
Legend of Lando

WARNING: Recommended for mature audiences (Strong Violence, Cursing, Disturbing scenes), everything here is fictional. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/secjmnyjkH in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is barren and animals are extinct, humans have turned to genetically engineering creatures called Nephalem for their survival. Lando, a skilled Nephalem pilot, works with a team consisting of Hana, Zander, Bale, Zynkara, and Mara, to complete various missions in order to protect their colony and gather resources. Their latest mission involves infiltrating a group of hostile humans known as the Vultures, who possess valuable information and resources. During the mission, the team engages in a brutal battle with the Vultures, using their unique Nephalem creatures to fight. As the battle rages on, Lando's feelings for Hana become apparent, but he must put his emotions aside to focus on the mission at hand. Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, the team ultimately succeeds in their mission and returns to their colony victorious.

nuggythegreat · Romance
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102 Chs

Supernova (Arc 0 Finale)

Lando, his own blood now drenching his shirt, felt a mixture of relief and concern as Hana skillfully bandaged his wounds.

However, his attention quickly shifted to Aqua, who lay wounded and bleeding. Hana's teary eyes reflected the gravity of the situation as she urgently called for bandages, only to discover they had none. Panic began to set in as they struggled to contain Aqua's bleeding.

In a desperate move, Lando rushed to a fallen comrade whose clothes weren't as stained with blood.

He tore a piece of fabric from the lifeless body and returned to Aqua's side. "Hang on, Aqua!" Lando's voice trembled with emotion as he wrapped the makeshift bandage around her chest, attempting to stem the flow of blood, but it seemed futile as the cloth was soon soaked through.

With a sense of determination, Lando and Hana carefully lifted Aqua, gritting their teeth against the pain of their own injuries.

Explosions echoed around them, and the ground quaked violently, threatening to collapse the building. A series of tremors forced them to take swift action.

Lando quickly communicated through the walkie-talkie, instructing everyone to rendezvous at the opposite side of the building, declaring the mission over and emphasizing the urgency to bring bandages for Aqua's severe injuries.

Bryan acknowledged the message and immediately sent out a signal to the team, guiding them to safety.

As the blimp descended, a flair shot into the sky, alerting the others to their location. Erik and Cherry, accompanied by their trusted Nephalem Solmon, swiftly approached the blimp, ready to assist their friends.

Jasmine and Tot were already there, having left their Nephalems. They hurriedly boarded the blimp, concern etched across their faces.

"We need to find Lando, Hana, and Aqua," Jasmine declared, her voice tinged with urgency.

The mention of their missing companions sparked a somber conversation among the group. "What happened to the others?" a guard inquired, turning to Erik for answers.

"Last I saw, Bale was being carried away," he responded, his tone tinged with sadness. "And Akura and Marco?" Erik inquired further.

A solemn silence fell upon the group. Jasmine's frown deepened as she spoke. "We found both Akura and Marco dead. Bale was nowhere to be found, and the same goes for Mara," she revealed.

Shock and grief gripped Cherry as tears welled up in her eyes. "How did they die?" she asked, her voice quivering with emotion.

"Marco was shot in the chest, the bullet piercing his lungs. Akura was stabbed in the throat; the knife went all the way through to her back," Jasmine responded, her voice heavy with sorrow.

Cherry fell into a heavy silence, her heart heavy with the weight of loss. Erik, too, looked somber as he glanced down, knowing that not all of them would make it out of this battle alive.

They had all been prepared for the possibility of death, but the reality of losing friends still weighed heavily on their hearts.

The blimp lifted off the ground as everyone boarded, making their way to the opposite side of the base.

Jasmine readied her sniper rifle, anticipating the need for cover fire. Cherry wiped away her tears and gripped her gun, showing her determination to assist.

The explosions in the distance intensified, the ground quaking beneath them as two boxes of bombs detonated, wreaking havoc.

Hana and Lando pressed on through the hallway, the explosions growing nearer, shaking the very foundation of the building.

Suddenly, a vulture appeared from the left. Lando swiftly aimed his pistol and fired, crimson blood spraying against the corner, followed by a guttural grunt.

Hana maintained pressure on Aqua's wounds, the blood dripping onto the floor, creating intricate patterns.

Aqua, despite her weakening state, managed to smile weakly at Lando and Hana. "Lando, Hana, you won't make it in time," she murmured as more explosions resounded around them.

