
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Safety First

As Nami escaped with merry, the cooks were busy cooking dishes to satisfy the palettes of the pirates to avoid future problems and to prevent a fight, they aren't scared, to say the least, they just wanted to cook and improve their skills to make a delicious dish.

"You! Go and fetch those fish and fillet them, I'll take over here!" Chef Zeff says as he takes over the cook.

As the kitchen was turning into a battlefield

Lawken arrived at the island and is now standing at a rocky mounds and mountains

'No doubt, this place contains metals, but we have to figure out if that is true' Lawken thought as he kneels near a rocky mound, and putting his hands down he used his Devil Fruit to scan the ground and its minerals.

He obtained this ability as he kept making and constructing the weapons and tools he felt a profound understanding of metals down to the smallest degree.

He sends a pulse and a wave to maximize the information he is receiving. Then it reaches its maximum reach of 24 meters with no same mineral as tungsten.

He stands up and searches for another mound, which he finds, and proceeds to do the same pulse and wave action to search for tungsten.

As he stops and takes a break on his third mound, he tries the fourth mound which is a little bigger than the other mounds.

As he was about to get his hopes down, he feels the same mineral about 22 meters down, although it was a small amount, he wouldn't know because it was a little bit out of the wave and pulse area which he was giddy because now he found Tungsten!.

'Now, how am I gonna take it out' Lawken felt his stupidity kicking in as he didn't think far enough.

'Well I could dig, but I think it would only get me somewhere 3 meters, if I have to get to it I would need to have some kind of Magnetic ability derived from my fruit, I know I would need a lot of time and effort to make that work out, guess I will be abandoning this one' Lawken thought as he was thinking of another way to get tungsten.

'Well, I wouldn't get anywhere figuratively and physically so we will have to find tungsten somewhere' Lawken thought and walks deeper in the mountains.

As he was still thinking of a solution to get that tungsten underground, he saw a glimpse of an opening beside a canyon near a river.

He suddenly got an idea of where he would get that tungsten.

He climbed the steep canyon and used his Devil fruit to make some foothold to reach the opening of the cave.

He reached the cave and saw the darkness.

You may think that he brought nothing but he brought a candle as big as a shoe.

He lights it up with his Devil Fruit and goes deeper into the cave. It had never-ending droplets of water coming from those stalagmites and stalactites.

He got deeper and smelled something unfamiliar, as he got near the smell, he heard a snuff and a growl from a bear, which terrified him, with a panic he ran and got scratches from the stalagmites. He felt those scratches hurt now he was thinking about what to do as he kept running.

'Da** Da** Da**, What do I have right now? I have those small Tungsten balls, I could shoot them at the bear, but I will need to get better aim and I must see my target, to see in this darkness I will need to light up the surroundings, but I will need to use the wooden branch to do that, but I will have to go outside for that which is not ideal! Because I will have to somehow jump a canyon!.' Lawken thought as he felt his sweat trickle trying to find a way to kill a bear.

As he passed the marks he made while going deep in the cave, he use his Devil Fruit to make a cross to mark his path outside.

As he passed the cross marks he made he sighs then stops and places the candle behind him and runs away a distance from the candle to see where the bear was.

He waits and saw the bear's paw reach the light of the candle.

"Movement 1" Lawken whispers as he uses his Devil Fruit to focus on his surrounding, moving every molecule like boiling water to increase the temperature of the cave and the metallic minerals.

The metals melt and the surrounding heats up the bear growled when it felt something burn his paws he stops and backs away to roar at Lawken.

Lawken looks at his surrounding, steam coming out of the wet rocks, he knew that the heat would affect him if he doesn't do countermeasures, so he made sure it doesn't affect his 1-meter radius to not roast himself.

He could feel the heat from his Devil fruit as he saw the bear still roaring and trying to chase him.

He grabbed the Tungsten ball and holds it.

'I will have to kill it, to get those tungsten' Lawken thought as he heats the ball.

He shaped it like a bullet and cools it down.

'If I want to kill it with this Tungsten Bullet, I will need a strong pressure to fire this, although I used that move just now, I still got stamina left to use my Devil Fruit, let's do this' Lawken thought as he compresses the air molecules with his will power to focus the point of compression and he suddenly has a sudden thought.

