destiny he was determined to forge.

But the path to Awakening was not an easy one. Leon's life, once a testament to indulgence and privilege, was now marked by a newfound desperation. He realized that the potential he had wasted could be reclaimed, but it came at a steep cost. With a tenacity that surprised even himself, he delved into a world of secrecy and deception.

With a calculated determination, Leon used his family's dwindling wealth to fund his endeavors. He was no stranger to manipulation, and he wielded his charm and cunning to secure resources. Documents were forged, connections were exploited, and debts were accumulated—all in the pursuit of his Awakening.

Yet, every step was a reminder of the reckless past he had left behind. He watched as his father's once-proud countenance crumbled upon discovering the extent of his son's actions. The consequences were dire—his father's health deteriorated rapidly, culminating in a stroke that shook the foundations of their family.

As his mother rushed his father to the hospital, another calamity struck—a Dungeon Break. The fabric of reality shattered, and a nightmarish realm intruded upon the city. Chaos reigned as monsters surged forth, wreaking havoc and leaving destruction in their wake. Leon, helpless and torn, could only stand on the periphery, his heart heavy with grief and guilt.

News of his parents' tragic demise shattered Leon's world. The weight of his actions, the choices he had made in his pursuit of Awakening, crashed down upon him with unrelenting force. He buried his parents in silence, a final farewell to a life that had been irrevocably shattered.

But as grief gave way to the stark reality of his situation, the vultures descended. Debt collectors, loan officers, and banks swarmed like carrion birds, eager to collect the debts accrued in his reckless pursuit. In less than a day, the veneer of privilege that had once shielded him from the world had crumbled. His family's fortune, squandered in his futile endeavors, had vanished into the abyss.

With the remnants of his inheritance, Leon rented a small, nondescript studio apartment in the suburbs. The opulence he had once known was replaced by the cold, stark reality of his new life. Stripped of his wealth, he faced the truth of his existence—a truth he could no longer evade.

The apartment was a refuge from the world, a sanctuary where he could confront the demons that haunted him. The Infinity emblem on his wrist was a constant reminder—a reminder that he had sought power and purpose, and in doing so, had left destruction in his wake.

Amidst the turmoil, Leon found himself at a crossroads. The path he had chosen was not one of power and prestige, but of penance. He could not wield the abilities of the Awakened, but he could still forge a new destiny—one marked by redemption, humility, and a determination to rebuild what had been lost.

In the quiet of his studio apartment, Leon Blackwood gazed out of the window at a world forever changed. The gates, the monsters, the Infinity emblem—they were all symbols of a reality that had been rewritten. But beyond the chaos, beyond the struggles that defined this new era, he saw a glimmer of hope—a hope that, in his journey of self-discovery, he might find a way to make amends, not only for his past, but for the world itself.

The city had transformed into a realm of uncertainty, where reality itself seemed to have splintered. The portals, once a source of dread, had become a twisted norm. Monsters emerged from the abyss with each gate's opening, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Humanity adapted, carving out existence amidst the chaos. And amidst this altered world, Leon Blackwood's journey continued.

As the remnants of his fortune slipped through his fingers like sand, Leon discovered that his fall from grace was not entirely of his own making. Betrayal had intertwined itself with his fate, hidden behind the facades of friendship. The two companions he had once called friends—Lucas and Claire—had been architects of his downfall.

Lucas, the charismatic playboy who had once shared in his reckless escapades, had been the mastermind behind Leon's financial ruin. Manipulating Leon's trust, he siphoned off the remaining assets, leaving Leon bereft and broken. Claire, the fiery soul who had joined them in their defiance, had played her part as well, feeding information that had expedited the collapse of his empire.

In the aftermath of his parents' deaths, Leon had reached out to them, seeking solace and support. It was only then that the truth had come to light, shattering the last vestiges of his illusions. The betrayal cut deep, a wound that festered alongside his grief.

But despair did not become him. A primal survival instinct surged within Leon, compelling him to chart a path forward. Reduced to nothing, he faced the harsh reality of his situation—a life devoid of privilege and wealth. He was a man without a degree, his college years squandered, and now the job market had little to offer him.

