
Legendary Unknown Game Developer

MC will wake up in a parallel world where technology flourishes. This parallel world has many Sci-Fi technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence. The MC will receive the Game Developer System 1.0 and needs to accumulate Developer Points to buy many things in the system shop to produce better games. Not only that, MC can use Dev-Points to strengthen him. The parallel Earth will meet a Legend that no one will ever know, even with the Artificial Intelligence created in this parallel world. ..... MC is named Alfred Garrido, 50 years old, Asian, and Filipino. He is an old game enthusiast and dreamt of creating his very own RPG/MMORPG games, however, due to life experiences, his dreams never came to fruition, instead, he worked himself as a regular office worker. He likes to read business and game-related news, even at his current age. His wife left him due to his financial condition when he was 30 years old, they didn’t have any children. Since then, he never sought another partner and worked all the time as well as catering to his gaming hobby. Mocked by his family and friends, he lived alone in an apartment, with his computer and gaming devices as his companions. He slept after his 51st birthday’s last hour ticked off. He heard the alarm ring and woke up panicked. He thought he was late for work but when he woke up, he scanned the room and found that it was not his. There were posters of a man with steel hands. Some other posters were unknown to him. In an instant, he felt a headache all over his head and found that unknown memories were present in his mind that were not there before. He jolted for a few minutes and stopped. When he opened his eyes, he quickly assessed what was happening to him. “I think… I know this situation I am in!” he uttered. Yes, he guessed right, he transmigrated in a parallel world of himself! “God damn it! All the novels I’ve read were true!?” Alfred shouted. Unknown to him, his mother of the parallel world called him out. “Alfred! What are you shouting about!? Come down you’re late to school! I’ve work to do so you better be fast or I’ll slap your butt hard!” Alfred was surprised, his mother in this parallel world is alive!? “Wait…” Alfred thought that there must be something wrong so he went to the nearby mirror in his room and looked at his image. “What the fuck!? I’m young again! Wait… let me check the memories.” He closed his eyes and scanned the memories he just received moments ago. “I-… I’m back to my 7th grade!?” He stepped back a bit due to shock but pivoted firmly after a few moments. “I’m back!” Alfred clenched his fist hard and punched the air upwards. “I’m fucking back! I can re-do my life! Hahaha!” Alfred laughed his ass out and got his mother’s second and final warning. He quickly tidied his bed and went down to eat with his mother.

finishme · Romance
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C9: Extermination!

Back to Alfred.


He was driven home by Issmari and they arrived at the apartment complex. He parted ways with Issmari at the door and stepped inside their apartment. He found his mother cooking something, so he greeted her and walked straight to his room.

Upon closing the door, he accessed his interface and purchased the equipment listed in the two papers he received from his bodyguards. Although the items were unfamiliar to him, with the system's assistance, he managed to acquire them all at a cost of slightly less than a million developer points. However, a significant issue arose - how would he transport all the equipment to the neighboring apartment? He inquired with the system, which proposed a "fake" delivery service that he promptly acquired for 50,000 developer points.

Upon completing his purchases, he exited his room to observe how the system would deliver the equipment. Stepping outside, he spotted a delivery person in uniform ringing the bell of his bodyguard's apartment. Impressed by the efficiency of the system, he watched as Issmari accepted the boxes, signed the necessary documents, and saw the delivery personnel depart.

Issmari brought the boxes inside the apartment and then informed the two bodyguards that these were the items he had ordered based on their requests. The bodyguards nodded in acknowledgment and began unpacking the sophisticated spying devices and military-grade weapons. Upon inspection, both bodyguards were internally shocked that a 9-year-old could purchase such advanced equipment.

This led them to question Alfred with a bewildered "Who are you!?" to which Alfred responded with a simple smile. Failing to elicit a response from Alfred, the two bodyguards merely shook their heads and sighed.

After unpacking all the devices, guns, and ammunition, Alfred made the two bodyguards an offer they couldn't refuse. "Which of you is willing to eliminate the individuals bothering me and my mother?"

Issmari swiftly raised his left hand.

"Ding! Ding! Issmari emerged victorious," Alfred teased.

"Tsk," was the only sound Terrence could manage.

"I emerged victorious," Issmari playfully remarked. Terrence shrugged and proceeded to position the devices in their designated spots.

After the brief exchange, Issmari turned to Alfred and received a folder. Glancing at its contents, Issmari remarked, "Oh, so these individuals, huh? The task seems simple."

"I'm not sure. It's all yours, I'll transfer the funds to you now." Alfred pulled out his phone and transferred 1 million credits to Issmari's undisclosed bank account. Issmari heard his phone ring and checked the text message from the bank's notification. "Understood," he confirmed.

"Excellent. Please eliminate them all to avoid any further inconvenience," Alfred instructed.

"Yes, boss!" Issmari smirked. Alfred returned a smile and headed towards the door, but halted abruptly two steps away. The two bodyguards looked at Alfred with a hint of confusion. "Oh, right, here." Alfred turned back to them and tossed two small devices in their direction. The two bodyguards caught the devices in their hands and examined them with curiosity.

"And what might these be?" Terrence inquired.

