
Legacy of Harry Potter

Harry Potter, the Boy-who-lived was meant to be great. He was not meant to be someone who rode on his luck to survive and was never the powerful wizard he was meant to be. But what would happen if he discovered his true legacy at the end of his third year and takes control of his life. Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner. [If you are enjoying my story, support me at Paypal. https://www.paypal.me/Novelcorner] [Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. 5 Advanced Chapters available. p@treon.com/Novelcorner Replace @ with a.] [Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]  

Graviele · Livres et littérature
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Ireland Wins

[Note: Let me clarify about Harry being Lord apparent of Potter and Black. Some of you assumed that he was not going to hide it. 'Lord Apparent' implies that Harry is guaranteed to become a lord of that family but since he is not of age, he cannot claim the lordship. For Potter there is no doubt of him being Lord Apparent but with Blacks Sirius should be Lord apparent but since he is a criminal, everyone assumes Draco Malfoy to be Lord apparent of Black. Harry only mentioned Black to infuriate Lucius. It has no connection any of him about revealing his Lordship. He was Lord apparent of Potters even before he attended Hogwarts.]

August 1994

VIP Box Quidditch World Cup Final

Lucius was about to lose his temper and was almost on the verge of taking out his wand, when Narcissa stepped forward and took hold of Lucius wand arm, "I think we should take our seat, my dear."

Lucius glared at Harry who was continuously smiling in return. Lucius then nodded stiffly and Narcissa pulled the Malfoy Lord along with her.

Draco followed his parents but not before sneering in Harry's direction.

As soon as Lucius departed, Fudge started spluttering, "I.. think.. I will tend to other guests...," and with this he was gone.

The Bulgarian minister had a confused expression on his face but he followed Fudge and left in the end.

Immediately Ron marched towards Harry and almost screamed, "What was that... you being Lord apparent Potter and Black?"

Harry stared impassively at Ron, "What was what?"

Ron almost raged, "You know what I mean?"

Harry continued to stare but did not speak.

Arthur intervened, "I think we should take our seats. We can discuss these things later."

Harry wanted to scream that him being Lord apparent of Potter and Black had nothing to do with you idiots but he held himself back.

It was not that he lost his control and revealed that he had gained knowledge of his heritage and family.

He had thrown this particular information as bait. He wanted to see how the Weasleys would react and how Dumbledore would react.

Although it was a big information but still manageable for both parties. Dumbledore would think even if Harry knew everything, he could not do anything. Since he would be unable to take up Lordship before coming of his age, other than 'bragging', Harry could do nothing with that power.

The group then took their respective seats. Harry occupied his seat on one edge of the row and Hermione purposefully or coincidentally took seat next to him.

Harry could see a myriad of expressions etched on Hermione's face. Confusion, curiosity, worry, anxiety all at a single time was struck to her face.

Harry knew very well that how hard was it for Hermione to control herself from asking a dozen of blazing questions at his direction.

He eyed her intensely, which drew Hermione's attention. He said, "Hermione we will talk at Hogwarts. But for now, know that, there is nothing to worry."

Hermione nodded slowly in response.

Ludo Bagman's voice started to boom with description of the world cup.

He finally called for the mascots and in came a flutter of beautiful girls as Bulgarian mascots.

'Veela,' muttered Harry in his mind.

The moment the group of mascots entered the stadium the whole of stadium erupted in huge cheer. Harry could make out for men losing control and drooling and then trying to jump over the stands only to be held back by the females present in the stadium.

Even in the VIP Box which was a great distance from the Veelas many males were affected.

The two most noticeable were Ron and Draco. Ron was screaming and shouting at the edge of the box only to be held back by Arthur Weasley

Draco was also in the same condition and was held back by Narcissa, though Harry could safely say that Draco was a bit more dignified than Ron.

Harry caught Hermione looking everywhere in confusion, trying to understand what was happening.

Harry started, "They are Veelas. Basically, they are classified as a 'creature' similar to a goblin or a house elf."

Hermione heard him attentively. It was rare for her to not know anything and on top of that Harry was aware of that information.

He continued, "Basically they are half humans. In a normal state they appear completely to be a human but when enraged or their emotions run high; they turn into half human with half a bird like appearance. They grow beaks in place of their lips and wings behind their back."

He sighed, "The condition of all the males you are seeing because of their allure. Allure is their greatest weapon. They could turn any weak male with low willpower into a drooling fool into moments. This is the condition when they are not actively using their allure and it is only its passive state. Also, every Veela have a great affinity to fire."

Hermione could not help but was surprised at all the information. She commented, "So you have a strong willpower?"

Harry chuckled, "What do you think."

Hermione smiled but did not answer but her smile told all the answer.

The Veelas were followed by the Ireland's mascot, Leprechaun. Again, Harry gave a small introduction to Hermione about these small creatures.

Soon both the team were introduced and the game began.

The game got all exciting but ultimately Ireland bested Bulgaria with a margin of 170 to 160. The only saving grace for Bulgaria was that their star seeker, Victor Krum, caught the snitch otherwise avoiding a humiliating defeat.

The match was followed by a small scuffle between the mascots of two teams. Harry also caught Ludo avoiding to pay Fred and George on their bet by stuttering some illogical logic.

Arthur asked Harry to spend the night with them in tent. Though Harry wanted to leave but decided to stay with them.

Ron kept a small distance with Harry though no one breached the subject of Harry being Lord apparent Potter and Black.

Harry wondered if Arthur had given Ron some talk to not speak about the matter.

Though at last Harry had to share his room with other Weasleys. They had got bunk bed and Harry took the upper bunk directly above Ron.

Hermione and Ginny went into the next tent.

At somewhat in midnight, Harry snapped open his eyes when the tranquillity of the silence was broken by sudden screams.

With his enhanced body thanks to his powerful magic and the resurrection stone, he heard the screams from a large distance.

Without disturbing any Weasley, Harry jumped from the bed and even before he could touch the ground he turned invisible.

[Next Chapter Harry is going for his first magical battle after receiving his inheritances. Hang on...]

[I would also like to hear about if you want to be Harry being OP or just above average. I have my ideas about it but your opinions would also be considered]