
Learning Love

yagsikir · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Episode 1 - Special Assignment

"Theo, I have a special assignment for you." Captain Cupid the 9th, or as the Cupid Company called him, "Cap," stood up from his desk with his signature ear-to-ear smile plastered across his face.

"A special assignment?"

Before Theo had the chance to say anything else, Cap had already invaded his personal space, placing his small hands on Theo's shoulders and yanking him down to his height, which was about a foot and a half shorter than Theo was, no doubt.

Theo could see the glint in Cap's violet eyes the second he walked into his office, and now that their faces were so close, he thought he could be blinded with how bright Cap's energy was.

"That's right! See, I know most cupids design ways for creatures to find their soulmates, but currently that department is going through a ton of changes, and a few lucky cupids are being transferred to a new department."

Theo's bright expression dimmed as if he had just been fired. "So... I don't get to work in the soul-string department anymore?"

"No! You get to do something even better!" Cap's optimism and attitude were as sharp as ever, and his bright smile told Theo that there was at least some hope.

"What could be better than creating soul-string methods?" Theo asked warily, Cap's comment having piqued his curiosity.

Cap jumped up into the air, using Theo's shoulders to push himself higher and still maintain balance. He let out a laugh and swiftly landed on his feet. "You know the universe I'm from?" Cap raced around to the opposite side of his desk and began shuffling through drawers.

"Uh, yeah... who wouldn't? It's the one where people have to find their soulmates on their own, no guides or anything, right? The only one other than the cupid-verse where soulmates don't actually exist for everyone?"

"Exactly right!" Cap pulled a file from the bottom left drawer and slammed it onto his desk, motioning for Theo to come over and look at it.

"What's all this about exactly...?"

"I'm sending you there!" Cap exclaimed happily. "Isn't that exciting?"

"You're what?" Theo could hear his voice crack as he stumbled over his words.

"There's this person I need you to help. See, they keep getting stuck in these horrible relationships and getting taken advantage of, and I need you to help them learn what love actually is, and how to tell when someone is just manipulating them."

Theo was absolutely dumbfounded. Since when had Cupid Corp ever done anything like this? They almost never sent cupids to other universes, and to think they'd send one to a universe without soulmates was just absurd to him. "...Why? Why do this? And why me?"

Cap sent Theo his smug little "don't-doubt-me" smile. "You'll find out eventually," is all he responded with, and Theo knew that there was no changing Cap's mind.

"So all I have to do is set them up with their soulmate?" Theo asked, picking up the file Cap had placed on the desk and flipping through it. The file was thicker than most, but that was to be expected of the "hopeless romantic" universe. 

"Yep!" Cap eagerly responded, staring excitedly as Theo read over some of the passages in the file.

"And then I can come back?"

"That's right!"

Theo looked through the file confidently, but after getting to the part of the file about the universe, he paused again, losing truckloads of the confidence he had just mustered. "But what if they don't have one?"

"Oh, they do," Cap said confidently.

Theo gave Cap a blank stare while Cap just carried on with his beaming expression. "What makes you so sure of that?"

"You'll see, once you meet them."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Theo was starting to lose his cool, slamming the file closed and throwing it against the desk.

All Cap did was let out a calm little laugh. "Don't worry. After a while in that universe, I trust that you'll be able to feel it."

And with that, Theo was sent off to the universe of "hopeless romantics," as it was called by the other cupids. And little did he know, he was about to meet his soulmate.