
Legendary Devourer Class Awakener

Just try it, I'm sure you will love it :). Update Daily at around 9 AM PST ------------------------- Born into a poor family without even knowing his last name, Leon Devour enters the 'Crimson Earth' nation's program to gather strong awakeners as it was his only chance of achieving something in his life. During their graduation day, the students of school "973" are taken to the gymnasium, where they meet the 'elites' that are going to inject them with the 'Class Syringes' to awaken their unique talents. Each person's talent/class is different from the other, yet there is only a 50% chance of awakening it, those who don't are deemed as failures and are forced to work in the mines if they are as poor as Leon. The 'Crimson Nation' only wanted the most powerful of awakeners to fight against the horde of humans and monsters, as well as to conquer dimensions and get resources. So they gathered thousands of students all across their program, only allowing the strongest to compete for a chance of joining the academy. Weakness is failure, death is failure. But for Leon... [You have awakened the talent 'Devourer'!] [You can now devour stat points, talents, skill, everything!] "What the..." ------------------------- It's even better than my other novel by the way, which is pretty popular. WSA 2024 ENTRY! Please show support and gift powerstones if you like the story! 150 Powerstones: 1 bonus chapter 250 Powerstones: 2 bonus chapters 500 Powerstones: 3 bonus chapters Thank you :)

EndKun · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

The Devourer Class

"Student number: 1; Mina Yules," the leader called out, and a small chubby girl with short black hair advanced, wearing the academy dress (everyone wore the same one), "Please give me your hand."

She did as instructed, her bare arm exposed, and one of the men in silver uniform took out one of the crimson syringe and injected it into her arm, it didn't seem to hurt though, which was the main concern of many as they had seen weird rumors say that the pain was so bad many people died.

The room fell silent, all eyes fixated on Mina, waiting to see if the serum would take effect.

"…" the leader waited for a few seconds, his eyes analyzing her entire body, as if waiting for some type of reaction, but then… "Failure, next."

"WHAT?" the chubby girl looked horrified as she heard the daunting words, the ones she never wanted to hear in her life, "H-HOW ARE YOU SO SURE, YOU F-FRAUD?"

"The name's Toji, little lady, and the serum takes less than five seconds to activate, plus you should be able to see a screen in front of your eyes if you awakened, yet you didn't," he took the long piece of paper and crossed Mina's name with a red marker as another one of his men took her out of the gymnasium, it seemed as if he was used to this sort of reactions as he didn't even bother looking much more into it, he was an expert after all.

This terrified everyone: they could be taken out so easily, and their friends as well.

But now… everyone was only thinking about themselves, and they all wished they wouldn't end up like Mina, their entire destiny now being decided by sheer luck, or maybe it wasn't luck?

Toji said there was a 50% chance of awakening, so many considered it as luck, but maybe it was another factor other than that which allowed people to get their talents?

In the end, no one knew, not even Leon, so he was just thinking that it was maybe determination.

"Student number: 2; Akira Sunshine," Toji called out, and the handsome blond-haired boy advanced toward the stage, a look of confidence on his face, as if he perfectly knew that he was destined, just like all his other family members, to do great things.

Without being instructed, Akira showed his arm to the elites, who immediately injected the serum into it.

And after less than a single second…


Akira literally exploded with an orange aura that felt very hot to even those at the back.

"Awakened, pass, and with a very powerful talent/class at that, looks like it's not a total waste of my time," Toji nodded as he checked number 2 with a green marker.

Each talent/class someone got was different from the other, making literally every individual unique, since they have their own ways to fight.

Akira got the [Hero of the Sun] talent, and he was the first to awaken among the students.

"Go back to your place," Toji asked Akira, and he just nodded, too busy staring at the air, probably the panel that appeared before him.

'So failure means going out, but success means staying…' Leon mumbled, anxiety creeping in.


What followed was an intense succession of students being called to the stage, injected with the serum, and either exploding into powerful auras or being swiftly deemed failures and escorted out.

