
Chapter 438: Power of space!

"He dares stand on the same footing with us? When did we become so weak that any person can look down on us?" Cyrus said those words with a charming smile on his face.

Derik ignored the question and focused his attention on the enemy standing only a few meters away from him while greatly resisting the urge to dive forward and tear his enemy to shreds.

" Are you really the new gods, spoken of in the books?" Blata's words came as a surprise to all seven of them since no one from the church has ever asked such a question.

They were used to the church denying their existence and paying no heed to their words until the last moments of their life but they never expected someone of his ranking to be the one to ask first.

"Will you believe us if we say yes?" Derik asked with furrowed eyebrows.