
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Janitor x Fisherman(Occupation).

While Luffy and Zoro are bickering, Lawken is having a conversation with the cooks, helpers of Baratie, and Zeff.

"Well, how are we going to catch a lot of fish?, and big ones at that" asked Chef Zeff.

'How am I going to explain it to them and also convince them at the same, practical is good, but I don't have equipment or items to teach them. In my past, there was a saying, "If you give a fish to a man, you will feed him for a day, if you teach him to fish, you will feed him for a lifetime". I have a plan. I'll just have to wing it for the equipment' Thought Lawken.

"Before we begin, we must first understand fishes. There are many species and many of them in the ocean, and because of their size, their bodies will want a right decrease of temperature for them to survive. On the other hand, little fishes will need to eat little organisms or more for them to eat. Some big fish will go to the surface, because it may be a mating season or the temperature in the deep is increasing, not decreasing, or they just need to eat, "says Sai.

[A/n: I'm not saying they're fine; I just found this when I Googled "why do fish do that?" and it came up.]

The cooks nod their heads, and laugh at the last sentence.

"How will we catch them?" asked a cook at the back.

"Well, for that to happen, we will use the knowledge that we gained to catch big fish at their depth or their area where they hunt," said Lawken.

"What will we use to catch them?" asked Zeff.

"For that we need equipment, which is easy. We need a fishing line, a hook and the bait, of course," said Lawken.

Then Lawken asked if they had any of these things and they did, because some of them had experience of fishing, but they only had fishing rods, so Lawken borrowed a lot of fishing line and tied them to form a long line and then tied a hook at the end.

He grabbed a long steel rod and looped the entire line on the rod to secure it, and then he grabbed a bait and attached it to the hook and threw it, and he lowers the line until it's only tied to the rod and he waits and passes it to a huge cook and says...

"If you feel any pull from the line, slowly and surely loop the line while also pulling the fish to reel it in, got it?" said Lawken.

The Huge Cook nods and then Lawken continues to explain.

"As you can see, we made a fishing rod, but it operates with both hands. We essentially made a fishing rod, but longer. For these to work efficiently, we need a big hook, and we need something to turn the rod with only one hand and it needs to be stationary," said Lawken.

"Ohhhh, how will we do that?. Do we need to buy it?" asked Zeff.

"You will, IF!, You don't know how to make it, if you didn't ask, I have a Devil fruit and don't need to be shocked. I'm trying to keep it secret to my crew as a surprise," said Lawken.

"What Devil Fruit is it?" asked The Huge Cook.

"It doesn't really matter; I'll just need another steel rod, two wooden boards, and four big nails," said Lawken.

"Go get it," said Zeff.

While some got the materials, Lawken talked more about how to catch a ton of fish.

"For you to get a ton of fish, you first need a lot of bait. Fish eat anything they smell or find edible and they will go crazy for it, even if it is a leftover rice. You must first prepare a net and cast it, then place your bait on top of the net and pull the line to catch them.Sometimes it won't work because if you caught a lot of fish, they would decrease, so you need to repopulate them so you can catch more again, or cast in a different spot for it to work again. "We are surrounded by an ocean, so you don't have to worry about them disappearing because there are a lot of them in this bountiful ocean, OK?,"said Lawken.

"Yeah!" all of them answered.

Then the material came. He grabbed the steel rod and used his Devil Fruit and bent one of it, then bent that bend again to look like a handle from a jack in a box, but without a wooden handle, only a bare steel rod.

He grabbed the wooden board and then cut it to form a square. He smoothened it out with his devil fruit by heating it out and then he used his devil fruit on his index finger to try and punch a hole in the middle. To not burn it, he burnt the end of the rod and measured the wooden board by scorching it with the steel rod in the middle of the rod and then he pushed it and at the same time he used his Devil Fruit to cool it to not burn the wood completely and to not ruin the wood. He did it in another one. He hammered the nails in the floor near the water and placed his contraption there.

"Now that is done, we will wait," said Lawken.

After He said that the line got tugged by something, and the huge cook quickly grabbed the line and asked for help.

