
Problematic causes part 1

The professor opened his eyes, now well rested and ready to face a new day. He had a frightening nightmare where a small black monster had entered his space along with some new humans and it had been terrifying.

It had been realistic enough to give him a turnaround for a few seconds to realise that it was not real. His mind was likely playing tricks on him and it would not be the first time either.

And then his eyes fell right on top of the small feline once again and now he tensed. That was not a dream?

"Ah, good morning professor. I hope you had a good sleep" the female called out to him, her voice soft and he vaguely recognised her as the one who had pointed out his mistake.

"Good morning miss. I'm sorry but who are you again?" The party looked almost amused as the confused person looked from the cat to the lady and then to the two in the back. His eyes seemed almost panicky in nature.