
Laws of Immortality

*DAILY UPDATES* Life as an immortal is not really hard. For one thing, you don't have to worry about getting killed if you are not banished. You just have to follow three simple laws. The other laws are minor ones that you can easily bend. 1. You must obey and follow all orders and instructions that are issued by the Council of Immortals. Anyone who disobeys or questions the authority of the Council will be banished. 2. You shall not expose a mortal to the immortal world without the approval of the council. 3. You must kill your soulmate within a week of spotting them. See? Not that hard seeing as soulmates are mostly humans. All you have to do is follow three laws, but then again, laws are meant for breaking aren't they?

eryxnap · Urbain
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7 Chs

Law#7: Even Assassins Need to go Shopping

Athena's POV:

I shook my head, shaking off my memories along with that action. There was no use reminiscing and regretting the past now. I had chosen my path, even if most of my decisions were because I had no other choice.


I checked my watch, it was time to go shopping for a dress. We had come here in a hurry, not knowing what the occasion was, so none of us had the time to get our formal clothes for the banquet that was going to be conducted in honor of what, I did not know.


If I had to guess, it would be Lady Fletcher transferring the leadership to her son, since that was the only occasion warranting the presence of the three clan leaders of the Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon clans, but it was too early for her to retire, so I was hoping that it was not the case.


I browsed the shops on the street and found one that seemed like it'd have what we wanted. So I texted Isaac and Isiah in our group chat to make them come over to where I was.


I've found a nice-looking boutique; come over. Now.



                     Jeez I'm coming you don't                have to sound so demanding.



                    I'm only a few steps away.



Isiah came first and updated me on what he found out from talking to other people.


"Apparently, there might be a change in the leadership, but you might already know this," Said Isiah, looking tired.


I had theorized that, but it was a piece of information that I wasn't looking forward to being confirmed. So I sighed in disappointment.


Why did the clan leader have to go ahead with this sort of thing? She had centuries ahead of her.


And it seemed Isiah had more information to share since he was looking at me like an expectant puppy.


"But I also got a piece of information that you definitely wouldn't know," He said, looking a bit proud.


"Oh really?" I asked, curious.


"Apparently, there might be an engagement in talks for our future clan leader."


"So quick?" I was a bit surprised at that. I had also sensed someone come up to us during our conversation, but it was just Isaac, I concluded after seeing his familiar shadow.


"I can confirm that information. I had a talk with Fred, and he said that the rumors are true. Apparently, it's a clan member too, so they might just have been waiting for a good time to announce it. This kind of banquet is good as any to announce such a matter, after all," Isaac said, announcing his arrival.


"Do you guys have any idea of who it might be?" I asked, curious, even though I was getting hit with information that I didn't want to know at all.


Isaac hesitated a bit before closing his mouth, while Isaac shook his head and shrugged.


"Isaac…" He seemed to know something.


"I don't know for sure, and you'd punch me if I gave you unconfirmed information." He quickly took a step back as he said that. I mean, it was true. So I let it go.


"Okay, these are all unnecessary for us anyway, let's go shopping," I told them excitedly. It had been a while since all three of us went shopping together. And I loved dressing up those two.


Isiah looked just as excited, while Isaac looked like he really didn't want to go. Too bad he was coming with us.


I walked towards the fancifully lit boutique with exquisite dresses on display with a pep in my step, with the twins trailing behind me, one just as excited and one sighing in tiredness.


As soon as we entered the small boutique, a bell signaled our entrance. The boutique owner, a small pale lady with long black hair and pretty brown eyes, came to greet us. She seemed no older than twenty-five at best, but I knew she had to be at least three hundred years old.


"You must be looking for a dress for the banquet, we were almost all out of stock, but we still have a nice collection left for pretty and handsome young people like you," She said happily.


She snapped her fingers, and a male, looking like an assistant, arrived by her side.


"Andrew, take care of the gentlemen, I'll guide the lady." She ordered and gestured for me to follow her.


I was a bit disappointed that we had to go our separate ways, but Isaac seemed very happy about it. I would pester him later.


We headed to a rack filled with beautiful dresses of varying colors. She picked out a wine-red off-shoulder dress with a leg slit. It looked great, but I doubted that it would be appropriate for the event. Looking at my face, she gave a nod and took out a dark green dress.


It looked beautiful. I instantly loved it; it was sleeveless with a black closed-neck lace cape over it. I did wonder if the dress was available in red.


"Is this one available in red, perhaps?" I asked, hoping that it would be.


She smiled at me.


"I think I have something you might like," She said, taking out a gorgeous dark red and black caped, long dress with a thin black waistlining. It looked like silk, and that was enough for me.


"I'll take this," I announced with a happy smile. I took it from her to try it on. There was a small trial room in the corner, and I tried it there. It was a bit hard to get in alone with the capes and all, but I managed.


It looked divine on me. I was satisfied. I took it off, put on my old suit, and took it to get it billed by the lady.


I found Isaac and Isiah already standing there, waiting for me. I went over to them with a smile I could barely contain.


Isiah raised an eyebrow at me.


"Got something you like?" He asked, grinning knowingly as our purchases got billed and Isaac paid for us.


"Yes. It's gorgeous, even if you'd like it," I said happily.


Isaac quickly rushed us out of the store while I waved a small bye at the store owner's lady.


"Athena, just how much did you spend?"


"It's a good dress, and it's my money, so shut it," I said, effectively cutting Isaac off. All three of us used my money since the two sent all their money to their parents. So much filial peity.


"Fine!" He said this, rolling his eyes in exasperation.


We ended up talking about how nice it would be if we could find our other colleagues and spoke with them all the way to the inn that Isiah had booked for us beforehand, because we surely could not stay in those stone-cold dormitories.


All in all, it was nice to be back.


Maybe being here for a while wouldn't be so bad.