"It's like your face-changing device, but more advanced. Wear it like your regular watch and tap it to access more options through its built-in augmented reality interface. Have fun with it, I suppose?" Alfred smirked and proceeded to the door. As he exited the apartment, the two bodyguards swiftly put on the devices and tapped them above. They were both amazed when the augmented reality interface appeared on their "watches".

"What the fuck!? This is awesome!" Issmari uttered.

"Indeed." Terrence said.

"God damn! Where he got these high tech gadgets!? Is he a secret son of a magnate?" Issmari said.

"Negative. I've already pulled out all the details about the kid and nothing showed suspicious. He's a normal kid." Terrence answered.

"Fuck, that kid is a monster then! A future menace!" Issmari joked.

"Positive" Terrence agreed.

"Whatever, he paid us to do the guarding job, well, I got an extra work so you're responsible for the mother. I'll finish the task as fast as I can." Issmari said.

"Affirmative" Terrence replied.


God darn it! The task was meant to be simple, but we messed up badly!" The head of the gang exclaimed and hurled his glass cup.

"Boss, should we go undercover!?" a subordinate gang member asked.

"Hmm, that might be our only option. Get our crew ready! We'll make our move tonight!" The leader declared.

"Affirmative!" the gang members acknowledged their leader's command.




Hmm... Do these guys want to infiltrate that complex? Are they insane? The government of this country will be all over them as soon as they set foot inside that heavily guarded gate. Well... I don't want to bother the bossy kid, so Issmari slowly walked into the goon's base and silently strangled the guards to death at each checkpoint.

"This will be a piece of cake..." Issmari smirked. A devilish smirk.


The sound of gunshots reverberated throughout the base as the head of all goons was in a state of panic. "What the heck is going on!?" he demanded.

"Boss! An unidentified intruder has taken out most of the guards outside, and he has also eliminated nearly half of our men!" the subordinate goon replied while reloading his pistol.

"Darn it! Who the heck are you!" the leader yelled towards where Issmari was concealed.

After a brief moment, no response was heard, only the sound of a gunshot and a scream from the leader's goon member.

"Darn it! Forget this, let's move! You and you! Delay that intruder!" he commanded his subordinates, and they all nodded.

He swiftly made his way to another exit.


He thought, "these guys are idiots." Issmari took out a small device with a button and pressed it.

The rear of the warehouse exploded, killing or seriously injuring those attempting to flee.

"Now, let's round you all up in under 10 minutes," Issmari smiled.


The leader heard multiple gunshots and turned to see a Filipino man in street clothes holding a .30 caliber gun.

"What do you want!?" the leader of the goons, the sole survivor of his group, asked nervously.

"You're dead," Issmari replied, pulling the trigger swiftly. The leader's head was hit, and he died instantly.

"Now... we move on."

He departed from the scene and headed towards the next target.


In just one day, Issmari eliminated every gang member related to the person who was targeting Alfred.


In an elegant office.


"Sir, we've received reports of dead gang members related to our organization yesterday," the female assistant said, placing the reports on the table.

"Hmm..." The man in the suit sighed and looked at the words in the report.

"Mobilize our resources and find the one who's targeting us," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," the female assistant nodded and exited the office.

The man in the suit pulled out his phone and dialed a number. It rang, and a voice on the other side spoke.


"Activate Barroque. We need him to kill the insect plaguing our organization."


The call ended.

"Who the fuck wants to deal with us..." he clenched his fist hard.


Unknown to the man in the suit, Issmari was already inside the room.

As soon as the man finished his phone call, Issmari turned off the lights in the office, alerting the man.

"What the fuck!? Isabela! Lights!" he shouted.

"No need to shout, right?"

The man quickly turned and saw Issmari sitting on the sofa, facing him.

"W-who the fuck are you!?"

"The man who will kill you and everyone linked to you," Issmari smirked coldly.

"What?! Who!? I'll pay you triple the amount!" the man said nervously.

"Triple? How much?" Issmari smiled.

"500 thousand!"

"Eh? That much only?" Issmari teased.

"What!? That's fucking too much already!"

"Then your life is only worth 500 thousand credits, as you said. My employer paid 1 million... as a side job at that. So... see your men in the afterlife." Issmari pointed the gun and pulled the trigger.

"W-wait I ca—" The bullet pierced his head and exited from the back.

"Too slow," Issmari joked and slowly faded into the shadows.


After a week, all the members related to the person Issmari killed were terminated.

Issmari returned and greeted his kiddie boss, Alfred.

"Good work," Alfred praised.

"Heh, easy job," Issmari shrugged, smiling.

"Back to normal then," Alfred nodded and left the premises of their apartment complex with Issmari as his driver.




"God damn! That person appeared again! He gambled and made a hundred million credits in just a week! What the fuck is going on?!" The person slammed the table as hard as he could, frustrated.

The office door opened, and three men in suits entered.

"Erick, you fucked up," one of the men, an old man, said.

"S-sir... It was just a simple incident. I-I will make a comeback tomorrow!" Erick pleaded as he kneeled.

"No second chances here, Erick." The old man turned to his left and nodded at the stone-cold man. He pulled out a pistol and shot Erick in the head.

"Investigate what happened and who's responsible for this mess!" the old man ordered.

"Yes, sir." The man on the right nodded and left the office with the old man.


In another office, international.


"Damn, that kid is a genius! A monstrous genius! I need to recruit him!" said the man who had all the details about Alfred.

Busy with... you know... Life?

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