
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Sad, Excitement.[Edited]

"No it's a Boat" said A Green haired guy..

"OI!!, Usopp steer the Merry!, we will check it out, maybe there are some money in that boat!$$$" said Nami.

"*Whisper-This Money grabber sure is quick about money*. Hai!(Yes!) I'll steer Merry"Murmured Usopp.

The Merry Steered towards the wrecked boat, Some pieces are still connected to the boat and some Items are still floating in the ocean.

"Ohh!, there's a person!, Maybe I could let him join my crew he looks strong" said Luffy.

"Oi Luffy, Can you grab the boat and the person?, maybe that is a missing kid we could get some more money if we could save him and bring him to his parents." said Nami

"Hai!(Yes!), Gomu Gomu No Pistolu!!!!" Shouted Luffy.

Luffy's arm stretched and wrapped around the boat and the person and pulled.

"Oi-oi-oi Luffy, can you stop it?" asked Zoro.

"Nope, shishishishi" said Luffy.


A loud bang sounded, the boat shattered to pieces and some furniture on the ship got broken.

"You Idiot, Your gonna get the person killed!!" Shouted Zoro.

"Luffy My plants!!, you will pay 100,000 beli for each one!!" shouted Nami.

"Sorry!, Shishishishi, the person is okay though, Ohhhh!, Is that a Tattoo?" said Luffy.

"Yeah It says Lawken D. Will, Is he your cousin luffy?" asked Usopp.

"No, I don't remember having one, maybe it's my brother!!" said Luffy.

"You have a Brother!!?"x3

"Yeah two of them, but the other one(Luffy looks at the sky)is gone"said Luffy.

"We are sorry luffy, but is he really your brother?, he has a D. in his name and yours" asked Nami.

"Well he isn't my brother because my real brothers are one I shared my sake with" said Luffy.

"Sake?, so you guy's aren't blood related?" asked Usopp.

"We are brothers no matter everyone says" said Luffy.

"Okay" said Nami.

A Groan escaped form the person.

"Ughhh, mhhy mouthghs dhrry" said the parched person.

"Usopp!, Quick grab some of the lemon juices I made" Said Nami.

"Yes!(hai!)"said Usuopp

While Usopp leaves, The man looked around trying to process what's happening.

'Why am I so soaked?,Where am I' Lawken looked around to see where he was and looks to his left and sees a feet.

'Feet?, why is there a Feet is that mine?, where did I get some nice slippers, hmmm maybe I bought one, wait where was I?, ahh yes I was adrift and there was Jeremy?, Jeremy!?, Jeremy!!?' Lawken loudly thought.

"Hey(Oi), his mumbling something, Jeremy?, Who's that?(Darida?)" Luffy asked.

" Jeremy? who's that is he strong?" asked Zoro.

"JEREEEMYYYY!!" Suddenly shouted Lawken.

"Kyahhhh!!!" shouted Nami.


" Ahhhj Nami!, Why did you punched him!!" Asked Usopp.

" I got scared, who is Jeremy you Idiot(Baka)" Asked Nami.

"Wa-whather" Said Lawken.

"O-oh here" Said Nami.


"Ahhh thank you for the water and thank you for saving me, What happened?" Said Lawken not looking up.

" Well we saw your wrecked boat and pulled you to our ship harmlessly(Obviously not) and we checked and you are still breathing and then you mumbled and now, What happened to your boat?" Asked Nami.

"Well I was sailing and then a Sea King suddenly appeard and destroyed( Tilted my boat and got me panicked) my boat and I got saved by my friend Jeremy and then,*Sniff* he got stretched and he hanged to my boat so that I could grab and lift my self up *sniff*" Said the crying Lawken.

"Well that was tragic loosing your friend it must have been tough, Where are you from?" Asked Nami.

"Well I-I *sniff* can't remember, I tried to remember and find who I was, but because of me being stuck in an island alone*sniff*, I-I found a way to survive, but being lonely affected me and then I created my friend Jeremy to have someone to cope with my loneliness and I trained so that I could be healthy and strong" said Lawken.

"Well you had a tough time so you should rest we have a lot of questions, however you are tired and exhausted you should rest first" Said Nami.

"Hey(Oi), Usopp bring Lawken to a bed and let him rest" Said Nami.

'Wait Usopp?, w-w-wait no this is not what I think it is' Thought Lawken.

Lawken looked up and saw a guy looking at him with A guy with Strawhat and a wonderful Smile.

"Luffy!?!?"Shouted Lawken

To be continued...