
Lead The Way (English Version)

Lead The Way Tells The Story Of A World On The Verge Of Death By A Virus. Actually This Novel Is An English Version Of The Indonesian Version Entitled "Lead The Way (Terdepan)" The Following Is The Synopsis... Uminoke, This Girl Has To Follow A Mysterious Man Who Claims To Have Met Her. But Uminoke Didn't Believe It At All, She Was Just Protected By The Man And Followed Him, Her Sister To Kyoto Because Her Sister Was Trapped In The Middle Of A Zombie Virus.

KharaChikara · Romance
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21 Chs

Chapter 7 (Lead The Way)


"Mr Line…. Where are we going?"

"To Zama station"

"Ha... Why go to that station, isn't the last train at that station going to Kyoto?"

"That's the train, not Uminoke... I already know Uminoke's personality. She would regret leaving us here even though I was the one pushing her on the train," said Line. Making Imea want it.

"(Can Mr Line really read his thoughts... If that's the case, that means he's great)" She thought seriously.

Not long after, Line stopped because he saw a large fence blocking the road, and behind the large fence there were lots of zombies.

"There seems to be no way"

"Hey, where is Mr Roland?" Imea looked around.

Suddenly a Jeep jumped over them and stopped right in front of them, the driver is none other than Roland.

"Hoi, come in quickly" He looked at him trusting himself.

"Wow, Mr Roland is great," Imea was impressed.

"Where are you going?" Regular staring lines. Then Roland made it easy for him. The path becomes confused.

"Find a way for me, I want to be close to this charming girl" Roland whispered. Then Line smiled slightly and accepted it. "It's my pleasure, Imea, for you to sit in the front with Roland"

"Eh, what, then Mr Line?"

"I won't go up, you'll be safe inside"


"Never mind girl, he is the LEADER" Roland interrupted, hesitantly, Imea sat on the bench beside Roland. Lane closed the door and Roland put the car in reverse.

Behind the fence, the zombies tried to put their hands through the fence and the fence was about to collapse, but suddenly a sound from the fence next to a building distracted them. There was Line who apparently made a sound by hitting the iron fence lightly with his rifle. "Come here, and eat me, if you can" He stared as if he was thirsty for blood. Of course the zombies were walking towards him and the fence on the west side was already somewhat empty.

Roland immediately put the car in gear.

"M... Mr Roland, are you going to break through this fence?"

"Yeah, you don't believe it"

"Don't, it's dangerous" Imea interrupted making Roland confused.

"This fence must have been made by professionals to protect this area, if you make a hole in it, there will definitely be no safety here."

"[This girl cares too much]" Roland was surprised. In the middle of explaining with her hands, Imea was surprised because Roland was holding her hands.

"M... Mr. Roland?" She was surprised and a little red-faced.

"You care more about other people, right now what is more important is ourselves, if you die because you saved someone else, you won't necessarily be remembered by the person you saved, so don't care about other people who are none of our business," said Roland.

"..." Imea nodded quickly then Roland stepped on the gas and broke through to damage the large fence. He stopped the car to wait for Line, but Line hadn't arrived at all and the zombie herd that had been to the south was now approaching those on the west side of the road.

"Tch, where is he?" said Roland.

"Mr. Roland, what are you waiting for?" Imea panicked.

Roland saw that Line was gone. So he stepped on the gas and pushed through several zombies in front of him.

Previously, the zombie herd was targeting Line. He suddenly heard a very low voice calling for help from inside the building. He immediately turned around and tried to enter the building but found that the thick glass door of the building was locked. Especially if it wasn't Line who broke the glass with one blow.

He then entered.

"[The voice can no longer be heard]" He looked around while the zombies had entered through the door.

Line remembering where the sound came from. Then he remembered that the sound came from the door on the 2nd floor. He immediately went there and apparently the door was locked from the inside.

"There are people here?" Line said. Inside there was a woman with an Iranian accent.

"Hah... Thank goodness someone helped me, I sprained my foot here," said the girl.

Line immediately broke the table with one kick and saw the girl sitting on the floor holding her sprained leg.

"Are you okay, you weren't bitten, were you?" Line approaches.

"Yes, I'm fine and not bitten."

"Then stretch out your hand, I'll help you out"

"But, I can't, my foot is sprained"

"I will take you"

"Sorry... You men can't touch me." The girl refused Line's offer.

Meanwhile the zombies have entered and someone is going to attack Line. But he kicked them and fought them off.

"You're holding me back." He turned his head in annoyance. Instantly he carried the girl and plunged through the window of the 2nd floor building.

"Aaahh.... What are you doing!!!!" The girl screamed in surprise. The worst thing is, below there are a bunch of zombies.

"Kyaaah, what are you doing?" She shouted even more.

"Shut up, annoying girl" Line replied, he threw her jump over the zombies.

"Ahhhh, I'm scared!!! Help me" She kept screaming, luckily her landing was caught by Roland who had already gotten out of the car. But Line landed in the middle of the zombies.

