
Chapter one

"Your name is Rail kasa Marjorie?"

"Yes doctor" I replied

"Your seventeen this year is that correct?"


"And you know why your here I believe " asked the doctor looking at some documents with an air of a seasoned judge.

"Hmm I don't recall doing anything worth my excitement lately "

"You don't recall?"


"You....fine I will remind Mr.Rail that you broke into your school three days ago and started a fire in the swimming pools nearly razing it to the grounds?"(How in the world did he start a fire in the swimming pools?)

"Nah" was all I said as I dug my pinky in my left ear blowing the resulting matter away.

"Really is that all you have say?"

"That's about it yeah"

"Then what about the boy you thrashed near death the day after that?"asked the doctor in a controlled voice.

"He didn't want to give me the gasoline to burn the swimming building!" I Retorted

"And the girl?"pressed the doctor

"O her? I just thought she was an eye sore"

"Mr.Rail if you don't corporate in this session I will tell the court your not ready for a treatment and need some healthy reflection time in jail"

"Huh you could do tha.....I mean yes doctor I am sorry I will corporate!" After the words 'reflection' and 'jail' all the relaxed air about him vanished leaving him sitting upright with a serious and sincere front.

"Mr.Rail did you fail your computer and art test four days ago?"

"If I may ask what does this have to do with anything?"

""Well you may not! After your failure in the said tests, for no apparent reason you went and tried to burn your schools swimming pools, do you see a connection there Mr.Rail?" (Further more why choose the swimming pools!?)

"Ah hmm umm yeah a little bit"

"You also had problems with those two poor children before you thrashed them"

"So tell me Mr.Rail why do you resort to violence to solve your problems hmm? do you feel in power when you do so?"

"No not at all actually I think that In order to know amicability, rancor must exist. Similarly to know how good peace is violence is a must thus I believe I am doing all of us a favor " yup I am definitely bullshitting

"But Mr.Rail based on that logic then I must put you in prison so the inmates learn that principle from you. Or perhaps say that you need a shock treatment just to satisfy my urges? Wrong as it is I am merely showing you what fair is by contrast" said the doctor without losing a beat.

*what wow woah wow. This lady is bullshit immune.*

"Huh sorry can you say that again slowly?"

"Mr.Rail I have been in the field of speaking to mentally challenged and distressed teenagers such as you for a decade! I assure my PhD is from hard earned experience so Don't.Play.Games."

"Fine you want answers? Answers you'll get!"

"I attempted to burn the school because a group of abyssal beings were there"

"As for why I beat John and kindra up well they were possessed and tried kidnapping me!"

"Really Rail?" Asked the doctor in a sweet voice

*hey hey it's Mr. why did your disposition change all of a sudden?! And enough with that sweet voice I am not crazy*

"Tell me Rail how do these aby...abysmal beings look like?" Her voice was almost literally dripping with honey

"Well you wouldn't imagine with that void head of yours!"

A being void of magic wouldn't comprehend even if told.

"Is that so? Void head of mine you say? Hmm tell me more why did those two want to *kidnappe* you?"

"Because they want to eat me obviously I taste really good you know!"

"Okay I think I know what your going through now it's called Schizophreniform disorder ,symptoms include hallucinations and delusions from one month all the way to six" she began to furiously write in the notebook on her lap.

Scrach, scrach for a moment nothing but the sound of her ink pen on the notebook could be heard.

"Wait a minute your wrong though I don't have delusions!"

"Yes,I think you don't too Rail. Now why don't you wait till I prescribe this drug to you I am sure it will fix you up in no time" (hump symptoms denial, boy didn't I tell you my PhD is not just a piece of paper!)

"No lady your wrong I don't hallucinate! Try me"

"Try you? You want proof fine! Did you ever have a girlfriend before?"

"Yeah so?"

* don't look at me with such sympathetic eyes answer my question dammit *

"You say you've had a girlfriend before?"


"And you adamantly insist that your not delusional?"


*Stop shaking your head! Why are you wiping the corner of your eyes huh?*

"Ahem Mr.Rail I will have to ask you to put your medicine somewhere safe as it's lethal if used on a wrong patient" said the doctor in a solemn voice pushing her glasses up reflecting it sinisterly against the light(mohahahaha)

*my god she's planning to murder me!*

"I am not taking that! Absolutely not!"

"It's fine you could take it to go"

"To go?"

"Yes to prison to share with the inmates either way you will take that dose, it's for your own good"

"Doctor listen to me! Do I sound like a mad man?"

"Mr.Rail need I remind you that when we first met you were trying to steal a lollipop from a four year old in the clinic ?"


"Fallowing which you yelled at his mother for not buying you one?"

"That ...di.."

"Afterwards you asked me whether I would mind if you ate the floating white cheese at my window?"

"Hai you know doctor evergreen we educated people shouldn't quibble with every little thing that comes our way!"

*shit! It wasn't me!* tears began to threaten to spill from his eyes as he recalled his life long nuisance a certain bastered named Atthan

*ding ding! Atthan is here! O your in a sticky situation well then ding ding! Atthan is gone* Mention the devil, Rail began to grit his teeth as that basterds voice sounded in his head

(See where this is going? Yup your beloved mc is crazy)

*Rail this world is a very difficult place I was just trying to thicken your skin and make shame immune * Atthan's shameless voice came yet again

Ohh that basterds still talking!

"You piece a shit, you three faced shamless...."

"Pardon?" Doctor evergreens angry voice interrupted Rails thoughts

*ohh Rail my boy your in deep shit now, how many times did I tell you to never voice what your think!*

"You shut the ell——-Doctor i wasn't talking to you..."

"It seems you also have a identity disorder huh who would have thought?"

"No no don't it wasn't me!"

Why! Why did I have to deal with another person in my head?