
Sovereign of Automa (1)

Kyran and Iulia talked for a little while before the former left. He did say he was leaving the plane that day. But before that, he had a few errands to do.

The first of his errand was meeting the representatives of the Courtenay, Lumley and Montgomeray Families.

He was not meeting their patriarchs because they were all busy with many things pertaining to their family or the announcement they made. Suddenly disbanding the Three Noble Families was no small matter. Many other patriarchs from other noble families wanted to meet with them about a 'joint venture' now that there was no longer the 'Three Noble Families.'

Because of this, the Courtenay, Lumley and Montgomeray patriarchs had to set straight the record. They disbanded the Three Noble Families to create a new 'nobles faction.' They were serious when they announced wanting to follow the Regis Clan's example.