

Life? Death? what's the difference? Many consider these two elements as opposites and the bane for the other but in reality, they are just different sides of the same coin. Derik always dreamt about becoming a cool mage and when the time came, he was disappointed... But even with the status of an archer he still pushed forward until he stumbled upon his magic... A power he could call his own.... DEATH!

Riviz · Fantaisie
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671 Chs

Chapter 341: Making themselves known! (2)

The orc settlement was located at the central region of the continent, in a valley, directly beside a flowing river. The thought of seeing a well-built city with sturdy defenses and organization stunned Derik and Cyrus. Amongst all the invaders, the orcs which were known as warmongers were the ones they least expected to see in such an organized city. Unlike the empire, the city was divided into rims and even though their walls were just piles of rocks stacked on each other, the various magic runes engraved on them were enough to make even Derik feel uneasy.

"There is no way those stones are just for show… I must confess these monsters far surpassed my expectations" Derik frowned slightly.

"That's not even the main issue here… am I the only one who is unable to peak up the energy signature of these beasts? We are literarily staring at them yet we can't feel their aura… This settlement is armed to the teeth with magic arrays" Cyrus frowned.