
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs

Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol

a few hours ago.

located in the ukiyoe town, tokyo. there was a school that was attended by rikuo and some of the members of the nura clan. it was ukiyoe middle school. rikuo also attended this town elementary school, not his hometown. well because rikuo's hometown didn't have school for all of the children there. so as an alternative they attended the nearest school that not too far from there. luckily, rikuo's hometown and ukiyoe town near that they only used train just for 15-18 minutes. also, ukiyoe town was wakana, rikuo mother hometown.

in the past, rikuo was being alienated by all of the members of the nura clan. the reason was simply that they were afraid that rikuo wanted to usurp ryouma position as the heir of the nura clan. at first, he hated his clan and his mother that married this clan. one day when there was a party in the clan, there was some group of youkai that made a bad remark toward wakana and rikuo. their remark as time goes, that remark became more brutal. rikuo saw that his mother still smiling but he saw a tear in a corner of her eye. he became angry and wanted to hit that group. but he was still 3 years old and didn't have the strength to hit that group.

he just hoped that this party ended soon enough. but, suddenly there was someone that approached the group and hit the leader of that group with a bottle of sake in the head. rikuo saw that it was ryouma. the group was surprised that their leader was being hit by ryouma. one of the youkai asked ryouma why he hit the leader of their group. he just said that his group insult wakana and rikuo in his presence. everyone that witnessed that including wakana and rikuo became baffled by ryouma because he protected her and her son despite they are just his step-family.

that group became angry with ryouma as they said that they were going to teach ryouma his place. ryouma without afraid of the number of that group and their age differences said confidently that he was going to beat them to pulp and after that was going to make them apologize to wakana and rikuo about their remark. before they fought for real, someone without their notice was already at the center of a group of ryouma and a group of youkai that insult wakana and rikuo. it was nurahiyon as he hit ryouma's head with his smoke pipe that he was forced to the ground.

then nurahiyon ordered ryouma to apologize to this group of youkai for what he did to their boss. ryouma pouted and blatantly refused nurahiyon. nurahiyon then hit ryouma once again and once more ordered him to apologize. with a bump on his head and tear in his eyes, ryouma reluctantly bowed and apologized to them. they became happy because they could see the heir of the nura clan bow to them. but their happiness didn't last long because they feel pressure from nurahiyon as he ordered them to apologize to wakana and rikuo for their word.

they knew that if they were refused, then they were dead in this place without a doubt. so while they gritted the teeth, they apologized to wakana and rikuo. after that, they informed nurahiyon that they have some business that needed to be done so they left immediately. then, nurahiyon informed everyone in here just continue their party and he then asked wakana and rikuo to go to the living room with him and ryouma. after they arrived in the living room, nurahiyon without a moment notice prostrated to wakana and rikuo as he said the apologies to them. before wakana asked nurahiyon to stand, rikuo with a fury look asked his grandfather why he helped them just now not every instance. wakana wanted to reprimand rikuo about his behavior to his grandfather but she was stopped by nurahiyon. nurahiyon with a kind tone in his voice explained that he was busy with the education of ryouma that he barely at the headquaters.

without missing a beat, ryouma with a happy face asked rikuo to play with him when he was at the headquarters. rikuo with doubt asked why he helped them at the party. ryouma said that because they are his family, they must be protected when he saw them in trouble. rikuo with an angry voice as he shouted that ryouma was a liar because he and rikuo was not a blood-related brother so they were not his real family. after rikuo shouted to him, he saw the reaction of his half-brother. but to his surprise, he didn't saw an angry or disdain look in his half-brother's look. but just a confused look as his brother plainly stated that 'so what? if you are not my blood-related brother, you are still my family and that is not going to change' hearing his half-brother- no his brother's word, rikuo's tears started to flow from his eyes without him realizing. ryouma became panicked because rikuo was crying. ryouma then began to ask help from his grandfather and wakana about what should he do. but what he saw was nurahiyon had a grin toward ryouma and wakana that was crying judging from her voice while covering her face with her hand.

for the first time that he was in this clan, he could say that he was glad to be born in this family. because of that word on that day, rikuo felt grateful toward his clan and his family especially his brother. so he was always playing with ryouma and his cronies together with a girl named tsurara that always with him. they doing many things like playing a prank to a member of his father hyaki hyako, stealing nenekirimaru to using it as a stick with their smash the watermelon play, and many other things. if he changed his view about youkai because of the education at the ukiyoe town, he still believed in his clan and his brother's word.

in the classroom when the school period was over, rikuo was worried about his brother because of last night's incident with kyuso's group. because of that, he didn't concentrate on the lesson, and because of that too, he was chewed by his teacher.

seeing rikuo's state like that, a girl with hair colored a mix of black, blue, and white with two wavy black horizontal lines along one side of her head. her eyes were deep blue and she wore a scarf around his neck became worried about him. but, she knew the reason for that as she approached him. with a sigh, she began to speak to rikuo.

"rikuo-bochama, you shouldn't worry about that pervert. after all, he was tough enough that he could survive from okamihime's chase that spanned from one week without a wink of sleep."

rikuo then saw the girl and with a wry smile, he said some reminder for her.

"tsurara, you shouldn't call aniki 'pervert', and if he can survive that, I still worried about him after all that attack from the unknown assailant and kyuso's group, he almost died. you know that, right?"

this girl, tsurara was annoyed that rikuo, her crush was worried about his brother. yep, tsurara was fall in love with rikuo ever since he was a child. but she was annoyed that rikuo was following ryouma like a puppy. but still, she knew that if ryouma died at that time. rikuo and his mother were going to have a dangerous situation on their hand.

tsurara knew the impact of ryouma was so huge that all of the clan mobilized at full force just to find this mysterious assailant of his. but she never wanted to admit him. after all, she had a grudge against ryouma that she still brought until now.

then she remembered about something that she needed to convey to rikuo.

"ah rikuo-bochama, please don't forget about the gathering on the rooftop after you are done with your preparation."

"is it kiyostugu?"


"huh, well let's be done with it and go home tsurara."

"yeah rikuo-bochama."

""to Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol""

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