"Spin the handle towards you quick!" said Lawken.

The huge cook quickly spun the handle while holding the line and he could see how easy it was to pull the fish contraption. With this, they only needed to spin and they would catch big fish with this.

"We are not done yet!, we will need to capture it and not let it out of the hook!" said Lawken.

They got ready because they could almost see the big fish's shadow and they got ready for it.

With the strength of the Huge Cook, the fish quickly got reeled in and got brought to the surface where they could see a huge fish as big as the Huge Cook's whole legs, and that is as big as the Huge Cook's legs, not an average cook!.

"*Laughing Hard*,We'll get to cook this massive thing, and we'll cook it to death! *Laugh*," said Chef Zeff with a ton of excitement.

The fish is approaching, and when it reaches the surface, it appears majestic with its gleaming scales.

The cooks panicked because they hadn't seen fish this Huge.

Chef Zeff got ready to jump and kick it, as the fish got near the restaurant, but he stopped because someone had already jumped and kicked it in its head with enough force to knock the fish out.

"Sanji!!" "That was awesome!" "As expected of that kid," said The Cooks.

"Ohhh!Is this the famous Yellow Tails!, I've never seen this in East Blue!, this is incredible, did this arrive at All-Blue!"Sanji with curiosity and excitement.

"*Laugh*, that's not from All-Blue Sanji, but it is here in East Blue. Back in my day, this would be flying everywhere and I haven't seen this for decades!" said Zeff.

"Really?, How did you guys catch this? "asked Sanji.

Chef Zeff looked at Lawken and could see him whistling and using a finger to say "stay quiet."

"*Giggles*, That's because we thought of this a long time ago and this lad just helped us build it. He is a natural craftsman," said Zeff, telling a lie.

"Ohh!!, why didn't you tell me this Old man!? (JIji or Osan)" asked Sanji.

"That's not your concern, Little Eggplant (Little Brat), your job is to cook, *Giggles*" Chef Zeff said, stroking his beard.

Sanji ticks and sighs and then goes to the kitchen to get ready, and then the cooks follow Sanji, trying to cheer him up.

"Thank you Lawken, we will never be shorthanded because we need some cooks to go to the nearby island to buy the ingredients and also protect it," said Zeff with gratitude.

"(*Laughs*), Thanks to you, we get to eat delicious food, and we get to restock and earn money in the process," said Lawken.

"You are a good janitor, and you have the type of Devil Fruit that is needed in a kitchen. We will save money on gas. Would you like to be a full-time worker here? You also look strong," said Zeff, trying to scout Lawken.

"Sorry, I am already in a crew, and we have a wonderful Captain. He will be the Pirate King," said Lawken, and smiled.

"*Sighs*, well see about that, if you want a cook take Sanji" said Zeff.

'What!? Why is he already giving out Sanji?, I'll ask first,' thought Lawken.

"Why?, isn't he your cook?, Why are you giving him out?" asked Lawken, confused.

"I could see his happiness about finding All-Blue. If I keep him here, he will never get to his dream. He is my cook, but not his warden," said Chef Zeff.

'Ohhh, Butterfly Effect is hitting me right now, I know luffy will recruit Sanji so I'll entrust it to him' Thought Lawken.

"I'm not the one to decide that, our Captain will, I am not in a position to recruit a crew member. Only Luffy will be the one to do that," said Lawken.

"Hmmph!, If that's your decision, I'll not push it. Now that you repaid the damage, you may leave tomorrow and take Sanji. I'll find a way to let him leave, "said Chef Zeff.

Zeff left and got inside, leaving Lawken to contemplate.

'S***!, That was intense! Now that we are done and Gin is well fed, we will fight Don Krieg. I'll need a lot of tools and equipment to not get killed by Don Krieg's deadly weapons, *Sigh* what a long day 'thought Lawken.

Lawken got inside Merry to find materials and build something by tomorrow, and his resolve got stronger, could only watch for now and build his strength and Devil Fruit.

'I'll not let that event happen!'

To be Continued...