Leon embarked on a journey of survival, a quest for employment in a world that had no use for his past extravagance. Countless job applications yielded nothing but rejection. He had become a pariah, an emblem of wasted potential. The world had no sympathy for the son of a fallen dynasty.

With his financial wellspring exhausted, Leon faced the harsh reality of his predicament. A pauper's life loomed ahead, and the throes of destitution were inescapable. As his studio apartment's rent deadlines loomed, desperation clawed at him, propelling him into uncharted territory.

It was the gritty underworld that offered respite, where shadows thrived and desperation fueled opportunity. The career path he found himself treading was neither glamorous nor prestigious. As a lowly Carrier, he navigated the treacherous cityscape, delivering supplies and messages to guilds and players alike. It was not the life he had envisioned for himself, but it was a life—a means to survive.

The years passed, and Leon's once youthful features weathered. The passage of time marked his transformation from a reckless heir to a weathered survivor. Twenty years had come and gone, and the echoes of his former self seemed distant and hollow. He had relinquished his pride, abandoned the illusions of grandeur that had once defined him.

And so, at the age of forty, Leon Blackwood remained a carrier—a forgotten cog in a world teetering on the edge of annihilation. His existence was one of persistence, a daily struggle to secure a meager existence. The Infinity emblem on his wrist was a constant reminder of his futile dreams, a stark contrast to the power wielded by the Awakened.

Yet, even in the shadows of obscurity, there lingered a glimmer of determination. Leon's journey was not defined solely by his fall from grace, nor was it limited to his present circumstances. His path had diverged, leading him through treacherous terrain, but it was a path he chose to traverse—a path that, against all odds, might lead him to redemption and purpose.

Time flowed in unpredictable currents, carrying with it both fleeting moments and everlasting burdens. Leon Blackwood had become a survivor, a man tethered to a world that had morphed beyond recognition. He stood at the crossroads of destiny, assigned a role he had never sought—the captain of the carriers, the unsung heroes who ventured into the aftermath of conquered dungeons.

The Conquerors, humanity's stalwart defenders, comprised the elite who faced the most formidable dungeons head-on. Leon's role was that of the unsung conductor of the aftermath—the one responsible for the extraction of loot and dismantling of monsters that littered the dungeons' bowels. It was a grim yet necessary task, one that demanded precision, swiftness, and an understanding of the arcane.

On that fateful day, as the sun cast its golden hues upon the city, the Conquerors gathered—a coalition of strength, determination, and sacrifice. Ten individuals, each bearing the weight of humanity's hopes, set foot into the portal's shimmering maw. They delved into the heart of a dungeon, one that housed a phoenix and a dragon—an amalgamation of fire and fury.

Five hours of battle ensued, a symphony of clashing blades and searing spells. The Conquerors fought valiantly, their teamwork a testament to the unity forged in the crucible of survival. Yet, against the backdrop of heroism, the curtain fell on a grim reality. Of the ten who entered, only five emerged—victorious yet diminished.

The aftermath of a dungeon's conquest was a harrowing tableau. Dismembered monsters lay strewn like grotesque sculptures, their remnants harvested for resources to bolster humanity's resilience. As the carriers descended, a new chapter began—the chapter of disassembly and reclamation. It was a race against time, for a conquered dungeon would only remain open for three more hours before vanishing forever.

However, in the shadows of this process lay an ominous secret—the regeneration of mana. The very essence that fueled the monsters and powered the Awakened ebbed and flowed in an unpredictable dance. During the initial aftermath, mana was scarce, expended by battle and magic. Yet, in the subsequent hours, a phenomenon unfolded—a resurgence of mana, thick and potent.

This rejuvenation came at a price, a hidden danger that threatened carriers like a silent predator. The unbridled exposure to this surging mana led to the development of mana Syndrome—a condition characterized by the body's inability to cope with the overwhelming energy. As mana burned through their veins, carriers suffered debilitating symptoms that culminated in death—a cruel fate known as mana burn.

For most, mana Syndrome was an inevitability, a ticking clock that condemned them to short and fraught lives. Carriers, often driven by necessity and desperation, traded longevity for sustenance. Yet, Leon Blackwood defied this grim calculus. Despite twenty years in the heart of the mana storm, he had not succumbed. He was an anomaly—a survivor whose existence brushed against the boundaries of life and death.

