
Chapter 1-What is LIFE?

LIFE is Hard.

LIFE is Unfair.

LIFE is Exhausting.

We all have different views about LIFE.

It all depends on how we live our lives, on how cruel or how good our LIFE is.

To others, the LIFE of someone who was born in a rich family might view their LIFE as an easy one. BUT! A kid born in a rich family does not have it easy at all. Some lacks familial Love, lacks attention from their parents, lacks guidance and those kids who grew without those will find LIFE lackluster.

Now, others who are born in relatively poor families might look with envy at those who were born rich. They did not know what the other is going through, they only look at the the physical things they lack forgetting that they have a family that are always there for them. These people find LIFE hard.

There are also those who were born poor at the same time abandoned by their parents. They lack everything, they find LIFE cruel.

The message I'm trying to convey is that, we all have different views about LIFE. We must not look at what we don't have but always look at what we have and how to grow as a person positively.