Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
Monica is walking on the street which is close to the house with the green roof where Judah is living for a while, she searches for the man who was fighting earlier. While she is doing a few steps, she senses a noise from her behind, she turned behind, and while she does that, she prepares herself for an attack. But when she has done that, there is nobody there.
Monica looks around, alerted for any suspicious movement that it might be happening anywhere and at distance from her. While she is drawing her scythe on the front of her, she is looking at the surrounding trees who are moving their branches. Monica looks at those movements of the branches for a few seconds, and then, she is walking to the door of the house where the gang is living.
Ulfred,who is still hiding on the roof, wanted to do something against that woman assassin who is approaching the door of that house, but what he can do? With his damaged leg, this will make a difficult fight for him to win it. He then remembers the thing Judah said at the table, at how Monica was showed in his dream visions, and he concluded that if he will not be there to help his teammates at the brick of fighting, they will die and the war side will be turned on the enemy noble favor.
And with this realization, Ulfred raises from the green roof, slowly, he grasps his sword, walks slowly to the end of the roof, and there he sees Monica, stopping in the front of the door, she slowly looks up. She encounters Ulfred there, and with the little light they have outside, Monica acknowledged that Ulfred cut a small part from his clothing material and use it as a bandage to his clothes.
He is jumping down the roof, to Monica direction. She immediately uses the scythe as a defense blockage, and it works because it blocked the air attack of the sword Ulfred is wielding. However, Ulfred is backing down, to the door of the house, and there, he smashes his own sword on the ground, which it gets shattered in a lot of pieces. This made Monica laugh.
"How dumb you must be to break your own weapon?". After she laughed once more, Monica is raising up her scythe, and before she was able to deliver that scythe into Ulfred head, she sees Ulfred who is grinning.
Ulfred whistle, and before you know it, a part of the sword is flying toward Monica, is hitting her neck. The sword part it is stabbing the neck of Monica. This made her lose the grip of her scythe, she backs away, shaking and dripping a lot of blood from there. She falls on her knees, while she is trying to take that sword part out from the neck, Ulfred raise up, and he walks slowly to her, until he reaches the knees of her, he looks at Monica, and he says to her.
"Who sent you here?"
"W-W-Why would I tell you?" she asks while she is looking hopeless at Ulfred.
"Because if you do not say it, I might be able to save you, before you step into the dead land." he looks at Monica eyes, he sees the tears coming out from her eyes, he sees her breathing heavily, and before you knew it, Ulfred is staring at her, and he asks that question again. "Now respond to me, who sent you here?"
"Y-Yugara Big... Big Father Yugara. He sensed her daughter blood smell into this village. An-And he ordered us to come here... Retrieve her... Alive... Alive and with no pain for the ritual..."
"And this ritual... What is it for? For making the demon family become awakening?" he says with a smile on his face.
"H-How did you know it?" asks Monica shocked by the fact that this man learned the secret of this noble family.
"Your capture is on our side. And we will protect it."
"Y-You will die. All of you will die while d-doing that."
Monica is about to catch her scythe and as soon as he caught it, she jumps back on her feet, but on the next second, Ulfred whistled two times and the last two pieces of the sword came at a fast peace where they pierced Monica body. One of the pieces got through the stomach, while the other was going through the head of Monica. The woman, without any sign of breathing, she falls on the cold path which leads to the house, her eyes being completely dead and blood coming out from the areas where the sword pieces flied in a fast speed.
Ulfred is then wielding the handle of the sword, then, with the other hand he is snapping his fingers three times in an erythematic sound, and all three pieces of the sword are coming to the sword, and reforming the blade. While they were aligning automatically, the blade became the same as he always was.
"Wow." says someone from the back of Ulfred.
Ulfred turns around, and there he sees Garnet, who is looking astonished by Ulfred, and then, she sees the body of that assassin who Ulfred fought recently. Without talking, Garnet is walking closer to that body, she looks at it. Then, Ulfred came closer to Garnet, he is using his hands to close the eyes of Monica, and he looks at Garnet.
"She is a Red Hood Assassin." says Garnet. "We called her Monica at home. She is a normal person, not like the other ones there. She didn't care much about the family, only the inheritance they were having it."
"How do you know that?" asks Ulfred looking at Garnet.
"I heard her speaking with Ciprianusus one time when they caught me in a remote house where I was hiding for two days. She wanted to take a part of the inheritance after the plan of Big father Yugara will be accomplished."
"A plan? What is it?"
"... He wanted to take over the three kingdoms his ancestors posses." she says to Ulfred. "Kingdom of Romania, Serbs Kingdom and Kingdom of Bulgaria."
"Why he wanted those three?" asks Ulfred looking at Garnet. "And does he wanted to those three?"
"No idea. I only heard the big father talked about this one time when I tried to sneak out of the house. But, whatever he wanted to do with those lands, it is probably bad."
"What is with this noise?" asks Taka opening the door, and then he sees Garnet and Ulfred, who are looking at Taka, and she also sees the corpse of Monica. "Um... She got killed by the flying blade?"
"Yes." responds Ulfred normally to Taka.
"Bad move." she says in such a joking. "But first, we have got to get rid of this body before we go back to sleep, alright?"
Ulfred and Garnet shook their heads and together, they took the corpse of Monica, they are carrying it to a small hole where they are putting the treasure where later they are going to light up. they threw the body there, and after that, Ulfred and with Taka are taking some leaves all around this garden and threw it into the hole, and after that, they are lighting up, thanks to Garnet who took a light candle from the house, and they threw it into that hole where the body it is.
After the hole was burning up, Taka and Garnet are going into their house, while Ulfred is standing on that fire, looking at the body of the female he has killed on this cold night. After a while, while the body was burning, Ulfred heads into the house, where he will take the watch inside the house, in front of a fire place and staying on a nice wooden chair.