Dubbed "Wraith" by those who recognized his unnatural longevity, Leon inhabited a twilight realm—a liminal space between the living and the dead. He was a symbol of cruel irony, a man who endured as if cursed, paying a cosmic penance for past transgressions. The city whispered tales of his survival, punctuated by pity and superstition. A tragic figure, burdened not only by his past but by the relentless mana that coursed through his veins.

And so, the Wraith persisted—a shadow of a man, haunted by memories and tethered to a destiny beyond his control. As the world teetered on the edge of transformation, he remained adrift, a survivor ensnared by the chains of circumstance. The path ahead remained uncertain, but the embers of determination still burned within him—a flame that refused to be extinguished.

In the wake of the Conquerors' triumphant return, the remnants of a dungeon's devastation lay bare for the carriers to confront. Leon Blackwood led his team, a group forged from necessity rather than kinship, into the decimated heart of the dungeon's aftermath. It was a routine they had mastered, a cycle of dismantling monsters, gathering loot, and recovering the remains of fallen Conquerors.

This time was no different—or so it seemed.

Amid the macabre symphony, Leon Blackwood approached his task with a detached focus, his gloved hands deftly removing limbs and organs from a slain phoenix. It was a dance of precision, a grim ballet in the realm of death. Unbeknownst to him, his role as the Wraith was about to take a harrowing turn.

The phoenix's fiery feathers shimmered in the aftermath, radiating a haunting beauty that belied its lethal power. Its eyes, now dulled, held the echoes of a once-majestic creature. Leon's gloved hands worked with practiced efficiency, his movements a stark contrast to the reverence he held for the fallen being.

With careful precision, he traced the contours of the phoenix's wings, severing sinew and joint with calculated expertise. His fingers deftly removed the iridescent feathers, each plume a testament to the creature's magnificence. The discarded feathers glimmered in the dim light of the dungeon, a poignant reminder of life's transient nature.

As he reached the heart of the phoenix—a pulsating core of life energy—Leon's gloves met resistance, an otherworldly heat that seared through the fabric. Ignoring the initial discomfort, he pressed on, determination a stubborn force in the face of adversity. The heart was extracted with a forceful tug, and in that moment, pain ignited like wildfire.

The heart, imbued with the essence of the phoenix, emitted a searing light and heat. Leon's gloves offered no defense against the onslaught. Agony coursed through his veins, each nerve singing a symphony of torment. His skin blistered and charred, flesh sizzling and warping beneath the cruel fire.

A scream of pure anguish erupted from his lips—a sound that went unheard, a silent echo in the cacophony of the aftermath. His vision blurred, the world tilting on its axis as his consciousness teetered on the precipice of darkness.

And then, like a candle snuffed out by a gust of wind, he succumbed to unconsciousness. The pain, for a fleeting moment, retreated to the shadows, leaving behind a body scorched and broken—a vessel of suffering.

Time passed in a void, the boundaries between reality and dreams warped and blurred. Images danced on the edges of his consciousness—memories of his reckless youth, the haunting specter of the accident that claimed a life, and the echoing chorus of his past mistakes. Amid the tapestry of pain and recollection, he heard whispers—a symphony of voices, distant yet hauntingly familiar.

The void yielded to the sensation of floating, a weightlessness that defied explanation. When consciousness returned, it was not to the sterile familiarity of a hospital room, but to the shadowed embrace of a dungeon's chamber. Leon Blackwood's eyes fluttered open, and his gaze met a surreal tableau—a circle of carriers, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. Their presence, their incredulous stares, all pointed to one undeniable fact: he was alive.

"What do you all want, a front-row seat to my demise?" Leon's voice was laced with wry amusement, his trademark sarcasm in full display even in the face of the inexplicable.

The carriers exchanged glances, their disbelief mirrored in their hushed murmurs. One finally found his voice, his tone tinged with awe. "We thought you had finally kicked the bucket, Wraith. No one's ever survived an encounter with mana burn."

