
Lazily Yours.

#R18 #MatureContents #NORAPE #strongfemalelead Reader discretion is advised. ................. Sloth noun -reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness. A lazy and casual life. That was the only thing that Lyca Huang wanted after transmigrating into the body of a rich young miss. Tired of schemes and killing, the lazy elite assassin vowed to enjoy her second life and live a life of luxury while lazing around and bossing over her servants. With her doting mother and loving father, Lyca thought that she could easily achieve this goal. Oh boy was she wrong... so wrong. Who would have thought that her prominent grandfather would introduce her as the heiress to his security empire? How could her lazy ass manage a conglomerate? She wanted to protest! She must decline the offer in front of the whole Huang Family! However, at the time of the announcement she was so busy eating her freshly peeled grapes and could not find the time to just open her mouth to speak. Second, she was too lazy to argue or create a strain of conversation with anyone else at the party. In the end, Lyca nodded at her grandfather’s words as she continued eating. Sometimes… food was more important than pointless arguments, ah. Moreover an heiress sounded really interesting. That only meant... more food and servants, right? ………………………. “Oi, Shen Qui, do you like me?” she leaned towards him, showing a little bit of her chest that was covered by her thin robe. She smiled and batted her eyelids. “No,” he answered, his face stern. “That will never happen.” “Good!” The smile on her face disappeared as she nodded, satisfied at the lack of emotion in his face. “Then… marry me.” ………………………… "You stayed in your room for three days," he stated. "So?" "Without going out." "Hm," she nodded. "You just slept and ate all day." "And?" "Well… that's not very healthy, is it?" His lips curved into a wry smile. "No. Not healthy." "I don't want to become a widower at twenty-five." Lyca's eyebrow lifted. "Are you cursing me?" She fought the urge to laugh. What widower? This man's honesty is sometimes infuriating. "I am tired," she said. "From doing nothing?" She nodded. "I am saving energy." "To do nothing?" She looked at him and didn't miss the concern in his eyes. "To do you." She uttered and immediately laughed when she saw his face reddened. ......................................... One lazy heiress. One hardworking illegitimate soldier. Two opposite worlds. Two different goals. And one marriage due to her laziness. ...... Lazily Yours Volume 1: COMPLETED VOLUME 2 - Aden Shen's Story (Lyca's son) - HIS SAVAGE LOVE STARTS AT PAGE 495 - can be read separately. Killing her son in front of her wasn’t enough to satisfy their savagery. So they cut off her limbs and laughed as she bled to death. In the end, the life of the prodigy Gabrielle Sutton ended with her eyes full of unwillingness and thirst for vengeance. Who would have thought that the end she had expected never arrived? Instead of falling into the abyss of death, she woke up ten years before her demise. Would she be able to save herself this time? Book 2 of Seven Deadly Sins Series Sin of Sloth: Lazily Yours

TheBlips · Urbain
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634 Chs

Long Founding School of Elite.

When Lyca heard the changes that her father mentioned, her face immediately turned dark. The agreed time was one month from now! Why did the old man extend it to six months? Just what kind of school was the Long Founding School of Elite? And why was it that Lyca couldn't find it on the Internet? When Lyca heard her father's explanation about the matter, her face turned even darker.

Long Founding School of Elite.

It was actually a special school of Elite that was for those who were nineteen and above. This was a school that did not accept foreigners and was only open for the members of the Founding Families of the country. These were the families that had been rich since the country had been founded.

"I believe this is Huang Li Duo's another scheme. After what happened last time, he must have realized that Huang Xiaoxuan cannot beat you. Thus, he decided to find ways to extend this challenge. I'm afraid that—" Huang Sheng Hong didn't continue his words. Giving Huang Li Duo more time would also give him the opportunity to try and assassinate Lyca. How could he allow such things to happen?

"This school…" Lyca said after a few minutes of silence. "They only have six months worth of school a year. And they do an overall competition at the end of each school year. Is it for influence?"

This time, Shen Hong nodded. The thought of this school was enough to make his face turn ugly. He could not really hide this matter from his own daughter. Well it's not like he could hide it when Lyca was actually a very smart woman. Normally, the Huang Family did not join this struggle with the other families to prove who had more powerful heirs. However this time was different.

The Huang Family had been losing their influence. With the current schemes that the Long Family were up to, the Huang Family who had avoided all those schemes needed to let everyone know that they cannot be bullied. Therefore, they needed to win this competition!

However, Huang Sheng Hong did not want to see his daughter get hurt. When he heard his father and Huang Li Duo tell him about this matter, his initial reaction was anger. This competition was known to cripple people's both the physical and psychological abilities of many students. Why would he allow his daughter to risk her life for something like that?

Huang Sheng Hong immediately disagreed. Because of this, his father was forced to inform them about the current pitiful state of the Huang Household. Then the old man actually begged him to reconsider his decision. The thing was… Huang Sheng Hong was never the type of father who would force something onto his daughter.

Thus, he was here to talk to her about this matter. If Lyca decided to refuse, then no one would be able to force her into anything.

"And this is because of the current state of our Huang Family?" Lyca asked as she massaged her temple. This was such a headache. With this Long Family trying to ruin her Huang Family, her dream of living a lazy life was going to be difficult. She really needed to stabilize this Huang Family first before she could live her dream life.

She thought of all the things that she needed to do. First was to determine who Shen Qui was and what his real purpose was in hiding his strength. Second, she needed to defeat Huang Xiaoxuan which was really easy. Third, she needed to create something that could protect her in case of emergencies. She was already planning to create or invent something helpful for her ultimate dream. Fourth, she needed to build a fortress for her mother and father and her to live peacefully for the rest of her life. This plan needed money so she was already planning to sell some of her inventions in the future. Fifth was to retire and just die from pure boredom.

With this school's appearance, Lyca would be forced to add another task to her already long list of tasks. Sixth, defeat every other elite and reinforce the influence of the Huang Family.

All this… Everything sounded so tiresome, Lyca could already feel her limbs hurting in advance! She let out a long sigh before she finished the last slice of her pizza that her mother had especially made for her. "Father…" She said while dabbing a napkin in her lips. "Do you trust me?" She asked as she met his concerned gaze. Trust was very important and right now, Lyca only trusted her mother and father at the moment. She needed to know if these two would support her in her goal of living a carefree life!

"Of course I do! I would trust you with my life!" He answered without batting an eyelid.

"Then good!" Lyca said as she rose from her seat. "Accept this arrangement. I only want one thing in return."

"Weapons? Tech? Research? Money? We will provide everything for you to succeed." He smiled, confidence laced his tone. However, Lyca only shook her head in response. She pursed her lips and stared at her father for a few seconds.

"I want to live with Shen Qui."

"Eh? You—" Slowly Huang Sheng Hong's face turned dark. Even he, a male could say that Shen Qui had excellent looks! He immediately remembered the scene where Lyca held Shen Qui's hands. His face turned darker. Was it possible that… "You—"

Seeing her father's dark face, Lyca laughed. "Shen Qui and Li Xian are lovers, father. In the future, stop thinking about these things. I don't want to become a third party."



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