"We will!" Lando retorted, refusing to give up hope, but Hana's tearful gaze locked onto Aqua's blood-soaked uniform. "She's right, Lando," Hana admitted, her voice breaking.

Disregarding his own injuries, Lando tried to lift Aqua on his own, but his strength waned, causing him to stumble and fall against the wall, using his body to shield Aqua from further harm.

Determined, he got back on his feet, attempting to lift Aqua again, but she had become too heavy to carry. "Lando, you have to leave, both of you," Aqua said, her eyes holding a serene brilliance, the blue stars within them shining brightly.

The ground continued to tremble, more explosions erupting around them. Aqua's smile persisted as tears gathered in her eyes. "I will miss you guys," she said, her voice filled with love and gratitude. Despite her own pain, she was concerned for her friends' well-being.

Desperation surged within Lando as he made another futile attempt to lift her, but Hana intervened, taking Lando's hand and urging him to leave.

Tears streamed down Hana's face as she emphasized Aqua's wish for them to live. Aqua's smile never faltered as her body went limp, her life slowly fading away. "I love you," Aqua whispered, her voice tender and filled with affection. "Thank you for not being mad at me..."

Lando's eyes widened in disbelief, and as he looked into Aqua's fading gaze, tears flowed freely down his cheeks. But the last glimmer of life in Aqua's eyes soon flickered away as her star-like pupils turned gray, her life force extinguished.

Screams of agony and grief tore from Lando's throat as he tried to reach Aqua once more, but Hana pulled him away, the explosions growing ever closer. The floor beneath Aqua collapsed, sending her body plummeting into the abyss below.

Lando and Hana reached the exit just in time, rushing into the waiting blimp. As the blimp ascended, the building behind them succumbed to the devastating explosions, crumbling into ruins.

"Where's Aqua?!" Erik demanded frantically. Lando remained silent, and Hana exchanged a solemn glance with Erik.

"Not now. Bandage Lando's wounds. We'll talk about it later," Hana said, trying to buy time and shield Lando from the painful reality.

Erik's anguish intensified as he recounted the losses of Akura and Marco and the disappearance of Bale and Mara. "What happened in there?! Answer now!" he demanded, desperate for answers.

In a jarring shift of emotions, Lando snapped, his laughter devoid of joy. "Hehe," a strange giggle escaped him, leaving everyone stunned and speechless. Tears welled in his eyes as he continued to laugh uncontrollably.

Attempting to comfort their distraught friend, Hana reached out to Lando, but he pulled away and began punching the metal wall with unbridled rage and sorrow. "She's dead because of me!" he cried out, his knuckles bruised and bloodied.

Amidst the chaotic emotions, Erik and Cherry couldn't help but feel deeply moved by Lando's torment. Cherry's own tears fell as she struggled to comprehend the tragedy that had unfolded.

Feeling the weight of guilt upon him, Lando uttered softly, "It's all because of me," his head resting against a box in exhaustion and despair. Gazing at the hatch slowly closing above, he whispered, "This is hell."

In a different place and time, two cloaked figures, Rylie and Kayla, stood near an abandoned city, the landscape lush with trees and vegetation. Rylie had a gem-adorned white mask, just like Kayla's, and she examined a skillfully crafted map.

"We finally made it," Kayla said, gazing at the ancient city surrounded by broken gates and overgrown vines. "The key is to find more of the essence of life," she continued, her confidence evident.

With determination, they sprinted toward the city, their blades ready for whatever dangers awaited them. Piercing screeches echoed, growing nearer with every passing moment.

Positioning themselves defensively at the broken gates, Rylie and Kayla braced for a confrontation. "Are you ready?" Rylie asked, her grip on her blade firm. Kayla nodded with resolve. "I'm always ready, Rylie."

As the screeches intensified, the two women swung their blades in unison, the blue liquid splattering across the grass, signaling the beginning of their daring quest.

Arc 1 has finally concluded. And thats a wrap folks. Arc 2 will officially begin on August 9th. I have a very important ‘vacation’ (personal life things) to take care of. I will however write while i’m on the road, I won’t have data.

I hope you guys will write a review based on arc 1. I enjoy all the feedback, especially the positive ones. Brings me so much motivation. Thank you, good day.

nuggythegreatcreators' thoughts