
Passing of Time

--- Floating Island's Eastern Area, Ruined Castle ---

It has been a month since Jay began training. Through the split consciousness training method of the Chicken Lord, Jay was able to learn a lot of skills. May it be chicken skills, combined skills, or the skill sets that Lord Tygon taught him while the Chicken Lord controlled his body.

Around nighttime, somewhere near the ruined castle...

Lord Tygon and 'Jay' were talking around a bonfire while the two Elders, Jericho and Magnus, was busy recovering since their bodies were filled with small wounds.

"Jay, it has been a month now since I fully spent my time training you. I was really surprised that you actually managed to learn the five sets of skills I gave you. Tempest Sword Dance, Illusory Moon Blade, Lunar Winds, Frozen Eclipse, Twilight Body."

After enumerating the skill sets Lord Tygon taught Jay, he chuckled a bit and passed over a bottle of beer to 'Jay.'

'Jay' drank a little bit and spoke up.

"Lord Tygon, if I were to fight against someone who has a 9th Tier class, or perhaps a Half-Divine, what do you think will happen?" 'Jay' said as he passed the bottle of beer back to Lord Tygon.

"It depends. In truth is, unless someone is a Divine Being, no one can defeat you. But of course, that is if you are fighting with honor. If we are going to talk about fighting using cheap tricks, even people with an 8th Tier class can defeat you."

"I see. (Impressive indeed. I wonder how much stronger Jay will become if he used chicken skills and the skill sets together in combat?)"


--- Mind Room (Fate System?) ---

"It looks like the situation is not looking good for the Fatelords..." Jay mumbled softly as he checked the Fatelord Plane map in front of him.

[Invasion Gate detected: Plane#1000]

[Invasion Gate detected: Plane#560]

[Invasion Gate detected: Plane#866]


[Allied Forces detected: Izumi (needs backup)]

[Allied Forces detected: Nixon (needs backup)]

[Allied Forces detected: Goldwisp (needs backup)]


[Casualties: Hellson, Maris, six Divine Beings.]

[Continents Conquered: Sacred Song Isles(15%), Southern Desolate(89%), Izumi's Abode(1%)]

"I wonder how long will this split consciousness training last? I should also check on my clone and see his progress." Jay mumbled softly again and looked at his soul space.

--- Jay's Soul Space ---

Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk!!!

Bawk Bawk Bawk!!!

Hundreds of chicks, roosters, hens, and other random kinds of chickens scattered throughout the Soul Space. And on the center part, Jay's clone who was in chicken form was summoning chickens one after another.

"I've already mastered Featherstorm and Feather Mirage a few weeks ago." Jay's clone said softly before stopping his actions of summoning eggs from his hands, chest, and ass.

After stopping, he took out a large thick book with a red leather cover. Even though the book had thousands of pages, it actually weighted like a feather. And up to this day, Jay does not know how the Chicken Lord sent it to him since the Chicken Lord was busy controlling his physical body.

The book was entitled 'Chicken God's Encyclopedia.' It contained all of the information related to chicken skills, chicken breeds, chicken formations, and even chicken mating.

Jay's clone flipped through the pages of the book and looked for a skill called Chicken Storm.

[Chicken Storm

- Summon a random amount of chickens around you. Chickens will always hatch from eggs.

- Minimum chickens summoned: 1

- Maximum chickens summoned: 100

(Chicken breed and type may vary)]

After looking at the description of the skill, Jay checked the recommended chicken skills to be used together with Chicken Storm which was located on the next page of the book. The reason why there were recommended chicken skills to be used with it was because when used alone, Chicken Storm is very useless, except if it is used for food purposes, which might make the Chicken Lord go crazy again.

[Recommended Skills:

Chicken Commander - allows you to control chickens. The more chickens under your control, the harder they will be to manage. When chickens are under your control, they can also use your chicken skills.

Featherstorm/Feather Mirage - when used together with Chicken Storm and Chicken Commander, try to imagine yourself being trapped within a feathery place.

Egg Bomb - when used together with Chicken Storm and Chicken Commander, your enemies will be annihilated by a rain of eggs. (Don't use frequently, chickens also come from eggs. Have mercy on the chickens.)

