
Legend of Lando 2nd Season


nuggythegreat · Romance
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3 Chs

This is The End (2)

Lando, Hana, Soren, and Finnian found themselves pressed against the cold, unforgiving metal wall, the staccato of gunshots reverberating through the air like a malevolent symphony.

 Lando cast a glance at his comrades, his eyes alight with determination. "Okay, folks. Time to get creative," he said, his voice tinged with both urgency and a hint of grim humor as he cocked his gun and peered cautiously around the corner.

No sooner had Lando's gaze swept the battlefield than a barrage of bullets erupted from the enemy's arsenal, sending them scrambling for cover. 

The cacophony of gunfire filled the air as if the very walls themselves were groaning under the relentless assault.

"Looks like we've got some heavy artillery to contend with," Lando observed, his mind already whirring with strategies.

 His eyes darted around, seeking out potential advantages amidst the chaos.

"I need a diversion," he announced, his voice cutting through the din. "Soren, Finnian – you're up."

Soren grinned, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he exchanged a knowing glance with Finnian. With a nod of affirmation, the two dashed off in the opposite direction, narrowly dodging bullets as they sought refuge behind a makeshift barricade of rocky debris.

From his vantage point, Soren spied the approaching machine gunners, their weapons poised to unleash hell upon Lando and Hana. 

Without hesitation, he raised his own firearm, his finger tightening around the trigger as he unleashed a volley of suppressing fire. "Hey, you ugly sons of sea bass!" he hollered, his voice dripping with bravado. "Over here, if you've got the guts!"

Meanwhile, Lando's mind raced as he rummaged through his gear, his fingers closing around the cool metal of a smoke grenade. 

A grin spread across his face as he pulled the pin, the anticipation of his next move electrifying the air around him. "Hold down the fort, Hana," he said, his tone both reassuring and tinged with a hint of mischief.

Hana met his gaze, her expression a mixture of concern and determination. "Don't do anything stupid," she admonished, a flicker of a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Lando's grin widened as he leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. "Stupid's my middle name," he quipped, his tone light despite the gravity of their situation. With a final glance, he darted around the corner, the smoke grenade clutched tightly in his hand.

As Hana raised her rifle, her senses on high alert, she couldn't help but admire the fierce determination etched into Lando's features. With every fiber of her being, she willed him to return safely, her own resolve as unyielding as the steel surrounding them.

Lando's grip tightened around the cold metal fragment, his heart pounding in rhythm with the chaos surrounding him. 

With each step into the billowing smoke, the world dissolved into a surreal blur of flashing lights and deafening gunfire.

In one fluid motion, he hurled the makeshift projectile like a seasoned disc golfer, his aim true as it sliced through the haze.

A startled cannibal turned just in time to meet the deadly trajectory of the metal projectile, the sickening thud as it connected with their forehead echoing through the chaos. 

Blood blossomed from the wound, painting a macabre tableau against the backdrop of smoke and steel.

As the wounded foe staggered, Lando wasted no time, his gun blazing a path of vengeance as he targeted their legs with deadly precision. 

The air filled with anguished cries and guttural grunts as the cannibals fell, their limbs torn asunder by the onslaught.

Emerging from the smoke like a vengeful specter, Lando retrieved the blood-stained metal shard, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. 

With a swift, savage motion, he cleaved through the air, the sharp edge finding its mark as it slashed across the neck of an approaching adversary. The gurgling cries of the fallen echoed in the chaos, a grim testament to Lando's lethal prowess.

But the battle was far from over. Another cannibal took aim, their weapon trained on Lando with deadly intent. In a daring display of reflexes, he seized the machine gun, wrestling it from their grasp with a primal roar of defiance. 

With a merciless fury, he unleashed a hail of bullets, the deafening roar of gunfire drowning out the agonized screams of his assailant.

Undeterred, Lando pressed the attack, driving the jagged metal fragment deep into the soft flesh of his foe's abdomen. 

With grim determination, he twisted the improvised weapon, the sickening sound of rending flesh mingling with the frantic beat of his own heart.

The cannibal's eyes widened in shock and horror as their entrails spilled out onto the blood-soaked sand, a grotesque tableau of violence and despair.

Relinquishing his grip on the bloodied shard, Lando surged forward, his movements fueled by a primal instinct for survival.

With a savage headbutt, he dispatched another foe, the sickening crunch of bone reverberating through the melee.

Seizing the fallen cannibal's weapon, Lando unleashed a storm of deadly fury, the recoil driving him back with each thunderous blast. 

Bodies were torn asunder, flesh rent from bone in a gruesome ballet of destruction. Blood sprayed like crimson rain, painting the battlefield in shades of violent red as Lando fought on, a lone warrior amidst the chaos of war.

As the tension mounted, a lone cannibal emerged from the shadows, their weapon trained on Lando with deadly intent. 

But before they could squeeze the trigger, a deafening gunshot shattered the silence, the echoing report heralding the demise of their would-be assailant.

 With a grim satisfaction, Lando watched as the enemy crumpled to the ground, their lifeless form a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows.

With a nod of acknowledgment, he pressed forward, his resolve unyielding amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, Hana remained vigilant, her finger poised delicately on the trigger of her rifle. With unwavering focus, she tracked Lando's movements, a silent guardian in the midst of the fray.

 "I've got you," she whispered to herself, a quiet prayer for his safety. "Stay alive," she murmured, the words a solemn vow as she prepared to unleash hell upon any who dared threaten him.

As Lando surged ahead, his senses attuned to the adrenaline-fueled rhythm of battle, he seized upon an opportunity amidst the turmoil. 

With a swift motion, he snatched a pipe from the nearby wall, his muscles flexing with primal strength as he tore it asunder, fashioning makeshift weapons from its jagged edges.

But the cannibals were relentless, their ranks bolstered by fresh assailants armed with cruel implements of destruction. 

With a menacing grin, one charged forward brandishing a crowbar, their wide smile a grotesque mockery of humanity. Simultaneously, another assailant emerged wielding a metal spear, its jagged edges promising only pain and suffering.

Lando's laughter bubbled up from deep within him, a defiant snicker in the face of overwhelming odds. With a calculated step backward, he narrowly evaded the swinging crowbar, the deadly arc of its trajectory grazing his hair.

 As the spear jabbed upwards, aimed for his jugular, Lando's reflexes kicked into overdrive, his movements fluid and precise as he deflected the deadly thrust.

But the cannibals were not easily deterred, their coordinated assault a testament to their cunning and ruthlessness. 

With a sneer of contempt, Lando raised his improvised weapon, poised to strike back with lethal force. Yet before he could unleash his fury, another adversary emerged, their rifle trained on his makeshift weapon.

Lando's laughter grew louder, a savage gleam dancing in his eyes as he surveyed the scene before him.

 "Well, well, well," he taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Looks like you've got a bit of brains after all." With a defiant smirk.