
Meeting (1/5)

The foul Tarnished arrived in my time of grief and mourn. Only a day had passed since the light of my life and partner in soul was stripped away from me and butchered. He stunk of grace, that awful thing. I suspected he had come to finish the job that the other Tarnished had not. To slay me as they are wont to do. As he approached, with his dented armour and bloodied sword, I relaxed myself for the first time in my life and smiled. This foul tarnished will not laugh and gloat as the one before, for his sword and armour were meaningless in front of me, instead I now welcomed such a fate. Yet he did not send me to my dear Lobo but reached into the depths of his pockets and pulled out a familiar thing. The Haligtree medallion. I daren't believe my eyes yet truth defied fiction and if I were able, I would've stood and wrestle it from him, for such a thing could never fall into the hands of a foul Tarnished by noble means. I would be proved wrong. He greeted me by name, as an equal. How long has it been since anyone called me by my name? He told the story of the village, of dear Albus, and of his given quest. To rejoin our long split medallion and reveal the way to my, the alburnaic's homeland. The foul Tarnished must have had other motives in his heart but I could not find fault with his tale. So I divulged the secret of its location. The same one which dear Lobo paid for. Passing through the almighty capital and guarded by mighty and towering foes, it lay high and deep into the Giant's Mountaintop. An impossible task. The foul Tarnished nodded without a word, did he think it a simple matter? I can not deceive myself in that I wished for his ambition to be halted so completely then and to spurn the one who took dearest Lobo from me. To bear witness to such an end, I became his ash to summon at his leisure. I did not mind such an arrangement for the stars above owed me a debt before I left this plane and that is how I came to be under his company