
Meeting the first time (Part-1)

Mikoto lay on her bed as she stared at the snow falling outside her window. Its December already.

The house was clean and too quiet without her Tou-san.

During these few months, she was always training in survival by her Tou-san.

It was very tough. But she managed to hang through.

She was already board… She'd rather be fighting Shenron than be at home because then at least she had someone to talk to.

The house had been a lot emptier as her Tou-san was on a secret solo mission.

"I wonder what to do"


"Who is it", asked Mikoto as she lazily opened the door


"Patriarch, what are you doing here? Tou san isn't home"

"I know. He told me that"

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Your father asked for a favor"


"Yes, he asked me to be your assigned teacher"

"Assigned teacher?"

"Everyone who entered the military right after becoming Genin will have a veteran teaching them, Normally, Clan patriarchs are not asked for this role. But in your case, He came to me to teach you Disturbance fists and other clan techniques. Since, as incredible Kagami dono might be, He is not versed in Uchiha clan techniques"



"Your practice will start today's evening. Along with my son Fugaku.


"Except for your Daily compulsory training in Army formations, You will spend your entire day either with me or with Fugaku trying to learn Uchiha Taijutsu, The Disturbance fist, You already know the basics because of Kagami dono, we will move onto the advance version, we will move onto the next category, Your Ninjutsu training"


"Pack your bag, we are moving into Outskirts of our Compound, You and Fugaku will live there with me, the atmosphere in here is way too comfortable for Spartan Training"



"You are quite tenacious I must say", said Sakumo as he watched the beaten up and scratched Uzumaki Shenron. Who was huffing, and bending with his hands over his knees


"You learn fast Uzumaki. But that ain't enough"


"I am not teaching a Genin under me. I am not teaching a kid but a soldier. Your speed is not good enough"

"Put me through anything sir", He said as he straight up

Sakumo nodded, "Very good, in order to maximize the time and fulfill your potential in balancing, we will play a game of survival"


"Survival. Survive because I'm not going easy on you anymore Uzumaki also, do not use your seals" Sakumo said sternly as he formed hand seals and some of his vicious ninken appeared, the less humane and trained ninja hounds… These were like hungry wolves.

"If I were you, I would start running"




They are going to tear him. Their intention is very clear.

he jumped up into the trees for cover as he tried to formulate a plan as the hounds chased after him, the sun shining the world into a too happy and energetic color as he ran for his life through the trees. he had no weapons on him, He can't use seals of any kind. Nothing but his clothes and his fists against four vicious black dogs as big as he was, not to mention Sakumo was probably in the hunt as well.

By the time his training with Sakumo ended for the day.

Sakumo was no longer a kind sensei but the perfect emotionless shinobi. A merciless Soldier.

During the course, he slashed Shenron 7 times. At various places save for critical junctures.

Shenron was basically limping at this point.

Not to mention those dogs. Those vicious dogs with their Excellent sense of smell, strong jaws for snapping bone and ripping flesh, amazing speed with Little flexibility.


By the time he reached Sannoto Senju, Shenron was basically dying.


"Use your seals to heal you back, or you won't last after my training"

"Yes", he said in a hoarse voice as he put a tag on his forearms

"What I am going to do to today is torture you"


"You are not Genin, you are a Soldier, a shinobi from a battalion, I am not here to teach you, I am here to make sure that you are good enough to survive any and all kind of situations"

"Yes Sensei"

"You know Uzumaki has great vitality right?"


"Vitality, Vitality does not only affect your Stamina, But It also affects the Defences and Resistance as well. This is the basics, Did you know about it"

"Yes sensei"

"Good, that makes it easier, With that out of the way, Today, I am going to train your defenses to the extreme Levels. I hope that you are ready for the torture"


The Red Hair Youth hands and legs were tied with thin wires, as two Clones of the golden Hair Jonin Sensei kept pulling the string back.


Sannoto Kept Yelling.


Blood came out of his body since the Wires pierced through his body.


The Red Hair Teenager used all of his might to move forward, One Step at a time

One Step



Only one more step and he will be able to cross the line drawn by the Sannoto

The Youth Raised his leg...


He looked down as he saw a Sword covered in blood piercing through his chest.

He lost his strength and was pulled back because of the wires.

As he lost his strength and laid down there... Unconcious

If he wasn't Uzumaki, He was already dead at this point...

Sannoto looked at his fallen body, and with the poof of smoke, the Clones disappeared. He removed the Thin piercing strings... and carried him in a Bridal Style.