Leon's lips curled into a sardonic grin. "The day I die is the day I become your father, you bastards. Wishing death on someone else—classy."

Laughter, a collective release of tension, rippled through the group. It was a momentary respite—a rare semblance of camaraderie amid the bleakness of their reality.

A chorus of voices chimed in, recounting the tales of his near-death—or was it death? Leon listened with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. The description of his survival seemed almost fantastical, a tale woven from the threads of absurdity.

But as he gazed at his hands, whole and unscathed, a reality settled upon him—a reality that defied logic and reason. The burns, the agony—it had all been real. And yet, his body stood as a testament to a truth he couldn't comprehend.

The procession of thought was broken as the carriers scrambled into action, retrieving the phoenix's remains and loots. Leon's instructions cut through the clamor, a reminder of his role and the unrelenting rhythm of their existence.

As they made their way through the dungeon's labyrinthine corridors, Leon's mind was a maelstrom of questions, doubts, and astonishment. The labyrinth of his thoughts mirrored the winding passageways around him, each corner leading to uncertainty.

The carriers' conversations buzzed around him, a mosaic of voices, each voice a thread in the tapestry of their struggle. In the midst of it all, Leon's thoughts turned inward, his mind a canvas of introspection.

Leon's thought to himself "What in the world just happened? Was it a hallucination brought on by mana sickness? Or had the pain been real, the burns genuine? And if so, why was there no trace of it now?

The universe has a twisted sense of humor. Or perhaps fate does. To survive the inferno that consumed my past, only to be scorched by a supernatural fire in this present reality—it's almost poetic.

But what does it all mean? The burn, the survival, the fact that I'm still here? Is this some cosmic joke, a reminder of the choices I've made and the consequences I've faced?"

As his thoughts swirled, the path ahead led them to a new realm within the dungeon—a chamber festooned with the remains of dragons. Scales glittered like precious gems, their colors dulled by the passage of time. It was a stark juxtaposition—the grandeur of these once-mighty creatures reduced to mere remnants.

The carriers set to work, their movements methodical as they went about their grim task. Leon's gaze wandered among the dragon parts, and with each severed limb, a new layer of reflection peeled away.

Among the carriers, a shared history existed—a history of trials, of loss, of defiance. It was a history that bound them together in ways they couldn't fully comprehend. Amid the fragments of monsters, their lives had become fragments too—each piece a testament to resilience and survival.

Leon's eyes met those of a fellow carrier, their gazes locking for a fleeting moment. It was a connection—an acknowledgment of the trials they faced and the strength they had found within themselves.

A whispered conversation began to weave its way through the carriers—words carried on the wind, a symphony of voices sharing tales of survival and tenacity. Leon's voice joined the chorus, his words a testament to the unyielding spirit that defined them all.

Leon: "Life's a funny thing, isn't it? Just when you think you've got it all figured out, it throws you a curveball. We've all faced demons—inside and outside these dungeons. And here we are, still standing. They call me the Wraith—a name that holds both pain and defiance. But it's not just my story—it's all of ours. We're the echoes of resilience, the threads woven into the fabric of a world forever altered."

As the conversation continued, a sense of unity emerged—a shared understanding of the world's transformation and the roles they played within it. In the dungeon's heart, amid the remnants of fallen creatures, they forged connections that defied the boundaries of their pasts.

Together, they stood—carriers, survivors, echoes of a world forever changed.

Amid the stench of charred scales and the metallic tang of dragon's blood, Leon Blackwood's focus honed in on the massive carcass before him—the remains of the ancient dragon. Its body, a testament to both power and vulnerability, lay sprawled like a monument to a bygone era.

The tool provided by the carriers was designed for this grim task. With precision and determination, Leon methodically cut through the dragon's formidable hide. Each slice was a reminder of his resilience, the same spirit that had carried him through years of hardship. The carriers around him echoed the rhythm—a symphony of dissection that spoke to their collective purpose.

As the blade bit into the dragon's chest, a sense of anticipation gripped Leon. It was an anticipation of discovery, of uncovering the heart that had once driven the mighty creature. And yet, beneath the surface, an undercurrent of unease pulsed—a nagging awareness that reality often held secrets far more complex than one could fathom.

