
An Engagement!?

Hours later after playing my zither I awoke from feeling a slightly wet sensation on my shoulder as I turned to look I saw the beautiful sleeping and drooling face of Xiao Lien peacefully sleeping her head leaning on my shoulder and her saliva coating my robes. She suddenly shifted mumbling something incoherent and my name as a smile plastered her lips as a small blush appeared on her cheeks I couldn't help but smile wryly at her sleep mumbles.

Xiao Baili I've known her for 5 years now. She is from the white tiger clan on the nearest continent to this one, the white tiger clan is also the closest ally to ours within the four divine beast clans. My grandfather and her Great grandfather are close even to this day. Our meeting was quite an odd one, since I am a third generation descendant of my clan my siblings and cousins are all grown up with their own families and grandkids so I didn't have any one to grow up with and my grandfather one day introduced me to Xiao Baili we were quick friends and we spar a lot.. even though I hate to admit it but she wins more often than I do. She some times stays here at my clan home more often than she goes home, it's something about her parents treatment towards her.. I've asked her but she refuses to go in to detail when I ask her demeanor shifts to a mix of emotions like sadness, fear and anger so I don't ask anymore I don't like to see her sad or fearful. I don't really understand my feelings but I can say for certain when I see her smile even if it's her perverted sleeping smile I can't help but feel warm and a since of wanting to be near her.

I was shudderd from my thoughts when I felt her stir and make mewing noises I opend my eyes to see her rubbing her eyes, drool still dried on her chin, I warmly smiled at took the edge of my robes to wipe her chin, when she saw this she was shocked then blushed at my actions but this time she didn't turn from me she just sat there in silence her face red she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something when the voice of a servant interrupted us. "Excuse me Young master and young miss but your respective patriarch have summoned you to the great hall." Then I exclaimed "Grandfather is back?" The servant simply nodded.

I stood up and reached out to Xiao to help her up, her soft hand took mine her face still a shade of red as we followed the servant to the great hall.

"Odd for both of us to be summoned.." I muttered while Xiao stretched uncaringly

Once we arrived at a pair of large double doors the servant knocked and announced our arrival, then the doors begun to creak open, inside the room was a few pairs of people I noticed my parents as well as my grandfather on one side of the chamber chatting and on the other side I noticed Xiao's great grandfather as well as her parents, as soon as Xiao saw her parents her mood darkened and she held the hem of my robes she moved in closer to me. I turned to her with a smile on my face abd took her hand in mine, this action made her less tense I could feel her fear subsiding slightly. I turned to gaze at her parents and they had a pronounced frown on their faces seeing our actions but they said nothing.

After a moment my grandfather spoke up, "Patriarch Baili and I have an announcement to make, we have decided to bind our families in a union an Engagement between the two of you!"

Everyone was shocked judging by this it seemed like everyone in this room were hearing this news for the first time but before anyone could react Xiao's father roared in anger, "An Engagement!? Between your son and our Trash?! Patriarch what are you thinking surely you could have chosen one of our other daughters and not this mix blooded trash!" At this moment we were all stunned for a separate reason I could hear sniffling from my right, I turned to see Xiao crying softly into my shoulder but.. unfortunately these tears weren't tears of happiness they were rather tearing of sadness, fear and humiliation at that moment I could feel a rage unlike anything I had ever felt before as I lunged at Xiao's father pushing him to the ground as I roared in anger, "How dare you spout such venomous words to my Xiao!" As I fell deeper into rage I raised my hand as draconic scales covered my hands and forearms my fingers shifting into claws, a thick tails emerged from my lower back as I brought my clawed hand to this man's throat picking him up with this foreign strength my eyes becoming golden beacons of light, some of my teeth became sharpened as I growled my voice slightly deeper, "If I ever catch you near my dearest Xiao or if I ever hear or see her sadness upon mentioning filth like you again.. I'll tear you to pieces regardless of your heritage.." I threw him at the double doors we had entered from, still growling, "Vanish from my sight filth."

