
Leading to shadows / Lord of universe

[WARNING] Dear reader, I hope this novel finds you well. I am excited to present to you my first novel, which I have written as part of my English practice. I would like to kindly ask for your help in ensuring that it is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Please feel free to point out any mistakes you may come across, and I will make the necessary edits. Thank you for your support and understanding. [SYNOPSIS] The Great Unholy War has brought forth unimaginable bloodshed and terror for five long years. Even the gods themselves dare not enter the battlefield. But there is one mortal who can stand against them all. You, dare mortal, have attempted to challenge the gods, but you are merely a pawn in this war. Your only escape is to flee when Blackstone, a broken god, urges you to do so. However, Leon, the protagonist, has grown tired of running away from his fate. He vows to end the war and take down every single god who believes themselves to be superior. The god of darkness, Erebus, tries to warn Leon to run, but before he can finish, he is killed by Odin, the King of Asgard. Leon uses his incredible swordsmanship, known as null swordsmanship, to defeat Odin and half of the army. But the war is far from over. Leon remains the target of those who seek to capture him and avoid the wrath of their master. He is the Holy Son, a warrior who fights for his own will and beliefs. The world of Era is under attack from an unknown species known as mutants. The Holy Saints, who fought to protect their own planet, have sacrificed themselves to create a barrier around half of the earth. The mutants can no longer penetrate this barrier, but the question remains: do the gods know if they are inside or not? This novel is filled with epic storylines, dragons, and numerous gods. I will be uploading two chapters every week, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thank you for your time and support. [ Disclaimer ] the cover art doesn't belongs to me from 1 to 15 chapters , there is a fast pace

swordmen · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

dimensional drift

Your death is me.

God Thunder keeps pelting the dark stone.

Everything under his skin has turned white.

It was as though his entire body had turned to marble.

Just wait, it!

After a while, the divine thunder and flame stop as he completely transforms into Mable.

Leon remains on the ground.

His skeleton is broken.

Because of his powerful regenerative abilities, he was able to survive the celestial flame and thunder.

He looks about him.

It has evolved from blackstone to white marble.

Still lying on the ground is William.

I try to use my mana to heal myself, but it doesn't work. I tell the gods, "You fucking gods, if you want to kill Blackstone, kill him."

Why are you interfering with someone else as well?

From this peak, activate your space seal.

You fools, I attempted to use my blade with purpose.

Sunlight was attempted to be absorbed, but they needed mana and the space seal was a fuck! Everything is a bunch of nonsense.

I see a tiny red bird flying towards us, but instead of coming closer, he flies over to the white stone and settles there.

The bird began singing, but it is a terrible tune and his voice is like a stone slamming into us.

But I do not comprehend.

I told the red bird to cease singing because it was nonsense.

When the screaming voice appears, it is because a mere mortal tried to make fun of the Phoenix god Bird's incarnation.

Bird is applying tremendous pressure.

I said, "Stop!"

My body still has fractured bones.

Heal William and I

What do you want first, because you have to offer me something to eat?

I need to eat something.

I should first get better before giving you something to eat.

The speed at which Bird Flames, who is overlapping himself and resembling a ball, is moving towards us causes a small shadow to appear and strike my entire body.

My body becomes a ball of fire and begins to burn.


Pain I'm in pain.

My entire body catches on fire.

I can only make out a small flame

The flame continues to burn in the shadows, casting light everywhere.


The Phoenix god said, "I have created a new body for you. This body name is Heavenly body level 2. This means that your body is now equivalent to low level gods. Hmm is still good for Me. Now I can stand equal to black st." My body is regenerating from the ashes that left. I can feel pain. My entire body is shining in a golden colour.

The bird then replied, "Can't you wear clothes, you're naked."

I sincerely apologise for revealing my pathetic side and I open heavenly or heaven's garden domain.

I notice that I only have one set of red clothes out of my numerous that I own.

I perceive

I put on clothing and then I meet William. I ask Bird, "Why can't you heal William who has gone through his 9 strikes heavenly tribulation and then Blackstone's punishment?" The jacket doesn't have pockets, but it is sparkling in the sun.

Bird said I can't make him well. His soul is not as strong as yours, but you can still use your mana to heal him because you now have a level 2 heavenly body. Consequently, your mana is now white and pure.

I'll try before I see William because the thunder tribulation has turned his body black.

I'm currently putting mana into William's body. His body begins to mend gradually, but ultimately it required a lot of my mana.

Finally, I was able to heal him.

After that, I went to marble and cast his marble body into the divine realm.

However, a voice says, "You shit man!" How do you cast a god into a domain where that god is the domain's owner?

Exactly what are you saying? Wait a second. Are you the one that I threw in the heaven's garden domain, you piece of sh*t that you are, since you gave this domain the name heaven's garden domain?

Do you not have a catchy name like the shadowless domain or the dark domain?

