
Legend of the Blue Phoenix

A LEGEND… Phoenixes never die. They are reborn by raising from the ashes of their ancestors. Hai Nu Shen is a phoenix worshipped by the people of Borya. She was reborn of flesh into a kingdom divided in war because of an unexplained phenomenon. She is on a quest to free her people from the forces of darkness. A powerless phoenix with only six lives left to live as a human, death is her one true nemesis. YIN & YANG… Darkness and light are clashing and complementary forces in the natural world. WANG is a prince born with two reincarnated souls dwelling in his heart. One of light, and one of the dark. Cold and cruel like his father, the Mad Dragon, the darkness in him outshines his light. He is powerful beyond measures. But every power has its kryptonite. THE ABYSS… Cats have nine lives, but do you know humans have seven lives? You are living your first or your last. AMIRA had known from a tender age that she is living her second life. She may look like everybody else, but she is unlike anyone. She was born with unique features likened to that of a deity. Her complexion is as mysteriously black as night, and her pair of fiery amber eyes resembling autumn sunset. Her physical features and the mystery behind her birth cemented the legend of the reincarnation of Hai nu shen, the blue phoenix. FATE… Amira married Prince Wang as a peace treaty in the kingdom. Powerless against the darkness enveloping him, she must uncover the light in him to defeat the darkness in him. He is a slave to the powerful forces of nature living in him. Will he destroy or save the people from himself? A bout of supernatural events predestined to take place that is beyond mortal control is heading their way. Death is their destiny. Can love conquer death?

mariadora_okwori · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: A stitch in time

"Announcing Elder Chongan Hao. His Majesty's special adviser on conflict resolution."

"Your Majesty. May your days be fruitful." The greying elder chanted as he prostrated before the dragon throne.

"Take a seat." His Majesty raised his head from the steam emitting from the clay pot. He served their tea into the cup before the elder and dropped the clay kettle. "Taste it. It is a new variety of tea grown in Love farm. I think it is the best I have tasted yet."

"Wow… it truly is."

"My friend, Michael Odion, sent it over."

"Michael Odion? The owner of Love Farm."


"You are friends?"

"Do you remember when I defiantly went to school in Reedley College, California, against my father's wishes?"

"How can I forget? Your father was furious about that and completely cut you off."

"Well, Michael Odion senior was my saviour. He was already studying agricultural science there. He took me under his wings like a little brother even though I was significantly older. We lost our friendship after we returned to the kingdom because my father forbade it. He always kept in touch by sending me unique plants, fruits, and trees that he grows. I gave him the land he built the farm on as a reward for his kindness to me. His son carried on with the tradition after his death. That farm is a major economic boost to Borya. I am proud of him."

"Wow. I never knew there was such a story behind the farm." Elder Chongan took another sip and nodded. "The aroma is mild but lasting. And there is a sweet and sour aftertaste that differs from any tea I have tasted."

"Michael Odion's speciality is cross boarding of varieties of stems to create one unique breed. He said this tea is a mixture of teas grown as one by budding all my favourites on one stem. Lavender, Hibiscus and Chamomile, Rosehip and Japanese Sencha, His father was talented, but he is a magician with stems."

"He deserves more recognition."

"I agree." His Majesty downed the tea and straightened up. "Elder, I asked for your audience because of the escalating tension between worshipers of Hai nu shen and my son. Are you aware of the current situation? I feel as if the council is downplaying the matter, and the media is exaggerating it. I called you here to hear the truth from you. What is going on at the temple?"

"Your Majesty, the situation is dire. The Mad Dragon is trying to make do of his threat of destroying the temple. Protests from the resistance are turning violent after the imperial police killed a few of the worshipers. Your Majesty, the solution is simple but difficult. The crown prince either gives up and leaves the temple alone, or the worshipers give in and let him destroy the temple. It doesn't look like he will stop, and the worshipers swear the temple is the hill they will die on."

"There is no reason for them to give in. My son instigated this and is adamant despite my efforts to stop him."

"Well, his personality has always been that way, your Majesty. He does whatever he wants. He won't change now nor ever. The Mad Dragon is more than ever determined in his quest to eradicate the old religion and its worshipers."

"He stayed off the idea of destroying the temple for almost sixteen years. So, I expected him to make do with his threat once he takes over the throne. But he can no longer wait for my death before he carries out his threat. I must stop him once and for all."

