
Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning with Esfer no where to be seen. The first thing I thought when I woke up was 'I wonder if he admires me too.' I wish he would. What am I saying? Am wasting all my energy saved all the years just for some man that plans to seduce me and have child with me. I mean as much as I don't mind. I also ddon't want to waste all my energy just yet. "Amethist?" I heard Esfer call my name. Who knew? He wasn't nowhere to be seen. He was just taking a shower. "Yes, Esfer" I reply. "I talk to your parents and they agreed to let me sleep in your room for the time being. That is if you don't mind sharing a bed?" "No, No, No I don't mind at all." I spoke. Great more energy to be constantly used on blushing and trying to hide the fact am practically falling for him with just one glance. As I was lost in thought my fiancé snaped me out of them. "Amethist, I understand you don't like using energy but could you maybe preserve less. Just for today I promise I just want to take you on a date, shall we call it that?" "Anything for you" I mumbled. Oh no my thoughts slipped out of my mind luckily, he didn't hear me or did he?. "Pardon?" "I said I if I must. I shall preserve less energy to go on our date. After all, I'll just get more energy at night when am a sleep" I say smiling at the end of my sentence. "The way this date's going to happen I doubt you'll get any sleep." He said smirking. What had he planned? And should I be scared for my energy. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?" I say partly scared. "Oh, nothing you'll find out later. Hurry up get dressed then we shall leave." He spoke. Then he walked out. I got dressed. "My lady, may I escort you to our first date destination?" Esfer said. I simply just nod. We walk all the way to a big beautiful willow tree. To find a picnic with baked potatoes and steak. We sit down and we sit for 5seconds in comfortable silence. "You look even more beautiful than you did yesterday" he said. I blush. Oh, Irene save me and help me not faint from too much energy usage. "Thank you" "May I kiss you" "But of course" and then he kissed me on the cheek. He's become more responsible than last time. Maybe this time he doesn't have lust in his eyes and is actually thinking about love. I look up and he smiles at me. I could watch him smile for ages and never get used to the way it made me feel. Then we just talk and talk about stuff. I found out he has 3 siblings and his favourite colour is actually purple. I didn't see that coming. "Wow!?! Purple. Out of all the colours why purple?" "Its because when I was a child I used to dance in purple flower fields and felt since I liked the flowers so much I'd make it my favourite colour." He said chuckling a bit at my reaction. "Shall we go to our next destination, My lady" "Yes" This time we didn't walk we travelled on horses. It was a tree house. I climb up the ladder and see a note. "Have you seen the note?" Esfer asked. "Yes" "May you read it please" I open the note and I see what seem to be like a love note. It said 'My dear fiancé even though you may think love is a waste of energy I think love is the best way to spend your energy. Seeing as you disagree with me, we do have something in common. We both love each others energy as much as you may think that I want you in my bedroom by the end of the date all I want is you to think of me as much as I think of you. You may not notice but you're beautiful. You have beautiful pink plum lips, soft skin and the prettiest of eyes and the best of personality. I wish I could say that you don't have an effect on me when am around you but that would all be a lie. I just wanted to say you captured my heart I hope I can capture yours – Prince Esfer' "Aww Esfer you didn't have to write this." I spoke. "I know. I wanted to" he said smiling. He got me by the waste and pulled me close 'I know am wasting my energy right now but it's worth it' I thought. I lean in to kiss him. He instantly kisses back. The kiss was so passionate that we were stuck to each other like a tick to a dog. We only broke apart for gasps of air. He slowly moved his kissed to my neck. Leaving faint love marks. I may have whimpered and moaned once or twice when he found a sweet spot. After wards it was time for the last date. "As much as *pants I'd love to keep this *pants going we have one last date. *pants" He said smirking. We rode back to the castle on horse. We are directed to his room. He had a little lunch set up in my/our (our being both her and Esfer) room. I take a seat. "Remember when you said you loved fried chicken" Esfer said. "Yes?" "We're having fried chicken before bed" "Bed? The sun is still out?" "Am not stupid. The little kiss we had, took too much energy out of you. You have at least a good 30minutes before you faint and I wanted you to spend those minutes with me" Esfer said shyly almost blushing even. "Alright" I said. After we had dinner. He was right I had fainted. I was carried to my room by none other than Esfer himself and put in me bed and cover me. I was given a kiss on the forehead and he whispered in my ear "I love you" I could feel his hot breath and it sent shivers down my spine. I managed to mumble "Esfer, I had a greet time today *smiles. I love you too" I put out my lips to be pecked and he gave a gentle peck and said goodnight. That was the end of that day.