
Last Rune Bearer

Last Rune Bearer is a fantasy story that follows the story of Arin, a 14-year-old boy living in the country of Aurora. Born into a family of magic users, Arin has always felt like he was the black sheep as he never exhibited any signs of magic. However, one day while playing near ancient ruins, he stumbles upon an ancient magic rune book that contains the secrets of Rune Magic, a rare and powerful form of magic. When Arin activates the magic rune, he discovers that he has the ability to use a type of Magic that no one else can use Rune Magic. It allows him to use many different types of magic through runes. This comes as a shock to his family, especially his family and the magic community, as people usually can only use one type of magic. He then gets accepted to the Arcanum school of magic as well as getting himself mixed up in political schemes.

Vonscott_Bair · Fantaisie
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Chapter 2: The Journey Begins. AMBUSH!

Arin's heart was pounding as he packed his bags. He was going to the capital city to attend the magic school. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he was determined to make the most of it.

He heard so many stories about the Arcanum School of Magic from his parents and older sister. He took a moment to reflect on it and wonder what hall I get accepted into.

Both his parents are Phoenix Hall alumni and his prodigy of a younger brother will be a star in Phoenix. And his sister is a rising star in Griffin Hall.

The world is his oyster and he has a strong opportunity to be sorted into any of the eight halls. Arin's nerves were growing and his stomach felt like it was full of rocks.

Taking a deep breath and climbing up on top of his houses roof he lays down and takes a deep breath to clear his head.

He then hears knocking at his bedroom door and his dad calling out for him. "Arin, Your letter for school is here come open it up and see what it says."

Arin opens the door and greets his father and they head downstairs where the rest of the family is waiting to hear what the letter says.

This has been a tradition in the lightwood family. His brother had his letter sent a few weeks earlier when enrollment started since Arin is a late bloomer his parents sent word to the school yesterday.

He grabs the invitation removing it from the envelope and reads it aloud.

Dear Mr Arin Lightwood,

You are cordially invited to attend the prestigious Arcanum School of Magic, a renowned institution of higher learning in the magical arts. Founded centuries ago by the greatest mages of their time, the Arcanum School of Magic has trained generations of powerful and skilled magic users, who have gone on to become legends in their own right.

At the Arcanum School of Magic, you will have the opportunity to hone your magical abilities and expand your knowledge of magic in an environment that is both challenging and supportive. You will be taught by the finest mages in the country, who will guide you through your studies and help you to unleash your full potential.

We are confident that you will find your time at the Arcanum School of Magic to be a transformative and enriching experience, one that will shape your future as a magic user and prepare you for a life of adventure, accomplishment, and service to the world.

Please find enclosed the necessary materials and instructions for enrolling at the Arcanum School of Magic. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of learners and leaders.


The Admissions Committee

Arcanum School of Magic

He knew his family was counting on him, especially his younger brother who was a prodigy and was attending the magic school early this year. He looked around the living room and smiled excited for the future.

His parents already had all the materials packed up and ready for him in the backpack sitting over by the front door.

He walked over to the door and picked up his bag putting it on and looked over to his parents who had tears in their eyes full of pride and happiness.

He said goodbye to his mother and father and hugged them both.

"Goodbye Dad, Goodbye Mom," he said, giving them each a hug. "I'll miss you."

"Goodbye son," his father replied, patting him on the back. "I'm proud of you. You're going to do great things."

His mother gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Take care of yourself, and don't forget to write."

Arin nodded, smiling. "I will, I promise."

He stepped out of his front door where his sister was waiting for him. She was dressed School Adventure Uniform and held her staff in her hand.

"Ready to go?" she asked, a smile on her face.

"Definitely," Arin replied.

They stepped outside the townand started their journey. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Arin felt a sense of excitement and nervousness in the pit of his stomach. He had never been to the capital city before and had only heard stories about the magic school. He couldn't wait to see what it was like.

The journey took them several days. They traveled through fields and forests, over hills and valleys. They stopped at small villages and towns along the way, asking for directions and purchasing supplies. Arin was amazed at the different people and cultures he encountered. He had always lived in the same small town and had never really traveled. This was a whole new world to him.

Along the way through the forest they heard a wolf howl along the path. Then the pack of wolves emerged from the woods snarling, their eyes glowing in the dim light of the forest.

They were powerful creatures, and Arin knew that these were no ordinary wolves. These were magical beasts, enhanced with magical energy which makes them even deadlier.

Sam stepped forward, her hand crackling with energy as she summoned a strong gust of wind. The wind slammed into the wolves, knocking them off their feet and sending them tumbling through the air. But the wolves quickly recovered, and they began to circle the siblings, ready to pounce.

Arin stepped forward, both runes glowing on his hands with a warm light as he summoned a barrage of stone bullets. The bullets slammed into the wolves, knocking them back and causing them to yelp in pain. Sam followed up with a powerful gust of wind, sending a couple wolves flying through the air and slamming into trees, One of the wolves never got back up after hitting the trees which angered the pack.

The wolves growled in anger, and they began to advance on the siblings once again. But Arin and Sam were ready. They stood back to back, their hands glowing with magic as they prepared for the next wave of attacks.

The wolves lunged forward, but Arin was ready. He summoned a powerful wind blade, slicing through the air and slicing through the wolves. Sam followed up with a burst of wind, sending the wolves flying through the air and slamming into the ground.

The wolves lay there, defeated and panting. Arin and Sam stood tall, their hands still glowing with magic as they gazed out over the battlefield. The ambush was over.

The siblings turned to each other, smiling in triumph. They were fierce mages in their own right already, but at the end of the day, they were still students from a small town in a big growing wild world of magic and mystery. They hugged each other tightly, and then turned to head back in the path to the capital, ready to celebrate their victory and to continue their journey towards becoming powerful wizards.