
LEO: Roar of the raging Lion

Hameira Aquinox, already known as Stella in her past life passed on and resurrected in an obscure world where enchantment, rulers and wars exist. Investing her days calmly on the farmland when knights made their way to her and attempted to capture her. The kingdom Avmalor was known to be quiet and affluent not until the war between people and ethereal creatures happened. Since at that point, one with the control of a celestia are constrained to confront their conclusion. Now what will happen to Hameira as she go on an experience to elude the grasp of the Avmalor individuals? Will she be able to discover her reason? Or just like the others, will she die in vain?

roseindreams · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


The fire in your heart ignites.

The soul within resides.

With the mark of the zodiac,

It's fate, with them you'll collide.

"Even if I have to sacrifice everything that I have, I'll do it. Just to be with you."

The sun, moon and stars call.

Milady and Lord of 'em all.

For the power will soon awaken.

Peace dominates, evil will be driven.

"The power that I have exists, to be in eternity with you."

Lions roar.

All the livings soar.

The light shine.

With the power of zodiac.

"I can finally call you mine..."