
Lazily Yours.

#R18 #MatureContents #NORAPE #strongfemalelead Reader discretion is advised. ................. Sloth noun -reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness. A lazy and casual life. That was the only thing that Lyca Huang wanted after transmigrating into the body of a rich young miss. Tired of schemes and killing, the lazy elite assassin vowed to enjoy her second life and live a life of luxury while lazing around and bossing over her servants. With her doting mother and loving father, Lyca thought that she could easily achieve this goal. Oh boy was she wrong... so wrong. Who would have thought that her prominent grandfather would introduce her as the heiress to his security empire? How could her lazy ass manage a conglomerate? She wanted to protest! She must decline the offer in front of the whole Huang Family! However, at the time of the announcement she was so busy eating her freshly peeled grapes and could not find the time to just open her mouth to speak. Second, she was too lazy to argue or create a strain of conversation with anyone else at the party. In the end, Lyca nodded at her grandfather’s words as she continued eating. Sometimes… food was more important than pointless arguments, ah. Moreover an heiress sounded really interesting. That only meant... more food and servants, right? ………………………. “Oi, Shen Qui, do you like me?” she leaned towards him, showing a little bit of her chest that was covered by her thin robe. She smiled and batted her eyelids. “No,” he answered, his face stern. “That will never happen.” “Good!” The smile on her face disappeared as she nodded, satisfied at the lack of emotion in his face. “Then… marry me.” ………………………… "You stayed in your room for three days," he stated. "So?" "Without going out." "Hm," she nodded. "You just slept and ate all day." "And?" "Well… that's not very healthy, is it?" His lips curved into a wry smile. "No. Not healthy." "I don't want to become a widower at twenty-five." Lyca's eyebrow lifted. "Are you cursing me?" She fought the urge to laugh. What widower? This man's honesty is sometimes infuriating. "I am tired," she said. "From doing nothing?" She nodded. "I am saving energy." "To do nothing?" She looked at him and didn't miss the concern in his eyes. "To do you." She uttered and immediately laughed when she saw his face reddened. ......................................... One lazy heiress. One hardworking illegitimate soldier. Two opposite worlds. Two different goals. And one marriage due to her laziness. ...... Lazily Yours Volume 1: COMPLETED VOLUME 2 - Aden Shen's Story (Lyca's son) - HIS SAVAGE LOVE STARTS AT PAGE 495 - can be read separately. Killing her son in front of her wasn’t enough to satisfy their savagery. So they cut off her limbs and laughed as she bled to death. In the end, the life of the prodigy Gabrielle Sutton ended with her eyes full of unwillingness and thirst for vengeance. Who would have thought that the end she had expected never arrived? Instead of falling into the abyss of death, she woke up ten years before her demise. Would she be able to save herself this time? Book 2 of Seven Deadly Sins Series Sin of Sloth: Lazily Yours

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Moreover, this was another part of Lyca's plan. She wanted another persona that she could run off to and use in her schemes anytime.

"Good!" Huang Sheng Hong nodded as he lamented inwardly. His little girl… was really not so little anymore. But putting her in a small cage was indeed dangerous. Just as Lyca mentioned. This is a world of wolves. It's either she stayed a sheep or turned into a wolf. He gave his daughter another look before sighing. "About Huang Xiaoxuan. Don't forget that she is still your cousin. I know Huang Li Duo, her father was a little arrogant and troublesome but he is loyal to the Huang Family."

"Loyalty." Lyca uttered, dragging the words in her tongue as she looked at her father. "According to the dictionary, it's a strong feeling of support or allegiance." She stared at him, her eyes scrutinizing the changes in her father's face. "And Father… feelings change."

Huang Sheng Hong opened his mouth, wanting to rebut her. But what could he say? She was right. Feelings change. There was no guarantee that this loyalty would stay the next day or even today. He was about to say something when Lyca added.