Leon's gloved hand plunged deeper, his breath catching as he exposed the dragon's heart—a pulsating organ that had fueled centuries of existence. It was a moment both somber and surreal—an encounter with mortality, a connection to the essence of life itself.

But as he attempted to secure the heart within a container, a searing pain jolted through his hand. Agony flared, white-hot and unforgiving, as if the very essence of the heart rebelled against its removal.

The pain was a vice, crushing his voice before it could escape his lips. He watched in disbelief as the heart he held, moments ago pulsating with life, began to disintegrate before his eyes. It was a slow, agonizing dissolution—the heart's energy consumed by the very flames it had once kindled.

But then, as if fate sought to deliver another cruel twist, the unexpected occurred. Within the cavity of the dragon's body, a new life stirred—a newborn dragon, emerging from the ruins of its mother's remains. Its size was that of a terrestrial predator, its presence both captivating and terrifying.

In that fraction of a second, Leon was thrust into a realm of chaos. The heart that had burned him became a beacon of transformation, a catalyst for events that defied explanation. The newborn dragon lunged, jaws snapping, as if driven by an instinctual urge to claim its mother's legacy.

As the newborn dragon's teeth closed on his hand, the pain intensified, agony intertwining with the scorching heat of flames. And then, in the midst of the turmoil, something shifted—reality warped, time twisted.

The flames that had consumed the dragon's heart seemed to surge, tendrils of energy enveloping Leon's body, blurring the lines between pain and understanding. The newborn dragon, its form iridescent, gave a final, desperate bite before its life was extinguished.

And then, just as suddenly as it had all begun, the pain receded. A notification flickered before Leon's fading vision, words etched in light:

[Legacy's End]

Congratulations! You have ended the legacy of the dragon and phoenix species.


Player Awakening: You have unlocked the ability to become a player.

Skills Unlocked: Orius, Mana Clone.

The world around Leon dimmed, blurred, as if existence itself were unraveling. His hand, the epicenter of this inexplicable upheaval, felt both charred and invigorated.

And then, silence—a quietude that encapsulated the aftermath of a tempest. The flames withdrew, taking with them the remnants of the dragon's heart and the newborn dragon. Leon's vision clouded, his senses fading.

But just before consciousness slipped away, one last sensation surged—an abrupt, jarring displacement, a sensation akin to being hurled backward through time itself.

The scent of childhood—a fragrance woven from memories long tucked away—wafted through the air. A familiar room, a comforting sense of familiarity—Leon Blackwood's senses coalesced around the world of his past.

As his eyes fluttered open, he found himself in surroundings that echoed the corridors of his memories—a room adorned with relics of a youth lost to the sands of time. The age-worn furniture, the nostalgic trinkets, the posters of heroes he had once aspired to emulate—all merged to create a tableau of innocence.

Confusion mingled with recognition as his gaze took in the details. And then, a voice—an echo from his past—reverberated through his mind, tugging at threads of memory:

Ethan: "Leon! Dinner's ready!"

As if propelled by an unseen force, Leon's body moved, rising from the bed to venture beyond the door. And there, in the heart of a cozy kitchen, stood a figure he thought he had left behind in the haze of his former life.

Ethan: "There you are! Hurry up, or you'll miss out on mom's amazing lasagna!"

His brother Ethan—vibrant, full of life, his eyes alight with the promise of a future yet to unfold. A mixture of emotions welled within Leon—an ache for the years lost, the pain of a bond severed too soon, and an inexplicable understanding that transcended the passage of time.

Ethan: "Hey, what's with the dazed look? You're not daydreaming again, are you?"

A smile tugged at Leon's lips, a convergence of nostalgia and the inexplicable present. His voice—his own voice—responded, laden with emotion:

Leon: "No, I'm right here, Ethan. Let's eat."

As they shared a meal that had become a rarity in Leon's memory, the threads of time seemed to weave a new tapestry—one that entwined the past with the present, the mundane with the extraordinary.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of gold and amber across the landscape, Leon Blackwood found himself at the precipice of a journey he could never have imagined—a journey woven from the flames of rebirth.