[Number 38: Failure.]

[Number 72: Success.]




And finally… after an hour and a half, where half of the people who were called were taken away…

"Student number: 417, Leon Devour; huh, what a weird last name," Toji called out, and Leon advanced forward, his gaze full of determination, although the fear of failing was still there.

"Oh, it's him…"

"Haha… I wonder if he is gonna do it…"

"Is the loser going to stay a loser forever, or is he gonna become someone?" Akira laughed, half his group of friends having already disappeared, and those that hadn't passed trembling.

"Arm," Toji, his cigarette still in his mouth, ordered, and Leon showed it to him.

His red eyes were burning with anticipation, and his blazing short red hair swayed lightly as they grabbed his arm and injected the crimson serum inside.

'Come on… please…' Leon closed his eyes.



[Congratulation, you have unlocked a class!]

[Talent/Class: Devourer]

And of course, this could only mean one thing.


His entire body exploded with crimson aura, taking aback even Toji who backed away.

"Amazing, you pass," Toji let out a small grin, "Very high potential individual," he noted that next to Leon's name.

"Phew…" Leon let out a quick sigh, he didn't know how strong his class would be, but if even Toji was surprised, then it meant he was fine for now.


"If even Leon can do it, then maybe…"

People regained hope, but Leon paid no mind to them, as they were literally putting him down to boost their own delusions.

"Haha~" Akira clapped his hands as Leon went back to his original spot, "Amazing, truly amazing, looks like we'll have more fun from now on!"





[Number 507: Success.]

And with all of that…

"Final report, from 507 students, only 242 remain," Toji announced.

This was a little less than 50%, but all those that passed didn't care enough about that, all forgetting about their friends.

This is a human's selfishness, isn't that?

"We got a good batch this year," Toji seemed satisfied, "Although it is impossible to truly determine how strong any of you are, I am sure that you will use your abilities to prove to us that you deserve to be awakened."

And so…

"Then…" Toji sighed, "The trial shall begin…"

The air in the gymnasium grew tense as Toji's words hung in the air. The remaining students exchanged nervous glances, knowing that the real challenge was yet to come.

"But before that, please do check your status window by calling it out."

"STATUS WINDOW!" Akira was the first to shout, his confidence at its peak, sure that he got the best class among all of them.

"I do like your enthusiasm, Mr.Akira, but there is no need to shout, a simple whisper is enough to summon the panel," Toji smiled.

'Status window,' Leon whispered, his voice steady despite the roiling emotions within him.

And suddenly…


[EGO is watching you.]


[Name: Leon Devour]

[Bloodline: Human (F)]

[Class: Devourer]

[Level: 0]

[Health: 10/10]



>[Vitality: 1]

>[Strength: 1]

>[Speed: 1]

>[Endurance: 1]

>[Perception: 1]





So much information in such a simple panel.

[After each level, you will be granted 5 stat points to attribute to the stats you want, please choose well!]

[You will also be given SPECIAL quests from your class to earn rewards!]

[Please note that a stat point is considered as singular, but in the case of vitality (health), then one stat point = 10 HP!]

Leon could see that everyone was checking their own panels, all interested in what they had been given.

"SUN SWORD!" Akira suddenly shouted, and a brilliant sword materialized in his hand, glowing with a warm golden light as its edges were moving like a blazing fire, "Haha! This kicks ass!"

The other students gasped in amazement, impressed by Akira's unique weapon.

"…" but Leon was just analyzing everything: looks like everyone's skills and class were truly unique.

And after another minute or two…

"I guess everyone has gotten the information they needed," Toji clapped his hands, "Then… it's time to start the pre-selection trial, do not be too happy, since those who aren't able to finish it will probably perish."

Perish? Huh?

"P-Perish?" a girl with short brown hair in a bob cut nervously raised her hand.

But Toji looked at her with an emotionless look, his expression becoming extremely serious.

"Perishing, dying, passing away, meeting your end," he spoke, "Is that too hard to understand?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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EndKuncreators' thoughts