
Chapter Sixteen_My First And Second Generals Seem Obsessed With You...

The next day, after holding morning court, and sending off his esteemed guests with precious gifts, King Ernai had Nem brought before him in the Throne Room.

Looking at the young man kneeling solemnly, with bowed head before him, King Ernai could not think of a single reason why his third son and his closest friend, would suddenly go crazy because of him.

Sighing deeply, he called out to the young man;


"Your Majesty, Your servant is here." Nem responded, with his head still bowed and hands cupped respectfully.

Staring at him meaningfully, King Ernai accused him;

"You must be a spy sent by the enemies of this Kingdom, to come and cause chaos here."

The words struck deep fear into Nem, and he shook his head vehemently to deny them.

"I swear on my life, Your Majesty, I am no spy." He refuted.

"Hmmn..., then tell me plainly; who are you?" King Ernai pressed on, not believing a word that Nem said.