
Legend of the Fate Emperor

During spiritual recovery in the era of awakeners Alex whose whole family consist of geniuses was abandoned for being a trash. And finally thrown into space cracks for death. But was given a second chance or was that his Fate. this is the journey of a boy of unknown origins with his Legendary Tao System

Returning_toBasics · Fantaisie
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Alex continued to work hard for three days and finally today is the day Alex can merge with his Celestial level bodies and to avoid those heavenly phenomenon he had already told system to block them.

<Ding, starting the process of merging, wait host it will be quite painfull>

"whatttttttt ahhhhhh m****** whaaatttt isss ittt"

The moment merging started it was like hell for Alex his every bones, muscles, even marrow and meridians were destroying and constantly forming it was indeed quite no it was too painfull and his consciousness was starting to get blurry but those cold, ruthless pair of eyes from his family got in his view and the moment that happened he grittet his teeths and started to forgot the pain.

He didn't know why they had to be like that, because he never demanded them anything he was genuinely happy for them he never thought of sucking on them for rest of his life.

He knew they were of different worlds, he also knew he wad adopted so he never had his hopes high on leeching off of them.

In era before technology his parents adopted him because he was genius in his orphanage so they forced me ( here its first perspective) to participate in many competitions be it music, sports, or other activities he neved let them down by always getting first prize they benefited a lot of millions and then they startet forming their business empire I was also happy for them.

But the moment my usefulness was finished they ruthlessly abandoned me okay, I can barely accept it because i already had money to spend rest of his life safely even in era of spirituality but why? why did they threw (3rd prospective) him in space cracks to die you know in those dangerous space cracks even 'Nirvana realm' powerhouse can not stand in for few seconds sending a mortal there without spiritual qi was akin to sending him to his doom not only will his body will get destroyed but also his soul and he couldn't even go for cycle of reincarnation. How ruthless!

After who knows how much time had passed he heard long awaited prompt

<Ding, merging is successful error__ you have both Heaven refing physique and Primordial god body>

He was very excited to see his status so he shouted in his mind,"Status"

Name- Alex

species- unknown


special Constitution- Unknown,Heaven refining physique(celestial) and Primordial god body(Celestial)

Talent- Unknown

cultivation technique- new (detach level) can rename

spiritual roots- Unknown(have all known or have possibility of having all unknown attributes)

Store - UNLOCK




All functions are locked for now

available to host

1) Sign-in

"Wowww that was spectacular so am i that talented?"Alex found it quite funny so he was insanely talented ,but there are quit things he can't get but he will try to get to know them one by one

Back to the topic in the past few days he was signing in and he got few body constructing pills with 100% purity that were most likely extinct now. so he was ready to start cultivating with his newly op talent but before that he has to Sign-in today and clean the library there are too many things so he decided to work for now.

Before long he arrived in library he said 'system sign- in ' <Ding, get celestial level hiding technique'Daltons'>

"just in time to hide my cultivation" but what he didn't know was that he was going to cultivate new technique that original tao itself created so there was large difference between same realm because he will essentially be leveling his life form.

That was the story for later time.