
Legend of the SIRED

Niamu, was once a priestess of the well known goddess as well as four others. they were called the SIRED due to the power they wielded. She is conspired against and murdered by her best friend and the New queen of Necrad kingdom during a power struggle. Years passed and the king of Necrad is enchanted by a demon who does not kill him but uses his body to do evil . the power of the demon is far greater than any other and only the power of the buried SIRED can bring peace to the world were the citizens don't even know anything about their history. ************************ Verity who has somehow gotten the amber orb passed to her from Niamu is needed to expel the demon. When she does, what she doesn't expect is what she got. And finally something that has long been gone is dug out and the five sisters who had never gotten to see each other are brought together by a force greater than anyone could destroy I am not the owner of the cover.

Orangeclothes · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
7 Chs



When I entered the room, I noticed that if the way to this room was dark, then this was like a black hole. one without a single iota of life.

Yes, it felt dead. and I don't know why, but I felt like it was another world entirely and there was still a partition between me and whoever the king was.

I was scared even before I entered but now, I was knowing a new fear. why would a living being have to be this confined and in such a dark place? I mean, I have heard of different illnesses, but none needs this many precautions.

How was the king being fed? What exactly was the reason for this kind of quarantine?

I looked up towards the partition and felt a shudder when my flaming eyes met another. Though the flames were made up of blue and red.

How was there another person with my type of eyes in this palace????

The gaze seemed to pierce through me, and a wave of headache split my head open.

I felt another energy lift me before flinging me away to the other end of the room, where I came from. The groan that was coming from my mouth due to the intense pain from the headache and my broken head was muffled when I remembered how silent everywhere was in a closed room. sounds travel faster in that situation. I kept myself on the floor hoping that that person that threw me would somehow forget about me or someone would save me before what happened earlier repeat itself.

My heartbeat was racing as I squeezed my eyes shut, even when the sound of a door being opened echoed through the room, I didn't flinch. I couldn't hope to feign death, but I could fake unconsciousness.

After the door opened, I waited for a long time, but nothing happened. The fear and anxiety had already reached the peak and I could feel my body growing cold. I counted the tickling time in my head as I struggled to regulate my racing heart. went minutes later, I felt a breath on my left hand, the one that had been laying lifeless on the ground in my pretend unconsciousness. I might have peed myself a bit. It was as spooky as hell.

The goosebumps that spread on my skin added to the chills I felt.

"Get up." When that voice called, even though I had not listened to the king speaking before and I knew I was to ignore to solidify my facade, somehow, I knew it was his. There was this command- authority and controlling power in his voice that a new king could never substitute. Even my fear could not disregard it.

My eyelids fluttered open, and I saw the owner of the voice standing above my head, he was peering at me from head to toe and even in my drowsiness, I felt the interest he felt in his gaze. It was intoxicating.

I shuddered at the thought as I stood up dusting my Regalia. Of course, after the first glance that wasn't really a glance, I didn't dare to look at his face again.

I bowed my head in greetings, "Your Madesta."

"You are the wife of my third son." he didn't reply to my greeting but rather commented. Somehow though, I felt that it wasn't a question but rather, he was ascertaining something that is even though he had never seen me before.

I still responded, courtesy, "Yes, your Madesta." his gaze was still on me, scrutinizing me but i still didn't meet it. my heart was racing too fast to think of it.

As if hearing my inner thoughts, he chuckled. "You can look at me if you want," it wasn't a command, it sounded like a very friendly suggestion. the coercing in his voice was too charming and compelling to resist. I found myself looking at him before registering what i was doing. when my eyes took in the face and every part of it, I couldn't hold back from gasping.

There were no words that could be used to describe the beauty of the man. He was entirely otherworldly. Not only that, but he also had this childish innocence that made his face glow up as well the hint, very large hint of power and self-confidence.

The mixture was deadly.

In between feeling lost and overwhelmed and scared, I found myself being appreciative of him, he was innately king.

"I think the others would be wondering about you now, it's high time you left." He said in a not so subtle, get the hell out of here' way. I didn't really mind, even though I was now wondering why I had been afraid of this place in the beginning, I still felt scared and really wanted to leave.

Bowing my head, I thanked him and then made my way to the front door, not without peeping behind me. I saw a wonderful looking interior with the room well-lit and all majestic. The whole building was plaited with gold and ruby. It looked like a well thought out combination that spoke wealth and power. Throwing that to the back of my mind, I continued forward and left the room, releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding.

Outside the door, I saw the passageway where the guests and all other family members were now standing. It made me wonder if they were perhaps, eavesdropping on our conversation. I felt a surge of anger in flowing through me and felt really sorry for the king. He didn't even have a grain of freedom in his own palace. I began wondering if that was why he wanted to be alone in his chambers. unlike my normal observant self, I did not manage to notice that my attitude before entering, upon entering and after entering the king's chamber had changed and that the way towards and away from the chamber was completely different. I was a changed person, and I didn't even know.

My red- and gold-colored eyes coldly swept through all persons present before I bowed by head. Not wanting for my report, the queen grabbed onto my arm, her fingers tearing at my skin. I frowned slightly but still didn't make a sound.

"What happened? How is the king... Did he speak to you?" I think she was probably worried about her husband being all alone. I felt sorry for them, maybe they should take a tutorial on romance. it would help their marriage life, that's me being sarcastic.

Not wanting to make her feel bad, I didn't go too deep into details. "He just asked to confirm that I was the third prince's wife." The poor queen's eyes lit up. "Really?" After I nodded to confirm, her fingers left my hand, and she clapped maybe to draw attention.

"You all heard that? The third prince would be having his marriage ceremony in the kingdom next week. I do not want to find any lechers around him," and turning to me she smiled sheepishly, "Since the wedding is next week, you have a lot of things to learn," Her hands held me, caressing it softly, "and every hand should be on deck for the success of this ceremony."

he murmurs came as though a dam broke. Eyes swept towards me, and I smiled coldly. All of Prince Adonis' mistresses were probably feeling distressed. poor Adonis.

As we went back the way we came, I felt a wave of cold wash over me as I remembered the eyes I saw in the king's chamber earlier.

Like what the hell was that, and why does it feel like I have lost a portion of my memory?