"Line!!" Roland was shocked and dropped the girl.

"Ow" He fell.

"... Ah, sorry..." Roland picked it up again.

Gunshots came from the middle of the zombies and one zombie was thrown and Line appeared. He appeared while cleaning the blood on his clothes.

"Quickly bring the girl" He stared. Then they ran towards the parked car.

Imea, who was already in the second seat, was a little surprised that the girl Roland had brought was there.

"We don't have much time, hurry up," said Line as he got into the car and shot at the zombies approaching from behind.

"It's noisy, I know that," Roland replied and stepped on the steering wheel. They were finally able to get away from the herd.

"I really thank you guys," said the girl.

"Was it Mas Line who saved you?" Imea stared.

"Line?" The girl was confused.

Meanwhile in front, Line tore her sleeve because she was injured.

Roland, who saw this, gave him the bandage that was in front of the car.

"Were you bitten?" He stared.

"No, I was hit by glass when I jumped from that window. That girl really hindered me."

Hearing this, the short hair girl cried.

"What, what happened to you" Imea was shocked. Line and Roland looked back.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have made you save me."

"... Mr Line, you can't talk to her like that" Imea looked annoyed.

"I didn't say anything to her. That's the truth," Line replied while looking coldly. Imea was a little confused by Line's attitude.

"Oh yes, my name is Imea and Mr Line is this and that, Mr Roland"

"... I'm Kella, nice to meet you."

"Where are you from, Miss Kella?"

"Actually, my parents are from Iran and I was born there too, but after we were born we moved here," the girl named Kella replied.

"Wow, that's a long way, huh?"

"But, I want to ask, where are you going?"

"We are going to Zama station, there are people there who have to be picked up, Mr Line."

"Am I disturbing?" Kella stared.

"No, you're not bothering, aren't you, Mr Line?" Imea stared.

"Yes, no," Line replied while continuing to focus forward with his sharp gaze.

After a few minutes, Roland stopped the car at a gas station.

"Only 59 meters away is Zama station, you can go there with them first," said Roland.

"I will leave the short hair girl, because her feet need your care"

"... How do I know that?"

"..." Line glanced at him and stared at him sharply, making Roland shocked and unable to move.

"Imea, let's go immediately," said Line.

"Eh, what about Miss Kella?"

"She will be with Roland" Line replied.

"Miss Kella, I'll go first, don't worry, you'll be safe with Mr Roland."

"Okay, be careful on the road" Kella nodded. Then Imea followed Line away.

And that's how Line and Imea got there.


"Oh, so that's how it is," said Mera.

"Yes, but why aren't the two of them here?"

"... Maybe he's taking care of Kella, right?" Mera replied.

Meanwhile, refueling. Kella screamed. "Aaahh!!"

Apparently she was sitting at the guard of the car with Roland who was rubbing his sprained leg.

"Mr. Roland, can't you be careful?" said Kella.

"Treating a sprained foot must be quick, don't keep shouting, it will attract biting creatures later."

But when Kella looked behind Roland, she was shocked and trembling while holding Roland's shoulders.

"Why?" He stared.

Frightened, Kella pointed behind her and it turned out there were lots of zombies surrounding them. "It's finished" Roland was shocked and pale.


"Line, are you really not injured, what's wrong with your hand?"

"It was a slight injury when saving the Iranian girl"

"Iranian girl?"

"It looks like they haven't arrived yet," said Line, but suddenly the sound of an explosion led to the gas filling station. It looked like the place had exploded.

"Huh, what happened" Uminoke was surprised.

"Stay here" Line ran away from her.

"Line" Uminoke was surprised.

Previously, the zombies were about to eat them. When Roland was about to pull the trigger of his rifle, he stopped and saw a lit match thrown into the refill.

"Go, hurry!!" He grabbed Kella's hand and jumped up and ducked as the refueling device exploded with a huge explosion destroying some of the zombies.

"Oh, my God" Kella woke up and was shocked to see the bodies of some of the zombies destroyed. But some will attack them. Roland awakens and shoots at those who approach with a gun. But suddenly the bullets ran out.

Luckily Line sped up and stopped in front of them, he was carrying 2 knives in his hands.

"Fight like a hero, you freak." Line threw the sword which Roland received. He smiled showing his teeth and they finished off the zombies with just a knife.

Kella, who saw this, was amazed.

15 minutes passed, they both stood limp, breathing heavily, dropped the knife full of blood, then gave a high five and smiled.

"I'm nostalgic," said Roland.

"This will happen again, my former rival" Line replied. They have defeated all the zombies.

Roland was silent when he heard that, he then took the knife he had thrown earlier, he looked at it silently then turned to Line who was wiping his sweat with his shirt.

"Line, why are you using a knife... Didn't you use a sword before?" Roland stared.

"... Why talk about that... Don't you know that I left my sword when I ran away?"

"What if I brought it for you? Would you go back to how you were before?"

"There's no way you can give me my own sword," Line interrupted. I wonder what they are talking about.