Life? Death? what's the difference? Many consider these two elements as opposites and the bane for the other but in reality, they are just different sides of the same coin. Derik always dreamt about becoming a cool mage and when the time came, he was disappointed... But even with the status of an archer he still pushed forward until he stumbled upon his magic... A power he could call his own.... DEATH!
Those sent as spies to watch the battle were frozen at a spot unable to move as they watched the demonic beasts feed on the enemy forces. Strangely these magic beasts ignored their existence and only focused on the enemy forces. The way they attacked and moved was way too coordinated, making people look at the figure in the sky whose face was hidden within a hood. They kept gazing at the figure hoping to realize his identity but the more they stared at him, the harder it became to see him.
On this very day, the god of destruction and death made an appearance and murdered all fifteen thousand men sent to burn Kedus to the ground. As soon as the enemy united forces were completely destroyed, the beast of the underworld, took to the skies, surging into the massive bone gate from which they came from.