After removing his clothes from top to bottom, sannoto threw him in a tub, mixed with various Herbs. After making his head dip, Old man Looked at Shenron unconscious soaking in the tub from top to bottom for some time getting heal to the naked eye.

"The medicines are being absorbed so fast, His Vitality will take another leap even faster than I imagined", sannoto sighed and looked at the side where General Kagami stood

"Is he done?"

"For the day yes"

"Kagami San, Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"These herbs, they are not easy to acquire, those thin wires are filled with poison as well, You are trusting him way too much, After today's training his vitality will take a huge leap, even his poison resistant will improve a bit. What are you going to do once he gets too strong"


"Change the poison in the strings tomorrow", he said and turned back to walk away


"I can trust you right?"

Sannoto sighed, "Are you not going to tell me?"




"Don't worry, I will do whatever it takes to make him strong enough"


"The essence of healing is Absolute Control. You lose control even once, you lose everything"

Bruised and beaten up Shneron with scratches all over him nodded his head


"Are you sure you are okay?"

"No, I feel like I am dying"

"Sigh, Just hang in there"

Shenron nodded

"You know the basics of Tenketsu Points, human Insides, and all the medical terms. Its time for practicality. you start with Mystical Palm Technique on this dead fish"

He nodded without even thinking.


Bam Bam Bam

"Empty your mind and your body shall follow, depend on your instincts"

Kagami punched Shenron in the face, as he continued his assault.

"Everything has an Intent, Sword has sword Intent, Sabre has Sabre Intent, Fist has Fist intent, You need your body to read those intents. Not through your mind but through your body"



Shenron vomit blood

"Listen, Instinct is the materialization of one's Killing Intent throughout their body, movements, and thoughts. One's Intent follow them, no matter how well they hide it"


"Every movement they make, every Jutsu they do, Every step they take, they do it with an Intention"

"Feel it, Feel the chakra in nature, Feel the chakra in Opponent, Feel their Intent, Let your body move on its own, don't think, just react"


"Good Morning", smiled Shenron as he cooked and looked at Kushina who just woke up

"Good morning, what are you cooking?", she asked taking a deep breath

He chuckled, "Ramen with some side dishes"

Her eyes Shined at that

"Are you a god or something"

He chuckled, "Go and wash, then we will eat together"

"Hai", she cheered and went back in

-Hokage war Council-

The heads of all the Departments were having a war council aimed towards the engagement with Iwa and Suna expected to arrive in the near future.

"As per last information from our scouts, as expected, the enemy's main force means to expand to the Land of fire. There is almost no mistake as information from the betrayers also indicates this", said the Intelligence head, Shikoku Nara

"Then it is a frontal attack. Their ambush in the woods failed, and they also have to cross the river. Judging from General Aashui's personality, he must be thinking of coming at us from the front", said Danzo

[Iwa's Commander/ General: Haru Aashui]

"Bring me the map", Hokage said

"How is the usual construction going?"

"We have conducted construction work all around the predicted enemy invasion route. We will finish before long", said Major Sakumo

"We're playing tricks on them, is what they are probably thinking. Our forces are in reality weaker than theirs", said Hokage with a worry

"And if our trick is caught", said Danzo

"We just have to make sure they don't catch on", said Inuzuka Head

"We cannot limit ourselves to progressing according to plan. We do not know what will occur. This is a battlefield", said General Kagami

"Excuse me! I have come with urgent information!", a scout came as soon as possible

"What is it?"

"S-sir-! Presently, the Intelligence Corps members sent to monitor the enemy's movement are dead"

"Iwa is already here"

"I have information", another Scout came barging in

"Now what"

"According to information from our scouts, the enemy's main force has departed for Borders. Their army is very huge"

"Then who killed our scouts", asked Yamanaka Head

"There is a ghost that is already here, Inuzuka head, find me that ghost", ordered Kagami




"Does anyone else has any other information", asked Hokage

"There were reports that the enemy scout unit has been conducting work on the Borders. However, we do not have any details"


"We can not let enemies scout in our field, No matter how weak the report is", said Danzo

"Indeed, Hyuuga Head. Is Hiashi prepare for war"

"He is All-Ready Commander"

"Uchiha Head, how about Fugaku"

"He is ready as well, Commander"



"Take Uzumaki Shenron, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuuga Hiashi with you, With two Sharingan, One sensor, and one Byakugan, You should be able to find them. Find them and kill them"

