Life? Death? what's the difference? Many consider these two elements as opposites and the bane for the other but in reality, they are just different sides of the same coin. Derik always dreamt about becoming a cool mage and when the time came, he was disappointed... But even with the status of an archer he still pushed forward until he stumbled upon his magic... A power he could call his own.... DEATH!
A youth about sixteen years of age fire three shots consecutively from his bow while she retreated repeatedly, her green hair swayed in the wind as each shot she fired carried some sort of wind wave and her feet barely touched the ground, she practically glided in the wind, moving past the rest of her team effortlessly. The lady had bright green eyes with long shoulder length green hair! She only wore a piece of green cloth that looks like a bra to hold on to her massive bosom and green shorts which revealed her long attractive legs. Strapped to her back was a quiver filled with arrows and on her hand was a green boy decorated with green glowing ancient letters, it gave off a refreshing aura.
"Gust… this ain't working? How did we get lost? Check the map again!" A red hair boy cried out impatiently. It was obvious he was terrified because he was the slowest in the group.