
Learning How to Get a Good Girl's Heart

Elly Mae is a transferee in a known university. The students are from elite families. Elly Mae is kind, responsible and a smart 2nd year business student. She wants to hide her identity in order to lessen those people who take advantage of her and stabs her in the back. But, a man named Hero, the campus' richest student knew her real identity. What will she do when their characteristics differ? Will there still be a chance to fall for him?

A_Gandalf · Sports, voyage et activités
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

Hero's POV

She looks so bothered right now. Her hands started to slightly shake when she heard the news from Yvonne. Apparently, she signed up for the singing contest which she didn't do. I mean, it's a good way to show her bullies what she can do. No one seemed to notice her behavior as they were having their own conversation and Trever was reading his book, as usual, so I decided to talk to her.

"Hey" I called her but she didn't look at me so I decided to sit beside her. Only then she noticed me. She looked at me and smiled trying to hide her nervousness but I could still see it through her eyes. Her pupils were shaking."What are you so worried about?" I asked.

"It's..." she hesitated at first but I gave her an encouraging smile so she let out a deep sigh and said, "It's about the contest?"

"What about it?"

She looked down to avoid my gaze. " I don't sing. It's not that I can't, I just don't want to"

"And why is that?"

"The truth is I was bullied in my previous school. I was an outcast and a pushover. Students there would only come to me and act like they were my friends when they're not was because of my wealth and background. Once they get what they want from me, they will abandon me and ignore me as if I don't exist in their life." she said and I saw a teardrop on her right hand. I quickly searched my pockets for a handkerchief but when I was about to give it to her, a hand was already reaching out to her with a handkerchief. It was Trever. I had no choice but to hide mine when she accepted it. Trever then walked away and she waited for him to be far from us before she continued.

"When I transferred here I decided to hide my identity so I could get real friends and I did get them. However, there still people who don't like me. They still underestimate me but it's okay now since you're here" she looked at me and I couldn't look at her straight. I can hear the sound of my heart beating so fast and I couldn't tell if I was blushing or not. "But then this happened. The reason why I quitted singing was because of what happened before."

What happened before?-I asked in my mind.

"The only person who treated me like her own sibling committed suicide after being the target of the whole school. It was because she sang with me at an event in our school. Those who bullied me didn't know that we were friends because I didn't want her to be bullied. She hanged herself inside her own room after a week when we sang together. I was so devastated at that time. It felt like it was my fault. If she hadn't sung with me that time, maybe she was still alive right now. After that incident, I quitted singing." she said then sobbed. I patted her back. My way of telling her that it's going to be okay.

"Why don't you try to console your past?" I suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you know for yourself that no one is pointing their fingers at you for her death, right? Besides, it wasn't really your fault, It was those who bullied her. " I said.

"How would I do that? She's dead already there's no w-"

"talk to those who are living" I cut her off. "Contact her parents. Maybe she left something for you before she died"

Elly's POV

What Hero told me earlier is still stuck in my mind. Should I follow his advice? Ughh!! I can't sleep!! Maybe someone's thinking of me. Psychology says that if you can't sleep, it means you're wide awake in someone else's dream and/ or someone is thinking of you. But who?

I stood up and sat on the seat beside my window and held my phone. Maybe I should listen to him.

I decided to talk to Mira's father and asked if she had left something for me and Hero was right. Her father told me that Mira wanted him to deliver me a box so he said that he'd deliver it tomorrow.

My decision depends on that thing. I hope it can make me feel better.

The Next Day...

As planned, I received the package this afternoon. My hands were trembling when I opened the package. After opening the box, I saw another box and It looks like a music box. I saw a bunch of pictures, our pictures when she was still alive. Tears started to fall as I look at the pictures individually. We were so happy at that time. When I was around her I feel safe. It's like my peace only comes when she's with me. I miss her. Lastly, I saw a card folded. I let a deep breath out.

"Dear Elly,

Are you doing well right now? I think that when you read this letter, I'm no longer with you so hope that you're okay. I hope that you've overcome a problem I couldn't face. I'm sorry I can't be with you till this day. I'm sorry our friendship had to end like this. I know that you're having a hard time but I want you to know that my death is not your fault. I was the one who wanted to sing with you. I was the one who wanted to tell the whole world that I am your friend. I died not because of you but because of those people who did not care about how we feel. I died because of this cruel world and the humans in it. I was so thankful that you became my friend and a part of me. You know that I will always be here, looking out for you. I love you.

P.s. I don't want you to stop singing. You're good at it and it's a hobby we both like. Think of me when you sing.

From your loving and beautiful best friend,

Mira Morz"

I let my tears flow. I hugged her letter. She was still thinking of me even before she died. Why? Why did you have to leave me? Just why?

I have decided.