Don't interfere with other people's problems; I believe you were killed by the Norse gods or by Odin, the ruler of Asgard.

Although I am not doing it

Do you truly want to see me and hear what I have done to you? That is the question I am posing to you: Why aren't you being killed?

How did you act in a manner Attempts to beat me to a pulp, steal the last vestiges of Handel's soul, persistent attempts to puzzle me, and killing me with you under the wrath of Gods seeking something from you.

Bland, bland

However, first, tell me how you survive.

As you are aware, there are numerous realms, including

Star realm

star particles

star dust

star peice

star heart

star level

And each have 6 realms

Constellation realm

Constellation level

Constellation pawn level

Constellation king level

Constellation lord level

Constellation God level

Constellation beyond God level

And each have 5 stars

Galaxy realm

Galaxy dust

Galaxy particle

Galaxy fragment

Galaxy king

Galaxy emperor

Galaxy lord

And each have four stars

Exactly what are you saying, Broken Constellation? I wish to express

I want to ask how a lowly god could kill me. I am the one who descends into the depths.

a broken constellation first, explain what an abyss is.

My moniker, The One Who Reached the Abyss, refers to the fact that I am the only person in the entire universe to have reached the core of an abyss and survived it. Abyss is the doorway to darkness or you might say the endless darkness from which you can never emerge.

Oh, what a depressing life

a person who was knocked out by a powerful god

Because of anything you did wrong, the high level gods are against you.

Then a small bird's voice may be heard asking, "Where is my food?"

What are you speaking to a shattered constellation?

then Blackstone asks how a single mortal Phoenix god incarnation could insult a broken constellation if I am at the height of my powers. You will be dead in a matter of seconds, but I need to eat.

hihi hihi hihi hihi hihi hihi hihi hihi hihi hahaha before he can speak, his body, which is composed of soul, dissolve

The current master of this domain is Leon Zemin, and if I want to survive, I must become his slave.

Slaves have their own elemental gods, but the small bird told me I was mistaken, and now you are a broken constellation.

Incarnation of Pheonix God says My little friend, you are the biggest moron, but since our souls are connected,

Therefore, if I become his slave, you must also do likewise.

You are a genuinely evil person.

It's too bad he couldn't say more before. Blackstone requests Leon to make me his shadow slave.

God who are prepared to serve as others' Shadow slaves are doomed to die alongside their master.

No, tell me first that from now on I'm a black stone, also known as the one who approaches the abyss.

Blackstone declares that he is vanishing from this realm and that his influence is waning, but he can still yell,

"You motherfucker," as he watches Leon become enraged and declares, "Leon Zemin has taken Blackstone as his shadow slave."

Then, with a sudden wind sound, Blackstone's entire body was being blown. is coloured black and emits a shadow.

The Blackstone then declares, "You motherfucker, set this in your mind: If you dare to call me for unwanted work, I'm going to kill you," but suddenly, a small bird emits shadow fire, lays his head on the ground, and declares, "I am the Phoenix god's incarnation, greeting my master."

I seem to recall that Blackstone is saying something, but it's okay.

I now have a wonderful gift for my trip.

Blackstone Please attempt to explain what is going on to me because your body is still made of marble.

I can't tell you anything, motherfucker, but I can tell you that in order to get my body back to normal shape, you must visit a location that even gods are frightened to visit.

Or consider leaving at least once more

There are countless species in our globe, but there are only four species at the top of the universe.

Dragons, Demons, Angels, and Gods

There are dragons in the forest of darkness, but they are shadow dragons, who are similar to shadows and have speeds comparable to high-level gods when they are mature.

Dragons are notoriously haughty creatures, and if any deity trespasses on their turf, they will attack.

What can I say about a plain mortal who is just a dust for the gods and whom god scared of, as opposed to dragons who are usually so arrogant and ready to fight if any god dares to intrude on their territory?

You idiot, I know you're making fun of me

Are you attempting to have me killed or exact revenge on me?

Do you comprehend? I can no longer be destroyed.

I should not be your shadow slave anymore.

Shadow Slave: What is it?

God who are prepared to serve as others' Shadow slaves are doomed to die alongside their master. said Blackstone

Okay, if I try to kill you, you're going to kill Leon as well.

Leon bursts into hysterical laughter.

Hahaha Hahaha

Now that I have control over your life, if you kill, I will kill as well.

Your question is a good one, according to Blackstone.

You are my boss, but you are a small piece of shit, therefore if I kill you, you will still be alive, I must say in response to your question.

Can you at least tell me what level a mature dragon can reach that is above divine level?

It has three complete levels up to the constellation level.

Before there are three complete stages, which are Warrior realm, Star level does not begin.

Saint realm

Great Saint realm

each with ten stars.

Little bird said, "You are a liar who says to give me food."

Your name is too long, according to Leon, so I'll call you Qin.

It's a lovely name.

