
Chapter 2

"You should be dead!" His supervisor, Isaac, said, "I had everything set up. You were supposed to die!"

" I know, but I have good news. The other plan succeeded, I have a material from Leiv." Said Steve as he pointed to his shoulder, where if you looked closely, you could see metal shards on his shirt. "Why didn't you say so earlier! We need to move you to the science room quick! We can't loose this clue we have." Shouted Isaac as he stood up and ushered Henry out.

The supervisor pressed some buttons by the door and opened the door. Instead of the hallway he came from, he found a white room a bunch of people in lab coats moving holographic models of stuff.

"Move out of the way everyone, we got a metal from Leiv over here!" Shouted Isaac. He took Steve's shirt from him, and put it on a table. Suddenly a bubble appeared surrounding the shirt. The scientists appeared around it as if they teleported.

He turned around, and saw the scientists around the shirt excitedly talking in scientific jargon he couldn't understand. "Can you make a portal with this?" Asked Isaac to the scientists. "Well, maybe, no scratch that, probably. Our world doesn't have the technology for that, so we have to make it from scratch. With your powers, it might be possible." Said a scientist. "THEN do it!" Said Isaac, almost shouting at the scientist, "I can almost return."

This is a short chapter, hope you like it. I feel like it could be expanded, can you give me some tips, please.

Ender_Burgess_creators' thoughts