
Legislating my City to Prosperity (, maybe)

In the wake of the Enlightenment, the Aristocracy of DaJes embraces a wave of reform, passing legislation to establish a lower house for the Commons. Amidst this political upheaval, Henry finds himself thrust into the world of politics by his father, tasked with securing the survival and prestige of their family name. As he navigates the corridors of power, Henry grapples with the allure of authority, torn between his duty to legislate the city to prosperity and the seductive temptation of unchecked power.

MrCAL · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Consolidating support

"Well, I want to congratulate you, sister. You will be a fine wife to Lord Bene, and he will take care of you," Henry assured, though his tone was cold.

"We have an election to win, and with four contenders vying for power in our district, I will need to secure at least six votes for a majority, though I doubt it will be a tight race," Henry explained.

"But brother, what if—" Delphina began to voice her opposition.

"You will do no such thing, sister. This is the only logical way forward. With the Bene's vote secured, that will be at least four votes, along with the support of the other merchants, two from the clerks, and one from the overseer," Henry continued, extending his hand. "Come, sister, it's time to use your charm to bring in those votes."

"Yes, brother," Delphina replied, her tone still cold.

As they walked out of Delphina's room, the sound of music filled the air once again. With Delphina by his side, Henry led her to the banquet door. However, Delphina stopped abruptly, a mood of melancholy enveloping her. But as the door opened, her demeanor changed, and her smile radiates warmth and joy, lighting up the room.

Guests turned their attention to the beautiful Delphina as she walked beside Henry, her stunning red dress captivating everyone in the room. Taking her hand, Henry led Delphina to the middle of the room.

"Lord Bene! I believe a dance is in order," Henry announced.

"Thank you, Henry," Bene replied. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

"Of course, my lord. It would be my pleasure," Delphina responded graciously.

Delphina and Bene began to waltz, the room filled with admiration, their graceful movements captivating the guests and adding to the joyous atmosphere of the evening.

As Delphina and Henry moved through the festivities, a veil of sadness and sorrow lingered over their hearts. They understood the necessity of their actions for the survival of the family, but it weighed heavily upon them.

Henry approached the Tavern brothers with a friendly demeanor, extending his hand in greeting. "Hi, I'm Henry. How are you enjoying our banquet?"

"Thank you for inviting us, Henry, and for announcing your candidacy," replied Vince Stag warmly. "We have a lot of respect for your father and what your family has done for this district."

"This is my brothers, Keith and Ethan," Vince continued, gesturing to his siblings. "You may know our tavern, though we've never formally met."

"Yes, your tavern is quite renowned," Henry acknowledged with a nod. "I've enjoyed your ale many times."

The brothers chuckled. "Well, we like to think it's the best ale in all of DaJes," Vince remarked with a hint of pride. "We're aiming to elevate Stag Ale to citywide fame."

"Understood," Henry replied, sealing the agreement with a firm handshake.

"You have my vote," said Henry. "If there is any new legislation about it, you will have my support. Might I ask if you have met the Bessengers about this?"

"We would never go with that scum. He has been nothing but trouble for our tavern and the cause of suffering around the district," replied Stag.

"I couldn't agree more, Stag." agreed Henry

After enjoying a round of drinks with the brothers, Henry moved on to the Perfumer.

"Hi there, Henry Sharro. How do you do?" Henry introduced himself. "Glad you're here, Jenevie was it?"

"I'm good, love the banquet, Sharro," Jenevie replied warmly. "Yes, that is right, the district's perfumer."

"Yes, and your perfume is quite superior," Henry commented on the perfume. "As you know, I am running for the Assemblyman seat. Is there anything I can do to get your support?"

"Yes, I would need guards to be posted at my store. There have been some break-ins lately," Jenevie said sadly before his face turned furious. "It may have been the Bessengers. They are not known for their honesty, and they are trying to buy my recipes, so they may be the ones behind the break-ins."

"How about this, Jenevie," Henry proposed, "as Assemblyman, I would have to form a district council to keep the streets clean and safe. Would you want to be the Chief Servant of the Watchmen? To help keep law and order in our streets. You may be able to post a few watchmen for your store."

"You have my support, Henry." They shook hands, and before long, the banquet had ended.