"Your Majesty. Knowing him, we all know you cannot stop him. Everyone knows you cannot control your son."

"But I must end this civil war. I must force the worshipers to order. One arm has to bend."

"But forcing them to bend is not working. Further efforts to halt them will only escalate the situation. Their leader, Nafy Hassan, has gained mainstream popularity in recent years. It will be difficult to stifle her movement considering half of the kingdom and the world are on her side."

"As much as I support her efforts to protect Hai nu shen temple, her war against the imperial family forces me to be on my son's side."

"Your Majesty, I agree she has a troubling history with this family, but she is protecting the vulnerable in this kingdom, and that is commendable. Your Majesty, the position you take on this will not only define the future of this land, but the legacy you leave behind. If you want what is best for Borya, then we must tread carefully. Forcing them to submission should not be an option worth mentioning again."

"I understand your reasoning, but the threat is from my foundation. Attacking my foundation will only cause this house to crumble. I called you here to hear your thoughts on a subtler way to de-escalate the civil crisis tearing this kingdom apart."

"Your Majesty. I have been thinking of an alternate solution to the proposed blood bath by the elders. I have a solution, but I do not know if you will see eye to eye with me on this."

"What is your suggested solution?"


"How do you unify people of polar interests who are at war with each other?"

"Such civil unrest occurred way down in our ancestry when the people revolted against Emperor Boris Borya. They could unite the kingdom and avert a war by uniting the Li and Borya family as one. Do you recall what they did to bring peace upon the land?"

"Are you talking about the marriage between Emperor Cheng Li and the Boryan Princess? That was an excellent solution at the time because there was an eligible bride. Nafy Hassan and my son are both married already."

"I am not talking about a marriage between the Mad Dragon and Nafy. I am talking about the second in line to the throne."

"My Grandson?"

"Yes. I propose that Prince Wang be wedded to Amira Hai nu shen Hassan Akimitsu."

"I would see eye to eye with you on this, but sixteen is too young for marriage. They are too young to be married."

"Sixteen is ripe enough for marriage in northern Nigeria, where the Hassan family originates."

"I know we are desperate for a resolution to this conflict, but this seems morally wrong. I will only consider this if consummation will not be allowed until maturity."

"Your Majesty, a desperate situation calls for desperate measures. The arising matter is like a deadly snake growing steadily. We will not let it poison this kingdom. We will kill it and cut its head off. They have to get married and not only consummate the marriage but produce an heir to solidify the future of this great kingdom."

"Produce an heir? That is preposterous. She is too young."

"If you are old enough to produce an egg, you are old enough to hatch them."


"My apologies, your Majesty, but we are in a dire situation. Blood is being shed at the temple as we speak, and we can stop it by joining those two together. Yes, they are not quite ripe for marriage, but they are almost ripe. I am only suggesting we hurry that ripening up. I would take that little sacrifice of their youth over more bloodshed. This marriage will not just bring peace but build a bridge between both sides and ensure the roots of the old religion in the future of Borya."

"It would be over my son's dead body to allow his son to marry the enemy's daughter. I am sure the feeling is mutual on the other side."

"It will be a difficult task to achieve, but we can, with your help. We must apply wisdom as much as the seal of your authority as the custodian of the dragon throne. The Forth Lord may be powerful, but he is not the emperor yet. You are the emperor, and you have the sovereign power to decree this marriage by law. The first step is to break the ice between both families."

"How do you propose we do that?"

"Prince Wang will turn sixteen in a few days. Nafy's daughter is a talented singer who has gained popularity for her talent since a tender age. A public invitation extended to her to sing at the birthday celebration will not be a bad idea. The success of this event may open doors for deeper ties, and a resolution may be in sight."

"How are you sure that Nafy Hassan will honour this invite?"

"She is also in your shoes. Her people are dying in battle. No leader wants her people to perish in war. She also understands you perfectly because her husband is not just a member of the triad but a cherished stooge of the Mad Dragon. She is between saving her marriage to a man who is deeply loyal to the Mad Dragon and being steadfast in her fight for Hai nu shen. I think this olive branch may be a way out for her."

"Ok. I will give this a chance and see how it goes. Why don't you head to the temple and deliver the invite to Nafy Hassan and her people?"

"I will do that immediately."

"May Hai nu shen guide your steps."

"Thank you, our great Lord under Heaven."