"Don't worry. I won't kill anyone who haven't done anything to us." She uttered. "I am not planning to prolong this matter. I don't want to spend years stressing over something that I can finish in a few month. I will finish it as soon as possible." As someone who doesn't particularly like working so hard, Lyca would always prefer the quickest method that she can do to finish everything and she can have her precious free time again.

She sighed inwardly. Lying around doing nothing is still better than having all these responsibilities and power.

Seeing her resolute expression, Huang Sheng Hong nodded and sighed. "I trust you." To him, this daughter of his was more important than his life. Of course, he would always put his trust in her words. "Everything will be ready once you leave the school."

Lyca started beaming as she gave a flashdrive to her father while retrieving the paper that she gave him earlier. It would be better to always secure important transactions like this. "The password is mother's birthday with your birthday and the name of my dog." She smiled.

Hearing this, Huang Sheng Hong nodded and gave a helpless smile. Lyca never had a dog. Meaning, she only said it to confuse anyone listening to them. After a few more conversations about the specifics of the mission that she wanted, Tang Nini finally called them for dinner. Of course, Shen Qui joined them.

Seeing Lyca happily talking to her mother and father, Shen Qui could only eat his food silently. For some reason, he felt a great sense of envy. He envied Lyca for having a family. He envied her for being loved and pampered. For someone like him who was chased out of his family's home at such a young age, seeing a family like this in front of him was enough to squeeze the little emotion that he had for those people.

That's right. Why would he feel jealousy? Those people attempted to kill him when he was nothing but a child. Why would he longed for something like that? Shen Qui lowered his gaze as tried to mask the anger in his eyes.

After the meal, Lyca and Shen Qui sent them off and went back to their rooms.

"Are you alright?" Lyca lazily walked inside Shen Qui's room. This time, she knocked and the latter clearly gave her permission to go inside. She immediately went and dropped to his bed. Of course, she had sensed the weird vibe that he was giving off earlier.

"Hmmm." Shen Qui was doing push ups next to his bed. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"None. Here." Lyca rolled towards him and handed him her phone. But since Shen Qui is doing push ups, she put her phone on the carpet so he could see it. "Buy it."

"A rifle?"

"On the black market." Of course, Lyca was not planning to use a gun from the armory of the Huang Security. "I want the best."

"What are you planning to do?"

Lyca shrugged in response.

"You— " Shen Qui stood up. Using a towel to wipe the sweat on his forehead, he looked at the beautiful woman lying lazily on his bed. "Are you planning to kill Long Yi?" By now, he already understood that this Lyca was actually a very ruthless woman who was hiding behind her lazily appearance. Just the thought of those poisons that she gave those young masters was enough to make him tremble! On the outside, those young master's didn't show any signs of problems or sickness. However, Lyca actually told him that the real target of her poison was actually the count of sperm cells and the size of their manhood. She was actually cutting off the ability of those people to reproduce! Just what kind of ruthlessness was that? He immediately thanked his luck. At least, he never offended Lyca before. Who knows, what kind of poison does this woman have?

"No." She shook her head. She looked at him. "I will trust you." She said. Shen Qui paused for a few seconds. He then turned his head away as he thought about his conversation with Huang Sheng Hong earlier. Clearly Huang Sheng Hong warned him not to break his daughter's fragile heart. What does he mean by that?

Does the colonel think that Lyca was a fragile doll?

Does this mean he was not aware what kind of evil woman his daughter is? Shen Qui could only nod. In the first place, they were not in a relationship. Lyca clearly thinks that he was in love with Li Xian. And he was not planning to correct that assumption. Was it his fault that this woman's way of thinking was different than most people?

Moreover, it's not like he likes her like a man would like a woman. True, she is very beautiful. But she scares him. Lyca was someone that could put something in his water and kill him without even knowing how he died. Plus, he doesn't like how lazy she was. She loves to eat a lot, and sleep like a child. She also has a lot of secrets and… wait… why was Lyca not speaking anymore? Slowly, Shen Qui turned towards the woman in his bed.

Yep. Asleep. In his bed.

Shen Qui shook his head and went to the bathroom to take a bath, hoping that Lyca would wake up and move to her own bed soon.


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