
Xu Lao

Two years ago my village was under attacked by a kingdom called Xu Lao. They just came without warning and attacked us and our people tried to fight back but they were too strong. They even took some of our people away as prisoners and my family was taken as well. It was a horrible day I will never forget. My name is Ming and I will save everyone and bring peace back to our village. My grandmother use to tell me stories about the Xu Lao Kingdom and how they would go to different villages and do terrible things. I always thought it wasn't a real story until it happened. When they came to my village the first thought in my head was the story she told me and I was terrified of everything I saw and I didn't know what to do. So I just hid as I saw everyone being attacked and taken away. After they left I looked for anyone who hid during the attack. As I walked I saw buildings destroyed, houses on fire and I heard screaming from different directions. It was truly a nightmare.The next day i decided that it was time to stop grieving and to fight back. I needed to be stronger so I trained. After 3 months of training I went to start my journey to rescuing my family. One day it was a bad thunderstorm and as I was walking I got struck by lightning and then I fell unconscious, it is a miracle that I am still alive.