
Hey, Important news

Hi everyone. I know it's been quite some time since I last updated. I'm having some trouble. I write on Wattpad and store the chapters on draft there but I'm having some troubles. My chapters keep disappearing, even though I saved them. I barely managed to log into my account. I was having trouble logging in.

I'm not sure if it's a problem with my laptop since it's quite old. I'm very sorry for the temporary inconvenience. I'll get my laptop fixed first since it is running slower than usual these days. The screen is blurry, especially when writing. I stopped writing for a while, since it kept disappearing.

I'm not sure what's happening. I'm currently handwriting the chapters, which I'll upload soon. It takes a lot of my time to handwrite them. I hope ya'll understand. I'm really stressed these days because of this and on top of that, summer is going too hot for me. I'm dizzy most of the time of the day.

Again, I'm very sorry. I'll be back soon. Please remain patient by then. Your understanding means a lot to me right now. I hope that ya'll be in good health. Be sure to drink a lot of water. The days are only getting hotter.

'Lots of Love' from,


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