As this was all happening both patriarchs, my parents and Xiao Baili were all shocked at the events unfolding yet no one spoke or interfered. I ordered the guards to see Xiao's parents out, when the double doors to the great hall closed I took a deep breathe as I suddenly felt something akin to a tidal wave of energy crashing against my body I felt my organs shudder as I felt to my knees as my partial transformation subsided. Sweat covered my face as I suddenly felt soft hands on my back and shoulder I turned to see Xiao looking at me with a loving gaze she didn't say anything but I was just happy she wasn't afraid of me.. as I got my bearings my grandfather coughed bringing everyone's attention back to him, "Now that that has been dealt with I can continue.."

"Wait Grandpa.. you aren't mad at my display or choices I made just now?" I also turned to look at the white tiger patriarch but he just had a satisfied expression on his face

Grandpa smiled "Of course I'm not angry Brother Du and I figured her parents might make a ruckus over this news and both of us wanted to know how the both of you would deal with the issue.. but I must say I never thought you would activate your bloodline transformation so early.. usually you would have needed to fully form your beast core to train and use a bloodline transformation.. I was simply not expecting such an outcome none of us were.."

Grandpa continues, "As I was saying the both of you are now engaged but don't worry we won't make you two marry unless you both decide to commit to each other, when you both fully form your beast core and reach adulthood you both can decide for yourselves if you want to marry or not, neither one of us *he motions to Du Baili* will hold it against you kids if you grow apart."

Silence enveloped the room as Xiao and I were lost in thought but before I could speak up Xiao stepped Infront of me and took my hands in hers her cheeks were flush as she leaned In and kissed my cheek slightly stunned I was lost for words for a moment then I steadied myself and looked her in the eye, "I do believe I've found my soul mate.. until we form our cores I want to always be near you.. I don't know my own emotions but I know that I want no harm to come to you, grandfather may I request something?"

Shen Tianlong smiled and raised his eyebrow, "What is it my grandson?"

I bow before both of the patriarchs and ask, "May you permit Xiao to live here in our clan until our wedding day when we decide out fates together or apart?"

Shen Tianlong looked past me to look at Xiao Baili, "Do you wish to live here instead of your Clan home?"

Xiao Baili walked up next to me and followed my lead and also bowed to both patriarchs, "Y..yes that is my wish to live near the one I love until the day we decided our fates."

Shen Tianlong and Du Baili both erupted in hearty laughter, Du Baili spoke up, "Seems as though my great granddaughter has already made her mind up on multiple things.. i will permit you to stay here if you agree to return every half year so I can personally check if you keep your training up.. should I find out you are skirting your training I will have you move back home immediately is that understood Xiao'er?

Xiao speaks, "This one understands patriarch!" Du Baili nods then walks up to Xiao and takes her wrist as he speaks in an exciting tone, "We must return home and pack your belongings." As soon as Du Baili was finished talking he scooped up his great granddaughter and both of them Vanished into thin air as if they were never present in the first place. I was stunned to say the least..

Grandfather chuckled, "Fei'er there is one other matter me must attend to however this is something your father wants to deal with after he infoms you come find me in my study." Just like Du Baili and Xiao Baili vanished into nothing grandfather also vanished as If her was never here.. and once again I was stunned for the second time.. "just how strong are they.." I muttered under my breath.

My parents who had been silent this whole time just had loving smile on their faces they approached me my father spoke up, "My son I am so proud of you, you have no idea how much pride we have for you. Not only did you unlock your patial bloodline transformation before fully forming your beast core but whether you know it or not you have formed an everlasting bond with little Xiao'er try not to fuck it up my son." He smiled cheekily as my mother smacked him an the back of the head, "Dear don't you have something else to tell him." As a heavy pressure made him sweat slightly.. "women are scary." I thought to myself.

As the pressure subsided she wiped sweat from his forehead and laughed nervously, "haha.. ah yes as you know I am the Heir to this clan I have the right to forfeit the title of Heir so I did." Stunned for the third time tonight I simply utted, "What?!"

"Yep I tossed it aside and my father put grandfather agreed it should be given to someone else anyways and that someone is you you son. Congratulations!"

wow that chapter was a lot, quick little side note I went back and changed the surnames for the members of the white tiger clan so if you see a Du Lien or Xiao Lien let me know because they are meant to be Baili now... yep.

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