*These are just recommended chicken skills. Feel free to mix and match whatever chicken skill you want.]

"I remember how the Chicken Lord used Chicken Storm, Chicken Commander, and Featherstorm from before, when he was dealing with the Demonic Abomination. But its strange, I haven't seen a skill talking about that gigantic egg the chicken lord created." Jay's clone thought to himself before closing the book and started summoning chickens again, or rather, using the skill Chicken Storm.


--- Mind Room (Fate System?) ---

"It looks like my clone is progressing well with the chicken skills."

After checking what his clone was doing, just as he was about to proceed and try out some newly combined skills, the Chicken Lord spoke to him.

"Jay, time is up. Tygon and his two friends left already. And I also know you still have to deal with your guild, so let us just stop this training session for now."

Then suddenly, Jay's vision started to blur and he suddenly got teleported to the Soul Space.


--- Jay's Soul Space ---

The moment Jay got teleported here, the hundreds of chickens his clone summoned were now gone.

Even his clone disappeared. He also noticed that he was back in his physical body and the Chicken Lord was right in front of him.

Jay was about to speak but the Chicken Lord gestured him to stay silent for now and said, "Just wait a moment and focus. The things your clone learned will immediately be imprinted onto your mind."

Then suddenly, Jay started to get dizzy the moment hundreds and thousands of information from his clone got imprinted in his mind. He started seeing things like how his clone mastered the use of Featherstorm and Feather Mirage, he started hearing random thoughts that his clone thought of while experimenting with the chicken skills, etc.

After a few minutes...

"Wow. Amazing... wait... this is no time to be amazed!" Jay exclaimed as he looked at the Chicken Lord.

"Huh? What's wrong?" The Chicken Lord was a bit surprised from Jay's reaction. He thought that Jay will start to say things about how strong he got and how his training in the Mind Room went.

"You can look into the Mind Room right? Look at the map located on the wall." Jay said in a serious tone.

"Alright... sheesh... (What's wrong with him?)" The Chicken Lord just decided to do what Jay said since he thought there might really be an emergency this time.

And the moment he did, when he saw the things on the Fatelord Plane map, when he saw all of those flickering dots and data reports...

"WHAT?! JAY! CONTACT YOUR GUILD NOW!" The Chicken Lord shouted really loud.

"Huh? Do you want me to tell them to gather here?" Jay asked since he was not sure why the Chicken Lord suggested him to do so.

"I want to know all of the happenings this past month. I want to know any irregularities they might have noticed!"


--- Golden Phoenix Guild Hall ---

At the present time, around 80 different NPCs and players were inside the guild hall. These people were all recruited by Roasted Boar and Heda after a strict evaluation of their skills. But among these 80 people, only three of them were important, and the rest were just recruited by Heda to serve as guards and laborers since the guild was really busy especially with all of the newly built villages, harbors, and trading centers just a few kilometers away from the guild hall.

The three people of importance were Elton Grayrock, who Heda assigned as the manager of the trading centers. Laelette, a female player who volunteered to be the guild's librarian. And the third person, Kokori, an elderly NPC who had the unique class of Druidmaster.

"Lady Heda, we finished patrolling the shorelines of the river."

"Hey Nuggets, do you want me to cuddle you again? Big sister misses you already"

"Quest, quest, quest... gotta do more quests..."

The hub center was a bit rowdy and Nuggets even made it more worse by jumping around and 'begging' everyone to feed or pet her.

Bawk Bawk!

"Nuggets! AAAGHHH!!!" Heda did not know what do do at the moment since she was a bit frustrated due to the hundreds and thousands of things she needed to think of since Jay made her the secretary of the guild. Just as he was about to grab Nuggets, she heard Jay's voice on her guild emblem.

"Hey, how's everything going?"

Heda replied as if she was just doing fine. "Nothing much. Master, it has been a month already, aren't you going to do something guild-related?"

"I will arrive at the guild hall a week later or maybe earlier, depends on my travel speed since the guild hall is a bit far away from the Golden Moon Academy. But anyways, I need to ask everyone something."

When Heda heard this, she was not sure how to respond since the core members of the guild were still doing some guild quests.

"Master, I think I should first tell you what happened this past month before you ask some questions..."

"Alright then."

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