
Legacy of Harry Potter

Harry Potter, the Boy-who-lived was meant to be great. He was not meant to be someone who rode on his luck to survive and was never the powerful wizard he was meant to be. But what would happen if he discovered his true legacy at the end of his third year and takes control of his life. Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner. [If you are enjoying my story, support me at Paypal. https://www.paypal.me/Novelcorner] [Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. 5 Advanced Chapters available. p@treon.com/Novelcorner Replace @ with a.] [Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]  

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Ron's Plan and Scheme

September 1994

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry





After Dumbledore's departure, Ron started to walk towards the Great Hall for his food stuffing ritual with an evil grin.


He thought in his mind, that people considered him to be an idiot but he scoffed at this. He was much more intelligent than other people perceived him to be.


Even in the beginning, he had orchestrated his friendship with Harry Potter, thinking that it would bring him fame and a lot of wealth.

He could very well remember the conversation his mother had with his father before the start of his first year, about how Harry is going to be extremely famous, once he joins Hogwarts.

They also talked about how the Boy-Who-Lived would be in need of friends once he steps in the wizarding world and how he had no friends, where he originally stays.


Using his 'high IQ' Ron devised his plan to become the friend of the famous Boy-Who-Lived. And as if luck was on his side he had his first encounter on the muggle side of the train platform.

He there after pretended that no other compartment was empty and became friends with Harry Potter.


For three years, Ron never allowed any other person to get closer to Harry Potter. But despite, all his plans and hard work, which included getting involved into argument with anyone whoever chooses to approach Harry, he failed to keep Hermione away.

And since Harry also started to consider the bushy hair girl as his friend, he had no other option but to reluctantly accept her in the fold.


And Ron would consider his little plans to be success. For three years, he enjoyed the limelight along with Harry. He could never forget when he was awarded 50 points in front of the whole school or the special reward in his second year.


Most of the students looked up to him with envy, jealousy or hatred. But no matter the feeling, he was in limelight in whole school.


But despite all his excitement, Ron always had a grudge- wealth. He knew from very beginning that Harry was wealthy; but thanks to another of his mother conversation he knew that he cannot talk to Harry about this topic.


Even so, he sometimes became so frustrated that he wanted nothing more than to go to Harry and ask to spend money on him. Specially during his second year, he spent his entire year without a wand; but Harry did nothing about it.


But now he had his chance to get the wealth also. From Dumbledore's words, Ron understood the method by which he could make Harry feel guilty.


He would his brain to isolate and alienate, Harry from his Gryffindor housemates. And as Dumbledore told him, when Harry would be isolated, he would understand the true meaning of friendship and would have no other option but to return to him.


And as a good friend, Ron was, he would 'reluctantly' accept Harry and his wealth.


With his grin Ron, arrived in the Great Hall and gathered all his housemates on the table for the conversation.

Thankfully Harry was still not present so he had the chance to execute his plan tonight only.

Again, using his 'brain' Ron instigated the Gryffindors into believing what Dumbledore told him about Harry wanting to associate with people of his status only.

As if luck was smiling on him, immediately after dinner, the blonde Slytherin snake was waiting for Harry outside the Great Hall, and Harry walked to her as if he cared for nothing.

Even if someone was not convinced with what Ron said, this event pushed them entirely in his camp.


But alas! All plans of whether Dumbledore or Ron was destined to fail as Harry was not the same person anymore, they had known.




Meanwhile, after his small little lecture in Gryffindor common room, Harry was wandering aimlessly in Hogwarts Corridor.

Say thanks to his enhanced magical understanding or his connection to Hogwarts castle, as Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin; he had no worry about being caught by the prefects or the old crooked Filch.


He had unintentionally taken a turn when; he heard a little muffled sobbing sound. Raising his eyebrows, he quickened his pace and arrived at the end of the corridor. It was a secluded portion of Hogwarts and Hardly any student arrived in this area.


The moment he arrived he found two Slytherin boys holding down a blonde girl, while two other boys stood with a grin on their face.


The girl was struggling with all her might to remove herself from the hold of the boys. Her clothes were in tatters and she was barefoot and it took no genius to find out what the boys were trying to do.


The moment Harry arrived at the scene, the attention of the four boys was shifted to him.

Using their lapse of attention and the moment of shock; the blonde girl freed herself from the grasp and embraced Harry in tight hug.


She sobbed slowly and said in almost dreamy voice, "Harry Potter, you came. The nargles are disturbing me a lot today."


Harry was taken aback at the declaration. However, he shifted his attention towards the four boys.


Harry recognised no one from the group but it did not matter.

One among them, probably their leader, stepped forward, "Harry Potter, what a coincidence."

He said grimly, "Leave now and if you want, you can take the girl with you. We will act as if nothing happened today."


Harry Potter chuckled but did not pay attention to them.


"What is your name?" Harry asked the girl.


The girl introduced herself, "Luna Lovegood."


Harry was surprised a little bit, "Is your mom Pandora Lovegood?"


Luna nodded her head, "Yes."


Harry's face turned even more angry, "Maybe there was a chance I would show you all mercy; but now…."

Harry let out an evil laughter, "Hahaha…" and took out his holly wand and let loose his magical reserves.



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