
Chapter 323 - Bedrock Breaker Pickaxe

Another item with the chance of becoming Legendary-grade was now in his hands: the pickaxe.

Broken never imagined he would need a pickaxe for combat, until the Self Transcendence Blessing unexpectedly granted him the Unique-grade class of Rift Digger.

He was still baffled by why he received a miner class. If the blessing had activated while he was working on the golem, wouldn't it have been cooler to have the class Golem Creator? He could have built an army of golems to protect the city.

But here he was, ready to perform the finishing touch on the pickaxe. From its appearance alone, it was already vastly different from any normal pickaxe used for mining. This one was crafted from expensive materials, including a Monster Soul Stone from a level 200 monster, Rare - Sand Colossus Lv. 215 Monster Soul Stone.

Who would think to use such luxurious materials to craft a pickaxe?