'Could I use the moisture of the air to increase the power?, compressing and controlling the bullet to stay is another hard thing, I will have to experiment later on' Lawken thought as he moves his hand to lock on the bear.

"Sorry Bear-san"

Lawken said as he let the air decompress flinging his arm backward as the tungsten bullet flies so fast that it creates a shockwave in the steam as it penetrates the neck of the bear it backs away and stumbled a little trying to not fall and it coughs blood and falls.

"*Sigh* sorry Bear, If I didn't do that you would have killed me, R.I.P." Lawken said as he cools the surroundings to walk closer to his candle.

The bear suddenly stands and tried to run up to him, with his reflexes he used his Devil Fruit subconsciously thinking of pushing away the Bear.

The Bear flings back with a force and collides with the wall of the cave.

Smoke and heat emanating from the Bears body.

Lawken drops down on the floor exhausted, he looks at the smoking Bear and thought.

'What happened?, I pushed the bear with air?, no that's not it, guess I used my Devil Fruit to push his atoms and subconsciously heat the Bear, guess I just copied Pain' Lawken said as he swipe his sweat from his forehead, and move on towards the cave.

When he reached the area he saw the bear, he saw a huge Stalactite with a myriad of colors hinting that it was full of minerals.

He was in awe as he reached to touch the Stalactite, he used his Devil Fruit to search for Tungsten and he felt a good amount of Tungsten in this Stalactite.

He used his Devil Fruit to heat the Tungsten and separate the mixed minerals with the Tungsten and cools it down to be put in his bag (A/N - He brought a brown bag that was used by Nami, not the modern Bag, trying to insert the character in One Piece.)

As he left the came he was brainstorming on how will he make use of the Tungsten for himself, and also for the Restaurant he will have enough time to see the fight break out between the Pirates and the Cooks with The His crew.

He knows that Nami stole the boat and ventured towards Orange Island to give the money and get tricked by Arlong.

He knows that they will survive the fight so he will need a way to support the crew with.

As he got near the beach he puts down the bag and collects a chunk as big as his fist and thought.

'First I will need an armor or some sort of protection, a Weapon, and a way to strengthen Baratie to survive future damage and also to warn Zeff about the one thing Sanji is getting held back by. Then he will have to save Gin and let Luffy beat Don Krieg, Guess have to finish this now' Lawken Thought as he used his Devil Fruit to shape the lump of Tungsten to look like a tube about as long as a hanger and as big as a candle.

He manipulated it with precision and added a thing inside that looked like the one used in a barrel of a gun to spin the bullet to give a penetration effect, he made the hole a little bit bigger than the bullet to incorporate a feature he will show later.

He grabs a small amount of Tungsten again and made a bullet.

He points it at a tree and loads it with a bullet he holds the end of the barrel with his left hand and used his Devil Fruit to cool down the chamber and he readies his right hand and starts compressing, as he was compressing he was aiming the tube and steeling himself and increased the pressure he could do exceeding the pressure he did to kill a Bear.

A bullet needs a whopping 50,000 Psi to fire which is an insane number and this is much more insane as he was doing 80,000 Psi, as he could imagine this thing firing at a bear, its head would explode to such force.

Then he thought a tree would be a little soft so he aims at a boulder and as he was sure that if he exceeded more than this pressure he would destroy his freaking hand so he gradually placed his hand behind the tube and he steadily aimed and shouted.


The compressed air enters the tube and with the focus point of the tube, the bullet became triple times faster than a sniper bullet!

It left a stunning sound that it sends his ears ringing and with the force his hand was flung with his eyes closed he didn't get to see what happened as he sits down to see what damage he took, nothing is really damage from him, but his ears rings a little and he relaxes for a bit to let his ears come back again and chack the result of his experiment.

When he recovered he got up and looked at the boulder and he was stunned to see a hole bigger than a bullet, it penetrated the boulder and cracks were seen halfway through the boulder.

He looks at his tube and it was ok, but with a still warm nozzle.

With that done he has no comment on that so he puts the tube in his belt and he gets on the ship with his bag and heads off.

As he was testing the cooks were done cooking and were giving the pirates the food and the pirates were all smiles as they planned on what they will do after they finished their delicious food.

End Of Chapter!...

(A/N: Guys! Im sorry for not posting for a long while, so here I posted. Also I was having a dilemma if his Devil Fruit will be Logia or Paramecia, I will let you guys decide Peace✌️!