Naturally, I read this term in a book as I recall, but since I am currently on a constellation beyond God level, I must descend to the level of Galaxy dust.

These levels are Galaxy dust, Galaxy particle, Galaxy fragment, Galaxy king, Galaxy emperor, and Galaxy lord in the Galaxy realm.

each with four stars.

solus realm

Solus star

Solus emperor

And each have 8 stars

transcendent realm

Transcendent lord level

Transcendent emperor level

Transcendent god level

Transcendent beyond God level

And each have 4 stars

Stars : this are the small blockage in the way of vast cultivation

a fantastic day

After a few days, Amy's eyes show a great deal of dreaminess, and his heart is filled with loneliness as he meets someone who appears to be merely a traveller.

Apparently in his 20s.

Though she appears to be just a travelling companion, he was carrying a sword in his back and appeared to be a warrior who was about to engage in combat.

He can't help but turn to look at him.

Those silver eyes were dead and would always be mesmerising and captivating. When compared to him, those females' eyelashes were even longer than his own, which might make them feel inferior.

His beauty is charmed by that broad point, emphasised nose.

This is only the beginning of a new journey.

As time goes on, we will experience dimensional drift that is caused by hell's demons.

Demons are cataclysmic monsters that emerge from hell, not a species.

Before he says anything, he notices that Amy is swinging his hand in front of his eyes while people are claiming that this is the end of the world and that Hell is the sole place beneath all of the worlds.

He observes Amy with fascination but says nothing other than to inquire, "Who are you?"

She responded, "I'm Amy; how about you? You can call me Lance Crownwell; I'm an A level mercenary.

Okay, just look after me. We are about to go on a hellish trip, to which Amy retorted that you must also take care of me.

Get ready, I think to myself, and then Amy is as adorable as a kitten.

No one can refuse it, yet I thought to myself, "What am I thinking?" I believe his smile has had an impact on my psyche.

Don't you realise you are merely a traitor who always flees?

I am aware that I am alone, but nobody can assist me.

Just beginning of a New Era of Worlds

There is hope, but it is dim since the light can't reach us.

Since we are but travellers in this world,

In the end, death awaits us.

In the dimensional drift, we go

We were startled to see a gorgeous garden filled with lovely flowers when we initially entered because we were expecting something spooky.

However, as I scan the area, I notice that everyone has dispersed. I also notice Amy standing contentedly and taking in the scenery of the garden when I hear voices.

Hello, sweetheart, what are your plans?

You discard the black stone.

Can't you be quiet, you're annoying me.

You f*cking shit, my strength and my soul are all yours.

Can't you control your speech?

I'll kill you if you talk to me one more time.

Do you comprehend?

Yes, I told the boss.

Listen to me, I told Amy.

Yes, his cheeks have turned red, but he still looks lovely and adorable.

When I asked where we were, she said that it was a realm of the palace of gods rather than a dimensional rift. However, I was unable to view the palace.

You stupid, that dimensional fissure is simply a portal to enter the palace, and six dimensions assist to stabilise it.

I questioned how you were aware of this palace.

My cheeks turned scarlet, and she began giggling as she whispered in my ear, "It's a secret,"

but then the voice that I can never forget It's Blackstone

Lovey dovey what are you doing ?

I want to ban him from this domain.

I then begin to torture his soul.

He answered, "Of course that domain is mine and its name is abyss domain. You are unable to remove me from your domain."

What the fuck do you call a domain?

heavenly realm

Hihihi, I stop torturing him.

The deity is me.

Rather, you are a constellation.

Not constellation am I.

You are indeed a fractured constellation.

Motherfucker, you

Do not interrupt me as I deliver the punchline.

You are not a broken constellation, indeed.

You are now my servant.

You shithead motherfucker are a dunce.

You are not a broken constellation, indeed.

You are now my servant.

You shithead motherfucker are a dunce.

Regardless, maintain silent.

Where are we, I asked Amy.

She continued, "I've previously told you that we are in a different dimension. Okay, Miss Amy, I get that.

And I begin to move.

I hear a loud voice coming from my realm when I first saw the mythical creatures that are now extinct due to human poaching.

Boss you are talking incorrectly

You are incorrect; it is an incarnation of the Phoenix god.

Because of our mystical animals, we are an endangered species. But what are you saying, bullshit?

You idiot

Then Phoenix said goodnight, and I am considering eating some bird soup that I haven't had in a very long time.

You fucking Phoenix god incarnation, let's disregard you

Like pounding a stone,

The voice then says, "Boss, you're saying wrong."

If you attempted to strike a stone


An attempt to beat a stone will cause it to break.

It's only a joke, you little shit.

I'll then bid you goodbye.

Hihihihi Hihihihi

Now that my mood is pleasant, let's indulge in some chocolate.

who would risk my chocolate?

The conversation lasts only 15 seconds.

To be continued -

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

swordmencreators' thoughts